Every day when I read blogs or give a lesson, the number one problem club for most golfers to hit solid and straight is the DRIVER, or as they called it on the good old days, # 1 wood. For starters, I would say that calling it the driver is appropriate because it seems to 'DRIVE' a lot of golfers crazy and to the brink of frustration and anger, trying to hit a driver straight and under control. So I decided to write today about the driver and re-cap many of the points I have mentioned in past articles, plus one new one that dawned on me yesterday.
The driver dilemma exists for players of all levels, from Tour players to high handicappers. The Tour player, like the amateur who hits his driver sideways too much, needs to find the answer to hit it straight and keep it in play. For the purpose of this article, I am discounting swing problems as THE problem and focusing on the club itself.
The number 1 problem, I believe, is that drivers are too long. Years ago, as late as the 80s, the standard driver length was 43 inches for men and 42 inches for women. At that length, Jack Nicklaus played a shorter driver and he was not lacking for length. As long drivers go, he was one of the straightest ever. Today the standard for most drivers is 45 and 46 inches. Why the big increase in length? Because longer length drivers will hit the ball longer, according to the marketing mantra. That is true, IF you can swing a longer driver faster and hit it just as solidly and straight as a shorter one. If you can't swing it faster, it is slower and thus flies shorter distances. Hitting it less solid and straight means the shorter is also more crooked and as most bloggers write, they slice it to the right.
So, consider using a shorter driver. A month or so ago, I wrote an article and challenged men to try a ladies driver and report back. Many reported that hey hit it more solid, straight and longer. These results show that diver length is definitely an issue of concern. By the way, ladies driver lengths are basically what the men's length was back in the 80s and earlier.
Problem # 2 is that if you are using a graphite shaft, there is a high probability that the shaft is not the correct flex for you and for that matter not the flex stated on the band. The answer is to visit a certified club fitter and have the shaft flex/frequency checked to see if it is what it says it is. Then for good measure, while there, you need to get fitted to find out what flex and length you should be hitting. If your driver and other clubs do not match the recommendation, then you need to have the fitter re-shaft them to the length and flex you need.
The new idea I will throw into the mix today is the LOFT of the driver. Drivers in the old days had a standard loft usually of 11 degrees. They used to make sets with 2 woods that were 12 or 13 degrees. Today we see drivers 10 degrees and less as the standard. More loft is easier to hit and control relative to direction. The straighter the face, the more the ball rolls across the club face developing side spin that result in slicing and hooking. The answer is to try a driver with more loft to see if it helps hit it straighter or, at the least bring, the slicing under control and playable. More loft and shorter shaft, with the correct length, will help hit better drives.
The final point is the big driver axiom or slogan is ,'Drive for show and putt for Dough.' I always believed that the show meant STRAIGHT'¦not just long. Show meant controlling my driver and keeping it in play, in the short grass. I always tell D.J. before a round when I am with him or if not there I text him: 'F & G and P.' The translation is, ' Hit Fairways and Greens and be Patient. '
The final-final point is to decide that driving the ball straight is priority #1'¦not long. Yes, we all want to be longer, but we have to accept our strength and limits and live and play within them. Choose straight as your new and unwavering goal. I do. And I promise you that if you're only or main concern is to have a driver you hit the longest in your bag, it will also be the crookedest. The driver and all the woods in my bag are in it because they are the ones I hit the STRAIGHTEST. And, as a side note, all my drivers are 43 and 1/2inches long and I have one at 44 inches. And, I hit my driver quite straight with adequate length. I think and strive for straight more than length.
Try the driver check up suggestions and also focus on straight. I'm sure you will see improvement in your driving the ball.
The Surge!
Eyes are one of the most
Eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of our body that needs proper attention and care. As we get older ourÃÂ eyesightÃÂ will gradually change. So, regularÃÂ eye testsÃÂ by a qualifiedÃÂ physician can be the solution to monitor your eye sight and also to detect other related health issues that may need immediate attention. In the case of children up to 12 yearsÃÂ eye careÃÂ is highly important since most of their learning process is visually based. If they have any eye problem at this age then it will surely affect their studies. If children show symptoms like sitting too close to the TV, rubbing their eyes repeatedly, complaining of headaches etc. then the first thing to do is to have a through eye check up under a qualified physician.