The Center(s) of Gravity

Wed, 10/20/2010 - 09:00 -- Don Trahan

With the swing taught today, it is impossible to keep the head still. Yet if you don't keep the head still the potential for error opens up ten fold. Yet everyone is talking about the “core.” Keep the core still, they say. With the rotational swing, you can't. You're again asked to do the impossible.

With the Peak Performance Golf Swing, we do keep the head still. We keep the spine angle still. The spine does not move off the ball. The head does not move off the ball because we have a limited (70 degree) turn in the backswing.

In this video, learn how I discovered “the core” and why it is so important to have a successful golf swing. You CAN hit them straight and long.

The Surge!

P.S. IC members: get ready for the first PPGS Tournament in December. Announcement to come shortly!

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