Custom Golf Clubs
My son, DJ is playing at the PGA TOUR event in Reno, Nevada this week (you can track his scores here), while Doc and I are conducting a golf school and fitting sessions.
Doc Griffin is back with a house call to discuss who should get fit for golf clubs and when. One argument that Doc hears a lot relates to golfers that would rather wait to get fit for a custom set of golf clubs until after they improve their game.
If you tend to hit the ground first when swinging a golf club, there are a few different reasons why this could happen. The first thing you need to check is the length of your clubs.
When you're faced with any type of job, it's a lot easier to attack it with the right tools.
If you've finally decided that you want to take your game to the next level and purchase custom fit golf clubs, it's safe to say that one of the most important things (if not the most important) to you is gaining power and distance.
PPGS Certified Fitter, Frank Stranick was kind enough to shoot some videos on club fitting while I'm recovering from surgery. Frank is very knowledgable about all things related to custom golf clubs. One of the great things about is that we have such a strong core of instructors... more
We have always spoken very strongly about getting your clubs custom fit, the benefits of fitted clubs, and our network of certified fitters. There have been many posts on this website in regards to club head design, shaft lengths, materials, and various other aspects of clubs.
Doc Griffin is back today and he's here to call out many golf club lies that have been in place for too many years. Golf club manufacturers are in the business of building clubs for one reason...making money. That means they don't really care how good your game is, just as long as you're... more
If you're at all confused by the title of today's video, I'm not actually talking about a 1 iron. Most golfers (even professionals) do not carry 1 irons in their bags anymore. Heck, most of them don't even carry 2 irons. Regardless, what I'm referring to today is a set of irons that all have the... more
If you've been thinking about contacting one of our certified fitters to help you with your golf equipment but aren't sure if you can trust the process, today's testimonial from Paul Primel will probably seal the deal.
I've had some really good club fitting questions come in recently, so I've been sending them on to Doc Griffin, our Director of Club Fitting Operations. I can usually offer a pretty solid answer when it comes to basic club fitting, but Doc is the true expert, which is why I brought him in to... more
Do you make solid contact with all of your golf clubs except your driver? Is it the one club that you just can't seem to hit? If you answered yes, you're just like Allen Hill. Struggling with one club usually means it's the arrow, not the indian.