Shot Making and Muscle Tone

Mon, 08/30/2010 - 11:00 -- Don Trahan

Deciding how hard to go after the ball depends on a number of circumstances. But one of the most fundamental questions you have to ask yourself when considering the shot you want to make is how hard can you hit it without your muscles getting out of dynamic balance.

Say it's a 150 yard carry over water. Let say you're pretty sure you can hit a seven iron 150 yards on the fly. But you're going to have to ratchet it up to 95% of your power to get it across. The danger here is that your muscles can get too tight and will, in fact, slow your arms down. Wet ball.

In this video I explain how to use the Peak Performance Golf Swing to judge your club choice and keeping your muscle tone balanced. The right choice will keep you out of the water, sand and rough.

The Surge!

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