Report from the Sony Open, Wednesday, the 12th

Thu, 01/13/2011 - 21:01 -- Don Trahan

Well, DJ sent me another video that really puts you inside the ropes. As I guess you know, he'€™s in Hawaii at the Sony Open, competing in his first tournament of 2011. As promised, our new site is going to feature more of DJ as he goes from tournament to tournament. I think this is going to be an exceptional experience for everyone who visits Unfortunately, the rain he mentions in Wednesday's report washed out Thursday's opening round as well.

I think you'€™re going to get a good idea of what it'€™s really like to be a Tour professional, the ups and, yes, the downs, of life on the road. (This, of course, would be life in the air.)

I can'€™t tell you how proud I am of my son and how he is helping us with the new site. If you want the '€œskinny,'€ the real stuff about what it'€™s like to be a PGA Tour pro, this is where you'€™ll find it.

Of course, you'€™ll be getting tips in between, and golf instruction as never before on the Internet. Welcome to the '€œSurge'€™s'€ family. This, my friends, is the real thing.

The Surge!

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