Here's a great and often asked question I wanted to share with you. And, like Marcus, I have great respect for Dave Pelz too.
I know that you respect Dave Pelz. However, he teaches hinging the wrist on half and three quarter wedges. Is that not breaking the “number one domino”?
I am committed to going all the way with your method, even though I respect Dave Pelz also. So, to hinge, or not to hinge on short to medium wedges, that is the question.
Thanks for any response at all. And thanks for all the research on this wonderful method.
Marcus M.
Great question, Marcus!
I naturally will remain with the #1 domino principle and resist wrist cock. What I would prefer is getting the club vertical as fast as possible, resisting wrist break/cock. If you need more height, length or lift, for the free fall and correct clubhead speed for distance, I would say lift the arms more, resisting wrist cock. Remember, wrist cock is breaking the angle, and the more angles the more you increase the degree of error. The more degree of error, the more you lower your probability of success.
Marcus, I go one step further regarding even shorter wedges shots that need more height/loft, including the FLOP shot. When you want to hit the flop and it is your last resort to get it close…..find another resort. I say this as the flop is such a difficult shot because of the long, lazy wrist cocking swing. The success rate of getting it close and even, for many, just getting it on the green (because of great possibility of chunks, chilly dips and skulls) makes hitting it not a good idea.
The Surge Solution for the lob shot is what I call hitting “THE STIFF WRISTED FLOP.” This “no wrist cock flop” golf swing requires a real short backswing, maybe not even reaching waist high with your hands. Because the wrists are firm, maybe even locked, your left arm and wrists are firm and the right arm is folded with the shaft vertical. Going from this to a short upswing, firm arms and wrists, you can now just pull, and snap the shaft and head under the ball at warp speed to and in front of you, the shaft going vertical in the forward upswing. The speed of the snap under the ball will give tremendous loft. Opening the face will add more loft. This snap under and up will give real good loft and spin, hitting a high soft shot. And all of this with about 30 percent less swing than the long, lazy, wrist cocking conventional flop shot swing taught today.
Hope this answers your question and I am sure this will improve your wedge game.
The Surge!