Today's tip stems from remarks made recently by JSmith who was commenting on my recent post titled "Does Baseball Lead To A Bad Golf Swing?" He wrote:
"Surge--I love your site and your lessons. I have a couple comments on the baseball swing. My 9yr old grand-daughter is learning to play softball. Recently, I let her swing my Swing-Rite trainer I got from Doc. She can make it snap like a champ. So I got interested in seeing what she could do with golf. I took her to a PGA pro I know for a lesson in the grip etc. and she is off and running. She is learning the Surge swing by the way.
In researching her softball swing, I looked extensively on YouTube for the great hitters, DiMaggio, Mantle, Williams, etc.
Without exception, they did not rotate their wrists, at least until after the bat was way past square to the plate. I was struck by the fact that at contact their back hand was face up under the bat, their forward hand was extended in a straight line from the shoulder to the end of the bat. I have no way of telling how much effort the right hand put in their swing, but at contact, it wasn't rotated. I was struck by how the swing was a good example of using centrifugal force in a sequential (flail) manner, much like a good golf swing.
My conclusion is that the principles of a golf swing and a baseball swing are very similar."
J's observations are right on the money. If you look at most every sport you can imagine, cricket, tennis, ice hockey just to name a few, NONE of them teach turning your back to the target before you hit. This only happens in golf, where rotational swing instructors have their students twist their backs so they face away from the target. Did God give golfers a dispensation to play by their own set of rules? Of course not!
So as you practice and play using the Surge Swing, just remember to make a limited turn, lift and then swing up to the T-Finish facing the target and you'll see great improvement in your ball striking and your scoring average.
Keep it vertical!
The Surge
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