Adding Lead Tape Can Improve Your Distance And Accuracy

Mon, 10/08/2012 - 03:32 -- Don Trahan

Doug Pinner asked me for some advice a while back that I think many of you could benefit from. It relates to getting the right swing weight for your clubs so that you can maximize your ability to hit the ball square on the sweet spot at the optimum club head speed for your abilities.

"First of all, I am very happy with the Surge lessons. I had back surgery a year ago and switched to the Surge Swing. My accuracy now is phenomenal but I need to add some distance to my driver. I am hitting 70 to 80 % of my fairways. The accuracy has helped my score tremendously but I realize more drive yardage would really help. I saw somewhere that adding weight to my driver may help. In talking to the pro shop here they said they could add up to 12 grams but would not know what to recommend. I am 72, having just started playing at 65, and shoot in the low 90s to high 80s. I am only getting about 160 yards on my drives and have a low swing speed of 70 to 80. Any tips on the weight I should try or just go with trial and error? Thanks again, your technique is going to keep me playing for many years "

Doug, as many of my subscribers know, I am a big fan of adding lead tape, or "magic dust" as I like to call it, whenever the situation calls for it. Every club in your bag will have a different weight, and the objective is to get each one properly weighted so that they feel the same when you swing. A good club fitter will do this for you as he builds each club. Doc Griffin builds all of my clubs now and he uses MOI matching to do this (MOI stands for Moment of Inertia and it is the latest and most accurate way of doing this).

In today's tip, I will give you some advice on how to use trial and error to achieve your optimum results but i need to caution everyone who tries this that having too much magic tape can be as bad as having too little weight. I think that your best bet would be to find a qualified club fitter to help you do this, though.

One other thing to consider is that as we age, we lose 6-8 lbs of muscle mass every ten years or so after the age of forty so staying in shape through a regular exercise program and a healthy diet is essential. We can slow down the muscle loss process, but we can't entirely eliminate it so eventually you may have to consider moving up to the Senior tees if you haven't done so already.

Keep it vertical!

The Surge

If you can't view the YouTube video above try CLICKING HERE. You must allow popups from this site for the link to work.


SimplyGolf's picture

Submitted by SimplyGolf on

Thx Don. Very interesting stuff.

I have real problem of being far too hurried when initiating the FUS from the top. (Tempo gets hurried.) Wondering if the weight of the lead tape might help slow down that initial "drop into the slot". (thx Smith) My initial movement is not a drop. I'm pulling the club down with way too much force, maybe trying to catch up with the bump/turn too quickly.
Sequencing issues indeed.

Playing Adams A3 (very light & cavity back) and didn't know if I may be limited to just the hosel area for tape application. Don't know why, but I have never even considered trying lead tape. Nothing to lose.....I'll give it a shot.

BTW-anyone heard from Steve Smith?

Robert Fleck's picture

Submitted by Robert Fleck on

Steve did post just the other day. I think, like me, he's having a bit of trouble getting used to the new comments format. I used to use the email feature with Disqus so I could read the new message and the message it was in response to and I could reply to the email to post a new comment. The new format is a little slower for me right now, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it and so will Steve.

Plus, I believe he's back in school at the moment, and that can eat some time. I do miss his commentary and our discussions on here, but I'm pretty sure he's not lost. Just temporarily mislaid. ;-)'s picture

Submitted by on

Last year I was in Phoenix and a friend mentioned that he just had weighted grips added to his clubs and he found that he was just smashing the ball 20 yards further on all of his irons, and hitting his driver places he had not seen. He said that he went to Boccieri Golf who just moved to Scottsdale and opened a beautiful facility. They are the ones who make the heavy putter. The basis is that Jack Nicklaus, in order to keep up with the distance of the younger guys, would weight the end of his clubs to add further power to his swing. I ended up purchasing a weighted wedge (replace a lost one ) where they put on a normal looking grip, but the butt end is weighted I believe with 12 grams. Everyone I have asked to swing can immediately feel the difference. Now, from my personal thought, I figured with our Vertical swing, that it would add momentum with the "free down swing". I have not given it sufficient workout to evaluate, but figure this adds to the topic of conversation. The grips are only a bit more expensive, but they threw the cost in with the wedge that I bought and the price was similar to normal wedges. Kevin McCarthy

SimplyGolf's picture

Submitted by SimplyGolf on

Kevin, that is also very interesting stuff.

It's all about results. In this case, with the PPGS,
it sounds like this is still to be determined.

Would enjoy hearing from Doc on this subject.

MikefromKy's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy on

There website say's they are 163.10 for 12 and 1 free about 12.54 per grip if you buy 12 and take the 1 free for 13.

To buy just one grip 16.99

It would be interesting to see if Doc would comment on the benefit of back weighing.

I would assume it will lower the swing weight which in turn you may pickup some swing speed.
I would think for some lowering the swing weight to low would hurt more than help I myself prefer heavier swing weight my driver is a D6 not sure about the irons they are head heavy which I like.
I hit some D0 swing weighted irons a couple of months ago and hated them to light and know feel.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade on

That's what I get for not looking closely enough at their web site. The video I copies said it was closer to 20.00 each. $12.54 is a lot better. There are just so many ways to tinker with our clubs. I say, don't fear trying any that strike you. It's a hobby for me and it does help us become more in tune with how subtle variances can affect results. I understand that most neither have the tools, time or funds to mess around with their sticks but I find it quite rewarding and fun.

Robert M.

MikefromKy's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy on

Hey Robert
Good to here from you the site has been a little on the quite side lately.

I do not have a issue with tinkering with equipment at all.
I was tinkering with ping g20 irons a little D0 swing weight with standard grip and put multicompound midsize on them at 59 grams each and it drop the swing weight down to low for me.
My buddy and I were playing a month are so ago and they paired a older gentleman and his son with us. The son was about my age he was playing Tietlist API'S and complaining about them all through the front 9.
When we made the turn he asked if he could hit some of my G20's he did and when we came off of 18 he asked me if I would be interested in trading. I hit a couple of his irons out of curiosity on the back 9 so I ended up trading the guy. These ap1's are D2 swing weight I have been looking at different grips and see that Winn has Dri Tac light midsize that weigh like in the low 20 gram range I am going to try one on one of my irons to see how much difference it makes it should take the swing weight up a little we will see.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade on

Like several others, I am a garage club tinkerer. I don't yet dare call myself an expert or "clubfitter" in the certified sense but have had lots of fun discovering much about the way golf clubs are put together both through reading and studying and personal experience, both with a PPGS fitting I had done two summers go and while building a small club fitting station in my garage. Fun hobby and it has helped my golfing results too.
Now on the subject of back weighting and grip weight, I have found that swing weight is very subjective and best results are in the 'pudding' (as we say here in America- sorry Terry, didn't mean to make you hungry). My point is that as with lead tape, we just experiment by adding more (or less) to the heal and or the toe or bottom and or the top until we get the ball flight we want. Putting masking tape on the face to see where we contact the ball also helps us see if we are improving or getting worse with more or less tape. I do find that when I took off grips that were considerably heavier off and returned briefly to lighter grips, it did not help my results when I then back weighted the club to regain the same swing weight. That is not a vote against back weighting, just my results in one particular effort.
Here's another angle; I prefer and have had the best results with not only heavier but larger, MUCH larger grips. Jumbo Max. They weigh between 95 and 115 grams (depending on the selecting between several). Now you may think that it really threw my swing weight off and screwed up my swing/shot results. Oh contraire! Love 'em. Now they are not cheap compared to most grips but reasonable $10.99. I'm sure the Boccieri grips are good and I hope to try them some day however it looks like the are closer to $20.00 each. I know that at leas tone of my fellow bloggers has tried the Jumbo Max purchasing one first for trial. I think he gave a great report on them but is not financially ready to buy as set yet. Good grips on line(or at ie., Golf galaxy) are between 3.00-7.00 anyhow. If anyone is seriously considering an equipment change that can significantly effect your results, reconsider Jumbo Max. Here are both sites for your consideration.

Briefly on the use of "magic dust" as Surge likes to call lead tape. Yes I have had good success applying and using lead tape. Again, put some masking tape to see where you are striking the face (center, heel, toe, top , bottom) and add tape then through trial and error on the range see what helps most.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by on

As I am focusing on other issues to hone my swing, I did not want to introduce a new variable into the mix with weighted grips. I do think that having the weight added to the grip end of the club, rather than the head end would be a greater benefit in delivering club head speed as it is closer to the hands and being vertical, the free fall once we ring the bell would be more pronounced.
Back to the real judge, I would defer to Doc as well. Kevin McCarthy

Terry Medley's picture

Submitted by Terry Medley on

To those really interested in butt weighting, besides trying heavier or larger&heavier grips, you can buy shaft inserts and some tungsten powder for a whole lot less than the cost of the Boccieri grips. This method also gives you the ability to adjust the weights of any club individually, rather than a set grip weight which is the same for every club. Here are just one of many possibilities. This idea is nothing new and has been around for many many years. It will help some and hurt others, especially when done unprofessionally, but there is nothing to loose but a few bucks and with the inserts, you can simply remove them.



Terry Medley's picture

Submitted by Terry Medley on

For those who have not tried following the comments on the RSS Feed page, you really should. All comments are listed in the order of last posted and can be easily scrolled down through. This, in addition to checking the email notification box in regards to direct replies makes it easy to follow all comments and especially replies and threads. Here is the link to the Feed page in internet explorer. I also have them for FireFox and Chrome if desired.

Dragonhead's picture

Submitted by Dragonhead on

The link you provided certainly opened the door Terry. The link for Firefox would be much appreciated sometime.
Not much golf here because of the weather. Hope that your health and golf are in good shape.
As an aside, with the Dave Seeman tip and RichF's last action outward pressure with the knees etc, I have found swinging through the ball is a breeze. So much so I have taken out three different sets of clubs onto the patio golf mat and picking up any one of them without fear or favour and no 'thumps' at all. Noted the SW on one of the older clubs seems a little heavier than the SW of the other two sets. May even weigh them to see. I played with that set for and played quite well with them. The lead tape video sparked the thought. Ah! well patience me boyo!
Thankyou in anticipation of the link Terry. Stay safe, stay well and be PPGS Happy. DH

Dragonhead's picture

Submitted by Dragonhead on

For other reasons too timyosh~! particularly when they are spraying chemicals on the course ; - ) A timely reminder for me.

Terry Medley's picture

Submitted by Terry Medley on

DH: My health and golf are both doing well, although the golf does suffer the hickups now and then. In regards to which SW may be the heavier, just check the club balance point on the shaft. You can simply lay the shaft across a couple of your fingers. The club with the balance point closer to the head has the heavier swingweight. It won't give you the weight, but you can tell if one club has a heavier head or swingweight than another.

Dragonhead's picture

Submitted by Dragonhead on

Terry thanks for that information and the link for Firefox. It is most welcome. Have a good trip to the hallowed turf and keep on hitting them straight and long, consistently. DH

Terry Medley's picture

Submitted by Terry Medley on

Here is the link to the RSS Feed in FireFox OS. JIC, someone using Chrome wishes it in that OS, here it is. These two are controlled by Google Reader, so you will/may have to register initially and subscribe for both or either of these two.

Chrome.'s picture

Submitted by on

Well, it was 54 out today, got 18 holes in, fun! Hit the ball pretty well, had a few bad shots. With all the talk about tape and weight, of course I have never even heard of most this stuff, just makes me wonder? I only have one set of clubs, you would die if you saw my Driver,,,but that Taylormade five wood burner I got a couple of weeks ago has been really good to me...

I only wish I could stay in my line with all my shots and IF I don't setup right, that really kills me...IM playing much better this year, thanks to all and Surge.

Thanks again,

boogmc's picture

Submitted by boogmc on

Marilyn, I'm happy you were able to get out yesterday for a round.I'm still unable to play the game,unless you count the TW game on xbox. ;-)
Being three weeks removed from the game has me tore up,almost as much as my back, but this isn't a pity comment for me.It's one of jubilation, that you
get to play the game we both obviously love. I spend my days,when not going to the next Dr. appointment, either video playing,reading on-line or perusing the current issue of a golf magazine.Keep playing as long as the weather allows I'm hanging on every stroke and rooting you on to better & better scores.
Best to you,Ma'am

MikefromKy's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy on


Hope you get off to a quick start tomorrow and play strong all weekend lets see if you can get your card secured quickly.

Good to see JD in the hunt to get his card back. Hopefully he can comeback from his dismal third round last weekend.

MikefromKy's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy on

Looks like DJ is off to a good start 2 @ -3 through 8 lets keep up the great play DJ. 12:06 EST.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade on

Hi Mike,
Yes, just checked and he is actually tied for the lead. It is early but that's a good sign. Let's keep our golf clubs crossed.
On another note, yesterday I played a round of golf for the first time in over two months. Been nursing a bum right shoulder. Rotor cuff stuff. Any how finally couldn't resist any more. Cindy and I played Los Prados and I shot a respectable 40/40 80 that included a sweet birdie 3 on #9. Mediocre drive left me about 155yards against a 10-15 mph wing in a lite drizzle of rain. Hit a 5 iron like a laser and for a minute thought it was going in. It stopped about 12 feet short and I sank the putt.
Alright, I am paying for it today as my arm/shoulder aches. What ever. I will be getting an mri soon to see what's going on and the treatments will help. Joy:)
Meanwhile ice and heat are my constant companions.

Go Deej Go!

-Robert M.
BTW, I think Ryan will kick Bidens **s tonight. Just saying.

MikefromKy's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy on

Good round considering your injury I know shoulder injuries are hard to deal with with this swing and the lifting part.
I had a right shoulder issue a couple of years ago before coming to this swing I played through it by keeping my right elbow glued to my side and swung with all body for 3 months. Then I ended up with a sore lower back the rest of the season and switched to ppgs.

I have been stuck in the mid 70's all season not complaining. I think it is going to get harder to get better going forward need a lot of short game practice for sure.

I am eliminating my 13* 3w and 17* fw from my bag and adding a new fitted 16 * FW Wishon head that will play off the tee,fw, and rough easier leaving the shaft at 43" 3w length that way I will not have to leave a wedge or hybrid out of the bag.
Maybe one day I will be able to shoot lower scores like Steve.

Not to get a political discussion started but I agree with you. These debates going forward the moderators are going to be trying to play gotcha with ROMNEY and RYAN after the first one. Very important election coming that will determine the future of the country.

By the way I just got our employees health insurance renewal rate 72.4 % increase in prelude to the new health system. Went from 356.00 to 600.00 plus.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade on

I've been accused of being stuck in the 70's too. Different 70's though. What a good time I had as a teen in the 70's. (ha ha!) Anyhow as it pertains for golf I know we all have levels of play we consider good. Guess if I was scoring in the 70's I would be ecstatic:) Ay least for a while and then like you I would grow to expect better. Human nature I suppose. Personally I went from averaging between 88-92 for years until I found Surge and the PPGS. Now I am normally from 78-84 depending on the golf course and my putting.
I concur that it comes down to the short game as most of us would agree on. An example yesterday was both the damage and repair a short game can do to our score. I experienced both on the same hole the other day. At Los Prados # 6 is drivable par 4 of about 290. It's a fun hole that reqires a high fade over trees and bunkers to a raised green. I hit my drive just short and right of the green leaving a lob of about 40 yards over a bunker to the pin. Was in thick rough and I had cleaner contact than predicted and ended up 5 yards over the green. Now I hit my delicate little 15 yard chip to 4 feet and made the putt to save par. That chip and putt turned a botched hole into saved par. And so it goes.
Sounds like you've made some good adjustments to your clubs and set make up Mike. So get on that short game pal!!:)

Switching to DJ. I know it's the elephant in the living room right now but dang, a 40 on the back, really? And he was so solid on the front with the 33. I know he's frustrated and I won't stop cheering for him but it's painful. Hoping he turns it around Friday and makes the cut.

Dragonhead's picture

Submitted by Dragonhead on

Robert M, An interim treatment for your bum shoulder. I use coconut oil, gently rubbed into the afflicted area before and after 'exercise'. Check out the benefits of Virgin Coconut oil on line. You may be surprised at the benefits. It looks like lard [cooking fat], it will melt in the palm of your hand. Good luck with your golf. My right shoulder is giving me a little grief at the moment,ie, a trigger point on the right shoulder blade or the shoulder itself is trapping a nerve. Weather here is atrocious at the moment here in NZ. So it is being rested hahaha. Hit them long and straight, consistently. DH

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade on

Coconut oil eh? I don't doubt it helps, I'll consider that option. I have an MRI scheduled now in two weeks so I'll know more clearly what the details 'look' like. Fairly certain it is a similar rotator cuff tear as was (is) the case with my left shoulder. The left seems to be getting better so I am hoping for the right to like wise heal naturally with heat, ice and other natural methods.

Kevin McGarrahan's picture

Submitted by Kevin McGarrahan on

Congrats, DJ. Nice -5 round to make the cut!!! Have a great weekend.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade on

Yes Kevin, it was good to see him have a super turn around today with a 34/32 66. One of the best rounds of the day. Made several long putts including a 53 footer on the par 5 ninth hole. Looking forward to more over the week end. If he can finish high enough over the next few weeks hopefully he'll get in the top 125.