Today, with the help of my Swing Surgeon Plane Trainer, I'm going to show you the correct position of the back elbow during the forward upswing. This lesson was brought on by a question from Charles, who said he was having a problem with pull hooks. Some instruction says to stick your back elbow into your right side on the way through, but with a vertical swing this will cause your club to become extremely laid off.
Rotational swingers have a common complaint of becoming "trapped" or "stuck." Well, the easiest way not to become trapped is to not go there! The elbow should fall naturally from the top of the backswing. In the Peak Performance Golf Swing, we turn the club only to the toe line and then it's straight up. Being in harmony with gravity, the club then falls straight down and the elbow automatically rotates the club back to the impact position.
If you're having trouble feeling where your elbow should be, get yourself a Swing Surgeon Plane Trainer. This training aid is so great that you can even hit balls with it on, so you'll really feel the difference. DJ and I always carry our plane trainers in our golf bags because you never know when you will need a quick physical reminder of how the swing should feel. Take a look at the video and you'll see just what I mean!
Keep it vertical,
The Surge!
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