Structurally Sound at Address

Sat, 10/28/2017 - 11:01 -- Don Trahan

Today's video is a great discussion on staying structurally sound at address. And it is spurred by an email asking me about the players on the Senior Tour that appear to not be slowing down in their golf game. How do they do it?

Their swings are structurally sound! They are keeping their swing in check and using a more body friendly swing to keep from damaging their body so they can come back the next day and win tournaments.


parsavr's picture

Submitted by parsavr on

Doug Tewel has some new videos out that look remarkably like the PPGS method. Have you seen them?

Robert Fleck's picture

Submitted by Robert Fleck on

Hi Surge,

Been a while since I've popped in to comment, but that doesn't mean I've stopped checking in or following the PPGS. This video and your birthday sale reminded me to tell you a story. A couple years ago my oldest brother was here in Dallas visiting for a day and we went to the driving range for a couple buckets. My brother had barely made it through 20 balls before he was complaining about his back pain and that he'd have to stop. He was worried he really couldn't play golf anymore, as bad as his pain was getting.

So, I took a couple minutes and walked him through the basic setup and swing for PPGS. It didn't take him long to get it, and not only was he able to finish the bucket of balls, but his back actually felt BETTER after, and his accuracy improved while his distance stayed the same. When he went home, I sent him one of your videos as a gift.

I forwarded him your email about your birthday sale this past week and he said he'd gotten the same already, since he's been devoted to your swing ever since that day and no longer worries that he'll have to give up golf.

That goes to show how sound the PPGS is. :)'s picture

Submitted by on

2 posts in 2 1/2 months?

LongJohnSilver's picture

Submitted by LongJohnSilver on

Just wondering why there are no more dailies or anything ?

Brady's picture

Submitted by Brady on

The comment you replied to was three years old, from 2017. Things have changed in 3 years.

mnugent3543's picture

Submitted by mnugent3543 on

What happened to DJ after the tour resumed? What caused his lackluster play. It seemed like he could not put two rounds together. Was it a swing issue, injury problem, mental errors, or a combination of all of them?'s picture

Submitted by on

Hey Brady, instead of hooking and slicing your non-answer OB, why not just give a respectable answer? The fact that my original inquiry was three years ago sort of makes the point better than anything, right? Remember, we're simply genuinely and rightfully curious, perhaps a bit concerned too. It's a bit late anyway. Take care.

Brady's picture

Submitted by Brady on

Two different accounts/people responding to a thread. I was replying to the person that responded to a comment placed three years ago and not to you. I responded to your question three years ago. I did not avoid it. See above. It is now 2020 and things have changed. No, Don is no longer doing Dailies now in 2020. In 2017 he was.