Heavy Right at Setup

Sun, 08/29/2010 - 11:00 -- Don Trahan

I keep talking about “heavy right” and get a bucketful of questions about what that means. I figured maybe a little video would help everybody.

I big mistake a lot of golfers make is leaning the upper body to the right but actually putting more weight on the left leg. If you can't left your left leg at address, that's a sure sign your weight is incorrectly distributed. You'll see the test in the video.

Being “heavy right” also helps keep you behind the ball until impact. Never, never, never are you ahead of the ball in the forward upswing. Stay balanced, behind the ball.

Well, I'm on the road for the next week or so. I'll be with DJ and hope to get you some video with the both of us.

Until then, practice that “heavy right.” It will save you strokes.

The Surge!

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