I sometimes find the simple, visual suggestions to my students have an immediate and marvelous impact on learning the Peak Performance Golf Swing. This holds true for both the high handicapper and the scratch player. I point something simple out, like the dot on the ball and they have their “Eureka Moment” Aha!
As a teacher, nothing gives me greater pleasure. That moment. I hope you enjoy this.
Derek Hardy, PGA
From the Surge: Our December 9-10-11 PPGS Tournament is going to be extraordinary. DJ and I will be there. We have a great course, great prizes. Check out our Tournament Page. Just Click Here. Thanks to EVERYONE who has jumped in and for all your great comments. I want to see you all!
PPGS Certification, December 6-7: Tell your pro!
It's official! We are now ready to certify golf teachers in the Peak Performance Golf Swing! Here's the link. Tell your pro. Get him/her certified! Click here.