Welcome to the Peak Performance Golf Swing Website!
We want to thank you for visiting the site and take a moment to tell you what you can expect from PGA Master Professional Don Trahan and our team. Here's how Don tells it…
“When golfers first come to my lesson tee, one of the most common questions is, 'What's a Peak Performance Golf Swing?' The short answer is that it's a pain-free swing that will get them hitting the ball more solid, straighter and longer than they've ever experienced. It's based on science, on physics and physiology. And I promise them that when they walk off the lesson tee and onto the first tee, they are going to see immediate improvement. There is no waiting period with the Peak Performance Golf Swing.
“I'm going to make you that same promise. I've already started by sending you the first lesson in the “Ten Major Mistakes Amateurs Make” video series. You'll get one every day. I'll also be sending you tips, other lessons and ideas almost daily. You can visit our blog and learn even more. And we'll keep you posted about what my son, DJ Trahan, is up to on the PGA Tour. (Yes, DJ uses the Peak Performance Golf Swing). Yes, the video series is free. The information posted on the site is free. The tips, lessons and ideas I'll be sending you are free, too.
“I can hear you loud and clear. You're saying, 'What's the catch?' I would ask the same thing. But for everything I've just promised you, there is no catch. My students know my passion for golf instruction, for getting it right. I think you can pick up a little of that passion in the videos you'll be receiving and the ones you'll see here.
“The reason for that passion is that I am sharing my life's work. Friends good naturedly tease me and say, 'Don's on a mission!' Well, they're right. I'd like to see every golfer be pain-free and enjoy playing golf more. I also want to see the game grow, and that won't happen if golfers continue to struggle with their swing. Like I said. This is my life's work.
“Do I want you to buy something? Only if you're convinced the Peak Performance Golf Swing could benefit your game – and your life. My team put together a 4 DVD series where I take you step by step through the Peak Performance Golf Swing, how to use it in your game, and how the swing developed.
“But just for being a free subscriber, I will deliver more value to you on how to swing powerfully and consistently, with no pain… then most others will have for sale.
“So, take your time… look around. Be prepared to be the talk of your foursome (including having your buddies asking you for tips on how you've transformed your golf game)!”
Don Trahan
PGA Master Professional
P.S. Here's just a little taste of what is in my 4 DVD Series that I've put together to get you shooting lower scores… in just a couple buckets of range balls! Keep in mind though… as good as the videos – further down the page are (I think you'll love them)… this is just the footage that “didn't” make it into the DVDs
Learn the Peak Performance Golf Swing setup. We'll start with your feet and, if necessary, start to take away the pain.
“You seem to want to pour all your aggression into the dirt.” — DJ Trahan
Don and DJ demonstrate how to make one of the toughest shots in golf easy.
How to hit it 50 yards with your 100 yard wedge. Prayers answered.
Same swing, different club. Cut your margin of error and get the ball into the hole.