3 Birdies In One Game

Thu, 04/30/2009 - 21:00 -- Don Trahan

3 Birdies In One Game

Got some CRAZY new golf comments to share with you.

Let's begin with this one from a man who, for the first time in 54 years of golf, had 3 birdies in a row using the Peak Performance Golf Swing.


I have been learning and using the PPGS since my first lesson with one of your instructors in 2007.

I noticed immediately an improvement in my accuracy and consistency.

I am an 8.8 index, but in my last game I had three birdies in a row, a feat I had never matched in 54 years of golf. This was due entirely to acccuracy. I attribute that type of improvement to my shortened and simplified swing; the PPGS way.

Thanks Don.


DON TRAHAN: That is truly an accomplishment not many golfers in the world can claim, and it makes my day knowing the PPGS helped make it happen — good job!‚ 


I'€™m 68 and haven'€™t played since quadruple heart by-pass surgery in July of 2002.

Even though I'€™m diabetic since 8 years old along with arthritic hips I decided to get back in the game rather than doing nothing all summer long. Problem was I needed some help because I couldn'€™t make the shoulder turn or rotate the hips as I use too.

Your lessons on the 3/4 or 70 degree shoulder turn was my savior due to my health problems.

I'€™ve only played 2 or 3 times since reading your instructions, but today while playing I started to make more solid contact with my driver and fairway woods.

Thanks for helping me get back in the game of golf.


DON TRAHAN: Larry, there's just no reason why anyone, at any age, cannot enjoy golf if you simply swing the club in a way that your body likes.‚ 

I'm so glad the PPGS is giving you a second lease on your golf game and I can't wait to hear about your progress as you play the game more.

Thanks Don,

I have concentrated on practising the PPGS having just been given new driver for our Ruby Anniversary. Something about a new club, it makes you practise more. I played a round with my friend, an ex PT Teacher and good golfer.

At ten years his elder, I took him all the way. For the first time ever hitting 80.

What feeling!

At 65 years, to start actually getting better. My swing is comfortable, and more accurate, I have lost a few yards with the driver, but its always still on the '€œcarpet'€

Thank you for your teaching.

PS we are both scots. who love the game.


DON TRAHAN:‚  Irvine, way to go!‚  There's nothing quite like that feeling of winning against younger and better golfers and shocking everyone around you with newfound skills.‚ 

Congrats on hitting your first 80, too.‚  That's excellent and is sure to get even lower over time.‚ 

As you can see, this pain free golf swing is changing golfers' LIVES.

Golfers who thought they'd never play again are not only playing… but WINNING.‚  You can start doing the same thing — regardless of your age, fitness level or experience.

The first step is to grab your PPGS videos at my risk.

Then, go through them, practice on a bucket or two of balls, and watch what happens.‚  If you're not shooting **significantly** lower scores, I'll buy them back.
No whining, fussing or questions asked.

Grab your free PPGS “test drive” at:

The Surge!

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