We had a question about stance.
Here's a fundamental remember: narrow stance, wide knees. That's the Peak Performance Golf Swing signature. If you lock four back foot forward, you're asking for trouble.
This is kind of Part One of why we need to have a narrow stance and wide knees. I'll address the rest tomorrow.
Golfers have been taught to have the feet too far apart at address, especially with the driver. This lock their back leg inward ( as Jim suggested). If you do this, there is going to be sway involved! You lose your PPGS stable platform created by the narrower stand and outward pressure creating wide knees.
Locking your back knee toward the target causes all sorts of problems.
Check out this video. I think you'll find Jim's problem and his solution Keep the back foot in place. No forward bending. The only foot to move is the forward foot. Period. It's “back friendly.”
The Surge!
P.S We're getting close! This would make someone a nice Christmas present!Our December 9-10-11 PPGS Tournament is going to be extraordinary. DJ and I will be there. Greg, Derek and Lynn will be there too. Wait until you meet my good friend, Anthony Netto. Click here to learn about Anthony! And for a really great clip about Anthony on The Golf Channel, click here.
We have a great course, great prizes. Check out our Tournament Page. Just Click Here. Thanks to EVERYONE who has jumped in and for all your great comments. I want to see you all!
PPGS Certification, December 6-7: Tell your pro!
There are just a few days left to sign up. We are now ready to certify golf teachers in the Peak Performance Golf Swing! Here's the link. Tell your pro. Get him/her certified! Click here.