Grooves and Spin

Wed, 12/15/2010 - 11:00 -- Don Trahan

O.K. I know I'm going to say something in this video that, well, sort of goes a little contrary to what you been told for a long, long time. BUt if there's one thing I know, Certified club fitters and club makers just know the dynamics of the golf club. We're suppose to know how they work and why.

Well, we do. Not bragging. It's just our job. Sort of like the mechanic under the hood of your car. You hope and pray he (or she) knows more about that engine than you do.

I know you though grooves in a clubhead are what caused the golf ball to spin. Well, that's not quite the case. Check out the video where I humbly explain what grooves are all about. And it's not spin.

Keep it vertical. And be sure to check out our growing club fitter page.

Lynn Griffin, PPGS Director of Club Fitting Operations

P.S. And like The Surge said, let's all help Anthony Netto's foundation You want to spread some Christmas cheer? Click here.

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