How To Avoid “Golfer’s Elbow”

Tue, 04/12/2011 - 15:41 -- Don Trahan

Jim Wiley made a great suggestion about avoiding elbow pain saying that one of the problems might be gripping too tight. Maybe golfers overdo my suggestion of a firm grip. That can definitely cause pain. And I thought of a couple more.

If you left or front arm is straightened out too much at address, that can definitely lead to elbow pain. It's like you hyper-extend and the inside of the elbow is lifting upward. You're locking the elbow, making the whole arm and shoulder tighten up. With your arm like that you're going to be shut at impact. Then you'll relax and it still doesn't feel right, so you go back to tightening the elbow again. That causes serious strain and pain.

Take a look at a couple more of my ideas. Remember, stress and strain always lead to pain.

The Surge!

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Pat Gordon's picture

Submitted by Pat Gordon (not verified) on

I had elbow pain for about a year in my right elbow. I used ibuprofen (as many as 8 in a 6 hour time frame) but toward the end it did not fully alleviate the pain. I tried an elastic band just below the elbow and it helped somewhat. Some swings hurt so much I considered not finishing my round of golf. I finally got an MRI at my doctor's request. The MRI showed loose particles in my right elbow and orthoscopic surgery was recommended. I had the surgery on December 1, 2010, and was playing golf again in about 3 weeks. The surgeon trimmed up the ragged cartilage in my elbow and removed particles that were determined to be cartilage and bone fragments. I am now playing golf totally pain free.

I just returned from the Surge's golf school held in Orlando, FL, March 31-April 2. There were 10 participants and 4 instructors. I really learned a lot from Don and his staff about the Surge swing. If anyone gets a chance to go to one of the Surge's golf schools I highly recommend it. The Surge can really hit the ball and can make it do what he wants it to do.

Pat Gordon

Lynn42's picture

Submitted by Lynn42 (not verified) on


Serene is good. Now, if I could only get that to translate to my golf swing. Must think only serene thoughts before I hit the course tomorrow. Thanks for the tip.


Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


No, you are refreshing. How was your day?

 dragonhead's picture

Submitted by dragonhead (not verified) on

Balance bracelets Steve? I wore one which has a jade ball at each end, which is meant to equalize your body. It is a form of acupressure,similar in some ways to accupuncture. It was not too many years ago, that acupuncture was treated, with strange looks. Folk were looking at the old 'ducking stools' being brought out of storage, for those who used or were recipients of such treatment.
My mother God rest her soul [Passed away peacefully on the morning of the last round of the Masters], tried it, after I suggested she give it a try.A smoker who had tried to stop for decades.She quit after a couple of treatments.From time to time she had a session, and the Chinese Dr in UK massaged her feet. This gave her energy she never knew she still had 88 years of age].
On the acupressure side. My wife started massaging the sole of my feet, ie, She made me curl my toes downwards as though I was trying to pick something up with my foot. The lowest point on the foot is where she began to put lots of pressure on. Before she had been at it for a minute or so, I was falling off the chair and finding it almost impossible to keep my eyes open. We bought a foot masssage machine, it is brilliant.
I have been the subject of cupping this very day after reading the article on trigger points. I knew where my shoulder one was and got immediate relief from a quick 6/7 minutes 'cupping'
As a Medic, with an open mind, I threw away all the long term anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed for me around 5 years ago. Never looked back, and no side effects either.

PS Doc Griffin, If I become lethargic or cheeky, my wife has the most vicious tweak imaginable. Fast as lightning with them too : - )
My view is, if it works use it, if it doesn't don't
The Chinese have been using these methods for thousands of years with great success. The Pharmaceutical Companies HATE them for it.
In the news at the BRICS Conference those attending are pushing China, to import more aeroplanes and MEDICINES...........How strange ; - )
Keep it vertical, long and straight all you dyed in the wool surgites. [PPS prefer silk heh heh heh]

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Usually on occasions like this around here we all get together and have a big barbecue. Maybe even for an occasion this big the Alabama boys would show up and do a little singing and playing.

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


I got kicked out of the scouts when I was caught eating a brownie in my tent.


Kevin McGarrahan's picture

Submitted by Kevin McGarrahan (not verified) on

Harry and MrUberMitch,

I have found that I avoid this problem by setting the angle between my arms and shaft at address and then maintaining a firm left wrist through the swing. If you look at Don's setup and the angle he sets, you will see what I mean. He maintains that angle better than anyone I have ever watched.

Good luck and keep it simple.


Corruman's picture

Submitted by Corruman (not verified) on

Have been watching your videos for several months and have been working on changing my swing. When I get in the proper position I am hitting the ball straighter. I have always played with a slight draw that at times becomes a hook. I have played the right side of the golf courses more over the past several months than I have in years.. One problem I am having is getting to far ahead of the ball causing shots to go hard right. Any tip on how to stay behind the ball.

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


I had a great day. I had to work all day, but that pays the bills, and keeps me busy when I am between rounds.

Tomorrow is another day. I am playing a round in the morning and then I have an inspection to perform in the afternoon. Seems fair to me, and my wife is even buying into the work part of the day and golf the rest schedule I have put together.

I thought I was already having a pretty good day. Then, I come home to a wonderful diner and time with my loving wife. When I fired up this box and saw the news I just laughed out loud. Well, I always like to save the best stuff till last.

My day just went off the happy meter.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Kim, maybe give the copper bracelet a shot. Who knows. Whenever my elbow(s) act up I will wear an ace bandaid type brace when practicing or playing. I Know I will be using a lighter grip in the future and going with graphite for my irons and other clubs when I get fit next month.
At any rate, I am convinced that because of life and heriditary factors, some degree of aches and pains are inevidable. Of course I help people with massage and I share advice with them about stretching and other good advice, ie heat, ice,etc. But as I tell regular massage clients(after building raport and trust) who ask me how they can "get rid of that pain between thier shoulders"(or elsewhere), frankly the only time we will be totally pain free is when they drop us in that 6 foot hole. Meanwhile I live by the code from an old Neil Young rock song that says,"It's better to burn out than to fade away." Or put another way, "It's better to wear out than to rust out."Like Surge with his thumb, you think that'll stop him from playing golf? I don't think so. Meantime there's no shortage of work for OT's PT"s and massage therapist's. LOL or cry!

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


Good to hear it is thawing out for you.

I will do the same, with the after action report.


 dragonhead's picture

Submitted by dragonhead (not verified) on

To All the Surge Nation. I am totally humbled by your kind and inspirational words on the passing of my 'wee Mum'. Small in stature, but big in heart. I thankyou all from the bottom of my heart.I am proud to be a member of this staunch Golf Family. A nation of good folk, with standards and morals that the world of today is in need of. May all your problems, trials and tribulations be miniscule. May you all feel the warmth of the sun on your backs [and this goes for your loved ones too] in the sight of God, for many years to come.
My thanks to all those who have given such genuine warmth and affection with their tips, to a blind [no YouTube except once] believer in China. I value EVERY word written on this site. To Surge, DJ, Doc and all those unsung heroes in the support team, I send my unstinting support and eternal thanks for a continuing experience. As Dick Lee so often says, "We are indeed Blessed", a rare phenomena in this ever increasing avaricious world.
Stay well, stay safe and above all STAY HAPPY.
Now I will do what my 'wee Mum', would want me to do,ie, put a smile on my ugly mug and get on with making the most of every minute I have been given.
Keep it vertical, long and straight where ever you are.

Jerry's picture

Submitted by Jerry (not verified) on

Love the swing and I am definitely hitting it straighter however I am hitting everything way to HIGH!!! My 5 iron looks like wedge... Same with all clubs, they are all skying, distance is not real bad however playing in the wind is not good.
How do I get the ball back on a lower more consistent line?????

Amos's picture

Submitted by Amos (not verified) on


My sincere condolences on the passing of your "wee mum". I am sure that I would have loved to have met her, as I have had always had a special warmth and affinity for the "wee people" of the world -- like Gary Player, Chi Chi Rodriquez and countless others.

Keep hitting them STRAIGHT and LONG


Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


I found the same thing when I switched over to the Surge Swing. Due to old injuries to my back and shoulders, if I take a beaver pelt for a divot, I pay for it physically. If I just take a slice of bacon for a divot, I have no problem. That has probably been as important for me being able to play without pain as not doing the rotational swing. I had my clubs checked and they were on average 1" too long. I had them shortened to the proper length and re-gripped. What a difference it made.

Glad it is working out well for you.

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


Good morning you old war dog.

I am sorry to hear of the passing of your wee mum. I know you are a lot like me in these things. I know you are blessed that she passed peacefully. My prayers are with you and your family. When my father passed, I did not mourn the fact that he had gone to be with our Lord. I mourned because I would no longer have his company. I mourn for you for the same reason. We are blessed that we got to have them both with us for so long. She is now sitting on the left hand of God.

I don't know where this story came from, but I have had it several years. I have delivered it at the funerals of several family members and friends. I hope it will give you solace and comfort.


I am standing on a sea shore. Suddenly a ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts out for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength, and I stand and watch her until she shows only as a ribbon of white cloud just above where sea and sky mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says "She is Gone."

Question: Gone where?

Gone from my sight - that is all.

She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my sight. And, just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of destination. Her diminished size is in me, not in her, and just at the moment when someone at my side says "She is gone"
There are other voices ready on another shore to take up the glad shout "Here she comes."

And that is dying.

We say to your wee mum:

We will miss you, and we will always yearn for you, but in submission and humility, with love and blessing, we release you and give you back to God. We assure ourselves and you that there is nothing to fear.

Your precious soul will be safe and well in God's holy presence, for with God, all is good. And, if you or we have any doubts, We proclaim and affirm --- for you and for us to hear our ancient truth: Magnified and sanctified is the Great Name of God.

My friend I do not believe in chance. I started to go to bed over two hours ago. I could not seem to get settled down even though I am worn out. Now I know why. I was supposed to see your post before I could retire.

We are blessed to have you as part of the Surge Nation.

While we all know the sun never sets on the Surge Nation, it seems that it is burning just a little less bright today.

Keeping it vertical, and with you in spirit, in Oklahoma,

Robert Thompson's picture

Submitted by Robert Thompson (not verified) on

Hi Amos,

I forget who said, "Only God and Nicklaus can hit a One Iron."

I used to have a two iron in my bag when I was about 22 or 23 years old. At that time, I couldn't hit a driver worth a lick, but I could hit that old two iron about 235 or 240 depending on the wind. One day, I left it on the course by accident, and never got it back. Eventually, I learned how to hit a driver, and forgot how to hit the two iron.

My son is a terrific athlete, but isn't much interested in golf. However, he can hit a two iron a country mile. It's sort of fun to watch him swing, and I wish he would develop a love for the game. God willing, and a bit of understanding from his wife, I'll get him out on the course a few times this summer. Perhaps I can find an old One Iron for his enjoyment.

Hit'em Long and Straight,

Barneyg4's picture

Submitted by Barneyg4 on

Great tip! My elbow pain is not in the left elbow but in the right. I am a right handed golfer. I think the grip tip is accurate I know I probrbly grip to tight with my right hand. Got any ideas for elbow issues in the right elbow? Could I being doing something else wrong with my swing or grip? Lately we have been playing in rather wet conditions. Could that be a contibuting factor? I think you give excellent advice and very helpful instructions.

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


Glad you are going to be able to get in a round. Let us know how it goes. How far a drive is that for you?

Well folks, this old cowboy is taking my butt to bed. Hope you all have a wonderful day on Thursday.

Let us all know how your games go.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Hey Doc,

I'd like to run something by you. I was rereading the Foundations Manual yesterday (as I do from time to time) and Surge has the section about working on our strength with the forward arm to keep the back (usually dominant) arm from overpowering it in the swing, and also working on the strength of the grip with those last three fingers of the forward hand. So starting yesterday when I do my daily 15 minutes of swinging my weighted club and my SwingRite, I switched so that in both cases I start with a left-hand only swing, focused on holding the club almost entirely with those last three fingers. With the SwingRite, I clearly have to wind it down a few notches (I set it at 8 rather than 4) so that it still clicks. It really makes the full swings with both hands and a proper grip feel more balanced afterwards. What do you think?

larry's picture

Submitted by larry on

I liked your suggestions about how to avoid elbow pain in the left elbow. However, I have elbow pain on the outside of my right elbow (I am right handed). What causes that and how do I avoid it. Thanks.

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


I too believe that is how it went down.


Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Hey Robert, or anyone else,
Does anyone have an opinion on those balance bracelets?
My nephew brought one over to the house (he swears by it) and put it on me and went through the whole routine that they show on TV where supposedly you can keep your balance with it on.
I could keep my balance just the same no matter whether I had it on or not.
After trying a few times he just said I was from another planet and quit trying. LOL
I have never worn any kind of bracelet or ring or even a wrist watch but if I thought they worked I might be willing to give it a shot, but after those little experiments it doesn't seem likely to me that it works.

Malcolm Tidmarsh's picture

Submitted by Malcolm Tidmarsh (not verified) on

Hi Surge,
Thanks for advice on the left elbow pain issue which I am currently experiencing. In addition to
that I also get discomfort around the lower joint of my left thumb. This is just at the point
where the fleshy part of my lower right thumb sits on on my left thumb when taking up the
correct grip. I feel that my overall grip on the club is light. Any guidance you can give me would be welcome.
Malcolm Tidmarsh.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

I am sorry for your loss. My mother passed away about 10 years ago at 70 years old. The things she taught me still live on and I hope I occasionally make her proud.
I bet your Mom was proud of you also. Maybe she still lives in the wisdom of your comments.

Amos's picture

Submitted by Amos (not verified) on


Speaking for myself, You have said NOTHING that offends me. What you have shown is rightous indignation that needed to be expressed.


Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


My doctor told me I will probably never have an ulcer, but he thinks I might be a carrier.


Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


I too find that if I am going to be wrong on sit up, I am better off being a bit too close than too far. When I am too far away from the ball, I tend to either reach out and lose my balance or at the very least hit a toe shot.

I am sure you will hear experiences from some of the other folks.

Robert Thompson's picture

Submitted by Robert Thompson (not verified) on

Hi Jerry,

Like Robert F says, experiment with your spine angle. Also, if you are using game improvement irons, they are designed to get the ball airborne. As a result, you will hit some pretty high shots with them using the Surge Swing.

Hit'em Long and Straight,

Kevin Pouder's picture

Submitted by Kevin Pouder (not verified) on

I have watched Bruce's golfers elbow video and it provides some very good information on the subject.

Robert Thompson's picture

Submitted by Robert Thompson (not verified) on

To all of my fellow Veterans, Especially my Active Duty Brothers,

I've mentioned on a few occasions that I am deeply involved with The American Legion, and I invite all of you to take a look at this fine organization. If you aren't already members, consider joining. Active Duty members get their first years membership for free at our Post here in Anchorage, and probably in many Posts around the country.

The following is the Preamble to the Legion Constitution along with a link which explains it's meaning. Please give a look.

"For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes:
To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a 100-percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the great wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness."

By the way, The Legion sponsors several great tournaments around the country every year.

Hit'em Long and Straight, and God Bless You All!
