While swing tempo is a big deal for a variety of reasons, it can cause you big problems if you've got it wrong.
I recently had a student who slowed down his swing when he got to impact because he didn't want to hit the ball wrong. He had a good practice swing but seemed afraid to use it.
This is where you have to achieve a tempo that shows your confidence. You have to, well, suck it up.
Think of it this way. You drive on a two lane road. The only thing separating you from oncoming traffic is that little white or yellow line. To avoid crashing into a big truck headed your way or flying off the road in the opposite direction, you focus on the road ahead.
In the Surge Swing, you've got a road to focus on too. I call it the 'aiming alley.' One side of this alley is the aiming line, the other is the toe line. Your job is to hit the ball down that alley, really smack it, accelerating through impact, not slowing down.
Be confident in your swing. Drive down that aiming alley and your ball is going to fly down the fairway, straight and true.
The Surge!