Clear Your Chest

Thu, 06/03/2010 - 14:00 -- Don Trahan

I'm going to talk about something today that is good for everybody, but it's probably even more for ladies. It's a concept I call “clearing the chest.”

If you've taken a lot of lessons and done a lot of reading, you know that one of the biggest principals in the contemporary backswing is they want to keep the hands and the arms, especially the arms, close to the body. That's because they're staying linked together. They want you to feel the arms and hands in sync with the body. They say as you swing back your arms should be brushing your body, but in the backswing and forward swing.

As you know in the Peak Performance Golf Swing we want less body movement because we're making less turn to swing the arms faster – the rock on the end of a string, centrifugal force. So I believe we clear the chest. The arms shouldn't be brushing the chest.

I've had students comes to me that they've held their arms so tight against their body and rubbing it, that they actually caused themselves to get bruised and hurt. In the summertime, when their clothes got wet they just rubbed their skin raw. That's insane.

The key is we want to clear the chest. For men, I tell them make believe they have chest pocket on each side of their shirt and there's a pack of cigarettes in them. When you lift up you should never crush the cigarettes.

This is especially good for women. They don't need the cigarettes. Their breasts are there and they just want to lift up. I can't tell you how many women I've given lessons to that were told that they should crush their breasts with the forward arm in the backswing and their back arm swinging through into the forward swing. They say that's very uncomfortable. I would it would be. There's no need for it. That's why many of the women who have taken golf lessons from me just absolutely love this concept of the Peak Performance Golf Swing because they don't crush their breasts. In fact, it's a perfect guide for them to lift up and down. It helps them keep their plane and let them know where they are.

So, for men, women, anybody the object is to swing your arms faster in front of your body, you should clear your chest, clear your breasts, but never crush them. The only crush we want is soda.

The Surge!

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