(Staff Note: Don really enjoys your comments, but can't possibly answer all of them personally. He'll continue to share some of his answers on these pages. Virtually all topics are covered in our DVD series and Foundations manual. So keep those comments coming!)
A few nights ago I had a few spare minutes after watching the news, before getting back to writing for the Peak Performance Golf Swing web site.
I clicked over to The Golf Channel to check things out there.
I caught the end of a show or infomercial featuring a golf instructor who is heavy into recommending drill and exercises to increase flexibility to help your golf swing.
His student was a male senior, who in the wrap-up of the show, mentioned he was 70 years old.
He looked in really good shape.
In fact, he looked a lot younger.
In their closing comments, the instructor said that when they met a few months ago for their first lesson, the student, (I'll call him John) could not turn even close to 90 degrees to make a good full backswing. (Note: The Peak Performance Golf Swing is a limited turn backswing, 70 degrees max)
The instructor then mentioned that when he saw John's lack of flexibility and that he couldn't even make a full backswing turn of 90 degrees, never mind more, his first goal was to help John increase his flexibility with exercises and drills so he could make the big shoulder and hip turn.
They ended the show with John sitting on the ground with both legs stretched out.
He then lifted his left leg over the right at the knee and stretched out his left arm.
Then he turned his shoulders and showed that, at the first lesson, he could turn his shoulders so little they did not even reach his right knee, which the instructor pointed out was way less than 90 degrees.
He then asked John to show how far he could turn now, after a few months of stretching exercises.
John then easily turned well past his knee, which the teacher then pointed out was at least 20 or more degrees past 90. They were both happy, and John got up and hit some balls, explaining how he felt better, stronger and more supple, and that, best of all, he was hitting the ball longer with what felt like less effort.
Flexibility and suppleness are important for everyone, especially as we get older.
Flexibility makes all our movements more fluid and free and powerful, and helps reduce injury.
Stretching exercises and routines like yoga should be a part of everyone's daily activities. Stretching out soon after getting up in the morning is a great way to start the day. Stretching during the day is good to do especially after sitting or doing strenuous work.
And, we should all stretch out well before beginning to hit balls on the range or teeing off to play.
Stretching prepares you for physical activity and is critically important for reducing injury, especially as we age.
So, I am a staunch advocate of health and fitness and being flexible and supple.
I only note here that, as far as the golf swing is concerned, let's do it for the right reason.
That is for fitness, better performance and for reducing injury:
Not to make a bigger 90 degree or more backswing turn!
As you have been reading and learned in these articles, especially in depth if you have purchased the Golf swing DVD series and or swing manual, we do not need to make even a 90 degree turn to hit a golf ball.
The PPGS, in harmony with physics and physiology, is a limited turn backswing of 70 degrees with our arms reaching only to our toe line, and a backswing length of only three quarters.
This fits the human design: the spine has a turning range of 30 degrees.
Turning to 70 degrees causes no problems, due to the stretching and flexibility of muscles.
Going to 90 degrees and more is a problem physically, if you lack flexibility. It can lead to serious neck, shoulder, back and hip injury.
And, once we turn past 70 degrees and begin to exceed normal range of motion well before 90 degrees, forcing more turn pulls the body out of dynamic balance, the right leg begins to straighten, the left breaks in, the spine begins to tilt and everything is heading for a crash and burn.
So, let's all make a commitment to be fit and healthy.
To work at it, to be flexible and supple, we can live a healthier and more active, productive and enjoyable life, long into our retirement.
And best of all, you'll be able to play all the golf your heart desires.
But, let's do it for the right reason.
Fitness, not more backswing turn to 90 or more degrees, is the RIGHT REASON.
You can learn exactly how my swing lets everyone from beginners to PGA pros play pain-free with lower scores at:
There's no risk to you whatsoever.
In fact, I actually risk more than you, as I'll buy the DVD's back from you if you don't see major improvement the FIRST time you use them.
The Surge!
Hi Don,Great post and like to
Hi Don,
Great post and like to add stretching increases flexibility, improves balance, coordination and bloodÃÂ circulation. StretchingÃÂ improve cardiovascular health and [prevent from cardiovascular disease.