Wow. One little tip and thousands of golfers get it!
At one of our recent golf schools we really focused on one area of the body, that point we swing around, that magic spot that makes the Peak Performance Golf Swing slam home!
What brought this up was that a student had problems keeping his body still. His knees dipped in the backswing and when he started his downswing or forward upswing, his upper body was shaking like Jello.
In this video I explain the importance of core, my three boxes, and how they interrelate to the PPGS. I've told you before to simplify your swing thoughts, have one, maybe two, as you swing. Well, we had students focus on that one place we swing around, where collar bones meet, just below our chin. Whamo. Everyone got it!
Check out your core in this video. Then, well, whamo! It's simple. Easy. And a sure thing … down the middle.
The Surge!