The explosion of responses we've received from you is staggering.
Keep them coming! I can't tell you how much it helps me as a coach and instructor. And I hope my answers are helping you.
Allow me to preach a little.
One of the BIG comments I keep getting is, 'Surge. You're asking me to change my swing!'
Well, I am.
I will always be up front and honest with you. It's the Eagle Scout in me. Follow my logic.
You're not hitting the ball well. You have no idea on your next shot where your ball will go. You are adding more penalty shots for balls OB, or in water hazards, than you can count on your fingers. Your scores are soaring higher and there is no hope in sight. Heck, even when you hit a good shot, you are clueless as to how you did it so you can do it again. You are at your wits end. No matter what you try, nothing seems to work.
Sound familiar?
You've read or heard statements like, 'We work with who you are, and will fix your setup and swing with minimal changes.'
I understand and appreciate that.
Golf instruction has been on that road for many miles. To be honest, 30 years ago, that's what I said. But I changed.
And change is good.
If your setup and swing are not working, massaging them, putting band-aids on them, may help a little.
But like a band aid on a cut, they don't last and fall off.
I have an expression that relates to not wanting to make changes to fix a non-functional setup and swing. Pardon my French, but you can't turn chicken crap into chicken salad!
And even if you did, you would till have crappy chicken Salad!
You've heard the old saw about you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Well, I believe that the only time you can't teach an old dog new tricks is when he's a dead dog.
If what you have been doing isn't working, then what is the problem of wanting to change?
How can you fix your swing without changing it?
We've heard the expression, 'if it isn't broke, don't fix it.'
Well, if it is broken, and you're not swinging well and not scoring well, it's is a sure sign you golf game is broken.
And if it is broken you need to fix it!
And the only way to fix it is you have to make changes.
Improvement is not getting worse before you get better.
It is not having to practice until you get calluses, blisters and your hands bleed. It is not having to practice six months to two years to learn a swing. Heck, if you have to practice that hard and that long to learn a setup and swing, there are two problems here:
1. One, you are either dumb as a rock.
2. Or what you are trying to learn is either too difficult or near impossible to learn.
I always bet on the too hard and almost impossible to learn.
So, Golfers of the world, let's agree on one thing:
We all want to have more fun playing golf.
Fun can only be achieved by playing steady and consistent golf within the realm of the skill level you believe you can achieve.
Thirty years of teaching and asking students what they want to achieve in their lesson has shown me that 99% of all golfers have realistic and achievable goals.
Don't accept mediocrity.
Don't accept playing below your expectations and feeling like a failure.
Do not believe that even descent golf is beyond your reach or capabilities.
Open your mind and set a goal to reach your expectations. And remember the most important ingredient to this success'¦.
Change is good'¦..and the only way to improvement!
You can start making the RIGHT kind of changes to your golf swing by nabbing a set of Peak Performance Golf Swing DVD's.
I poured my entire 30 years of experience helping other golfers — from beginners to PGA Pros — into this system.
I show you a quick and easy change that can help you hit the golf ball farther, straighter and more solid every single time you play so you can show your buddies how it's done.
Use these DVD's for an entire year at my risk (I even cover your shipping).
They're waiting patiently for you now at:
Here's to clear skies and firm greens,
The Surge!