Hand Position Under Chin At Address

Mon, 10/17/2011 - 17:34 -- Don Trahan

Today's tip stems from a question from Andrew Papadopoulos who lives in Melbourne, Australia. Andrew is trying to understand how his hands can be always directly under his chin at setup even when the ball is not played in the center of the stance.

"You have mentioned that the setup is the same for all clubs and that the hands should be directly under the chin. To me, that implies that the ball position, therefore, is in the middle of the stance but we know this is not always the case. For example, in the case of the driver, the ball is usually played inside the left heel. So, then, how are our hands supposed to be directly below the chin?"

Great question, Andrew. I guess the easiest way of summarizing it is to say that it depends on your point of view. If you have my Foundations manual, I have illustrated this point with a good photo that you'll find in Chapter 11. As you will see, the Down-The-Line perspective is the point of view I use to teach this point, not the Face On view. Watch today's video for the details, but essentially you should always be able to draw a line from the thumb of your forward hand up to a spot somewhere between your chin and your nose. We do this because it establishes the correct distance from the ball for each and every shot and each and every club. I have long arms and I am constantly fighting with reaching too far for the ball, but if I make sure my hands are in the correct position under my chin I can keep my swing on the vertical plane and remain dynamically balanced throughout the swing.

This brings me to one last point. If anyone out there doesn't have a copy of my 108-page illustrated manual, you are making learning the Surge Swing a lot more difficult than it needs to be. There are many illustrated pictures in it that are literally worth a thousand words! You can have a downloadable version of it for less than $20 and it is probably the best investment you can make if your are serious about learning the Peak Performance Golf Swing.

Keep it vertical!

The Surge

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