I got to talk to the Surge today. He's making progress daily, but he still gets tired easily, which is normal after heart surgery. He is checking in on the blog but isn't ready to jump right back in. But he saw several of the same types of questions, from both Inner Circle members and blog readers, about the lower hand close to the forward ear in the T-Finish.
'I gotta tell 'em,' Surge said. So I told him to give me a while (which is why we're a little late today). I had Surge give me a call and we recorded it. The quality is O.K. We're working on that. And I found some pictures that demonstrate what the Surge is saying.
DJ finishes facing the target, right hand close to left ear.
Bottom line: both DJ and the Surge finish facing the target. The shoulders are horizontal to the ground and the spine is vertical to the ground. The hands have swung the club up and over the center of the shoulder and the lower hand (right hand) is just about touching the left ear.
For a complete explanation, listen to the whole audio.
It sure is good to hear him!