No Wrist Cock
Good wrist action is no wrist action, meaning there's no cocking of the wrists. You don't need to cock your wrists in golf. Instead, you need to hold your wrists firm and rotate your arms.
Today's video is all about why you shouldn't break your wrists when swinging a golf club. When starting your takeway, don't think about breaking your wrists. Instead, you should think about your arms rotating as a unit. By using what I call the 3P setup, you'll be able to get into the right... more
Today I'm going to prove why there's no wrist cock in the Peak Performance Golf Swing. Paul Donlan wrote in to argue that this isn't the case based on the swing he sees each day on the daily videos. You can read for yourself that Paul isn't convinced below.
I received two emails from a gentleman named Walt who is convinced that I cock my wrists during the swing. I got these emails awhile ago, but wanted to wait until the right time to release the video.