DJ sent me this video just before heading off to the Bob Hope Classic in Palm Springs, a tournament he won in 2008. Not making the cut is always hard, yet DJ does not let it get to him, the sign of a true professional. Which 'Surge Secret' is he practicing?
As he says, he'll send me some videos of his swing and we'll analyze them. Then we'll look over his stats (critical) and see what he should concentrate on.(When you are done watching his message, click on the link to his scorecard in the top right portion of this page to see some of the stats we will review. And if you use the "Shot Tracker" feature on you can actually see every shot he hit in the tournament.)
While you may not be able to call your pro after every game, you definitely can keep track of how you did, what you did, and what you have to work on. So many golfers come to the practice range and hit shots they know they can perform well. That's exactly the wrong thing to do.
Practice what you're not doing well: chipping, pitching, sand shots, that cranky wedge. Try to level your game. Practice the shots you miss the most because that is where it will count.
The Surge!
DJ on His Rounds at the Sony Open
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