Sometimes the weather doesn't work out in your favor, but you still want to practice your golf swing. Fortunately, there are some really simple things you can do inside that will keep your golf game sharp.
Our resident Rolfer Golfer, Bruce Chaffin, recently responded to a comment on the blog about practicing indoors with a shorter club. I've touched on the subject of using shorter clubs indoors before, but Bruce brings up some interesting points about something that I never even thought about. Bruce was subconsciously changing his swing to avoid hitting the carpet as he would normally hit the ground when playing outside. This was causing him to have stress and strain in his neck area.
So when you practice indoors, make sure you are not altering your swing otherwise you may be hurting yourself more than helping.
Keep it vertical,
The Surge!
JanetM--Good to hear that you
JanetM--Good to hear that you saw your doctor. In my experience, doctors do just that--start conservatively. On my tear in my Achilles tendon, though, I went to an orthopedic specialist, and he knew enough that when he felt a bead on the tendon, he knew it was scar tissue that formed over the tear. With my back, the ER docs started conseratively--first day it was thought to be a spasm, second day, the pain moved and they thought it was a kidney stone; third day, it moved again with a might higher pain level That's when they jumped decided it was something more serious. So, pain was a good thing in this case. It motivated them to fly me to a major hospital. Keep an eye on your pain level.
I too woke up one day and low
I too woke up one day and low and behold my right elbow was killing me. Dr. said it was either tennis or golfers elbow and recommended motrin and PT which did not help.When I put ice on it, it hurt even more and heat helped some for a short while. I exercised and did everything the Dr. ordered. of course like any injury it always seemed that now I was banging it on door jams as I passed through or someone grabbed or bumped into it etc..) It continued to get worse so After 5 weeks I decided to go back to my old remedy TIGER BALM and rest. I wrapped the elbow with an ace bandage with the tiger balm and used a sling during the day. I took a pillow and placed my elbow on it at night and put th tiger balm on again minus the ace bandage and slept with a long sleeve shirt. I actually felt the difference immediately and within 3 weeks I was feeling better where I could play. However, I do believe this condition will never go away as long as we are playing. So for ME, I ice it some after I play, use a little heat (VERY IMPORTANT---- NEVER WITH THE TIGER BALM) and it has been been making me able to play and I have not experienced he same degree of pain while I play as before I started with the above. As I said, for me it has worked and the pain was excruciating. Maybe it can help some of you. Be well
I'm surprised that we haven't
I'm surprised that we haven't heard you know who chirp in on how to fix the pain.
Interesting, T. For me, the
Interesting, T. For me, the daily video emails now show up about the same time as the videos post to the site. Like you, I check in several times a day anyway. The YouTube notices are definitely hopeless as far as "timely" goes, showing up two days after the video has been uploaded and viewed. Anyway, ISPs are odd sometimes in how they process incoming emails to try to ensure that spam and phishing emails aren't reaching their users. That could be what's delaying your incoming emails.
You had better go to work woman. I am off to play golf with dad and the posse.
I was just reading several of your recent posts. You have gone from talking about gerbils, to little heads, to chocking chickens, and now to finding and squeezing balls.
Is there no end to your talents?
Thanks for the info, that
Thanks for the info, that would explain my situation then. I'll keep you posted every couple days or so. Thanks
Hey Jack,
Hey Jack,
You crack me up!.
My 47" finger is trumped by
My 47" finger is trumped by your superior instantaneous pan global multi directional digit & admits it
It's no match for your Glock either
My puny 47 incher is humbled by a superior arsenal
Hope the boys are well
You can contact Customer
You can contact Customer Service via email or phone and they will help you out. The videos can be made available here on Click the Support tab at the top and you will find the phone number (8am-8pm daily). Support can also be reached via email
You actually have to click on
You actually have to click on the poster name to get the direct link to the "review" of the 10 free lessons.
Hey Dick,
Hey Dick,
Yeah, it can get confusing to people sometimes when Surge says to have a firm grip, compared to the old Sam Snead advice of having a very loose grip. Some people hear firm and end up with a death-grip. That's why I like to squeeze my fingers on the shaft and then loosen them, so I know I'm at a medium pressure.
Without the reciprocation
Without the reciprocation dingle arm, I lose thirty yards on every shot. How can I replace the one I lost?
Guys, if you don't believe
Guys, if you don't believe that Don Trahan's Top Ten Master Mistakes Free Videos are legit, then go to to get a review on them.
Aren't you on the West Coast?
Aren't you on the West Coast?
You must be up before the rooster. Good morning.
Be careful to not overdo this
Be careful to not overdo this exercise. A story told by the late Johnny Bulla told of a cross country train trip by Ralph Guldahl who decided squeezing a tennis ball during the trip would keep his forearm muscles in shape. When he got to the tournament he found he had lost his timing and coordination.
You are on our contact list for daily emails. You may want to check your spam settings. I see you opened emails up until 30 Mar but none after that. I don't see any bounces for your address either so they must be going to your spam filter/folder. If you don't get tomorrow's post then let me know. I'll send you a test email out of cycle to see if it arrives.
It's just weird to sit here
It's just weird to sit here at 9am in the morning laughing to the point of tears.
Who is this pretending to be
Who is this pretending to be Don?!!!!!
Tech Crew, I just received
Tech Crew, I just received the email for the most recent video, Science behind the swing Pt 3. Thanks, hopefully they will continue on time now. We shall see.
Anytime this old cowboy gets a chicken in my hands, I choke it.
Steve and Jack made me say that.
You should run for office. Or maybe, you should run from office.
I carry a .45 cal, because they don't make a .46 cal.
A bigger gun is not always better. But, it is always bigger.
The boys are fine. I am going to do a post on today's blog about an issue with the younger one.
Thanks for your support for our boys.
Hilarious. But laughing so hard with a sore throat in difficult!
Great timing, as I look out
Great timing, as I look out at the falling snow.
If you can't regenerate the microbial refrabulatlion of the flux at the correct temperature which is absolute zero, I hate to tell you this, but you, my friend are out of Schlitz.
Steve made me make Dick say
Steve made me make Dick say it
Good morning.
Good morning.
Yes, I am on the Left Coast. Unfortunately, I'm up early most mornings because, unlike all of you independently wealthy retired people on this blog, I have to go to a job. I wake up, drink a cup of coffee and check in on the shenanigans.
No rooster in my household. (And no chickens being choked.)
Bbrungard. Am i correct that
Bbrungard. Am i correct that this is the shock wave therapy. If so, why was the need for a hospital setting. It is non-invasive and should be able to be performed in any location. Can you please relate a little more information as to the actual procedure.
There you go - using the old
There you go - using the old math again! Don't you know that is politically incorrect? You must use the NEW math that lets him change perspective so his head appears bigger, don't you know! ;-P
I'm sure he'll call her and
I'm sure he'll call her and offer to replace the elbows with special new super-secret elbows, as he did for his friend with the hips.
I revisited the flying right
I revisited the flying right elbow video & at last have managed to sort my iron play. Problem I am having is that it doesn't seem to work the same with my 5 wood & driver. I keep hitting the ground before the ball. I am 5ft 3 inches tall. Is it because the flying right albow technique isn't as effective with longer shafts & shorter golfers?
Tech Crew, Now i just got
Tech Crew, Now i just got another second notification of the same video. One at 6:15 est and the other at 6:37
Janet and KennyPl--While it
Janet and KennyPl--While it may be different treatments for different people, depending on the physical therapist, I had some kind of ultrasound treatment. They squirted some kind of cream on my elbow and then went over it with some kind of device with a chromed, flat knob on it. I was supposed to promote deep healing. As for cortisone shots, check how many shots you can have in any one area. I've heard physical therapists say that you can have only two or three shots of cortizone in a particular area or else it will become weakened. I'm no doctor or physical therapist, but I have gone through a lot of injuries. Good luck with your. I know how painful it can be.
Not a bad way to start the new day, and a great way to end it too.
Thanks, got it now.
Thanks, got it now.
Ted, pain in the elbow area
Ted, pain in the elbow area is very common among golfers that donâÂÂt have a relaxed extension of the arms through and immediate after impact. (Personal experience here) Check youâÂÂre self out on slow motion to see if the effected elbow is slightly bent at impact. I suffered the same thing and had to cut my swing back to about a ý swing with ý power to actually feel the extension of my straight lead arm pulling through at impact. I was very surprised to see how well the ball flight and distance was with this controlled, limited swing. Then eventually I was able to integrate this new relaxed extension into my full swing. Now anytime my elbow starts to bother, I know what I have to do. Good luck,
I replaced my ambifacient
I replaced my ambifacient lunar wanes with non geocranski preamfulators
This makes the hydrocoptic marzel vanes add an extra 30 yards of carry on top of the existing 30
Lynn is a genius
Harry, Try the Harry Truman
Harry, Try the Harry Truman approach. Focus on keeping your right/rear arm close to your body as you go through the hitting area. Here's a couple lessons about shanking. Good luck.
Heh. Funny, Amos. I always
Heh. Funny, Amos. I always preferred axe or machete on fowl's necks over choking.
On the serious question side, I do have an autographed copy of Sam Snead's THE GAME I LOVE, and he talks about grip pressure so light somebody could take the club out of his hands at the top of the backswing. Anyway, after listening to Surge's explanation and experimenting, I think there is a common ground to be found. You want to grip firmly, but not with the index finger and thumb. They should be very light, while the pressure increases with the middle, ring and pinky fingers. This gets the proper group of muscles active for a free, fast swing without activating the opposed muscles and while maintaining firm wrists.
Thanks for the tips dgaines.
Thanks for the tips dgaines. I still have some pain when I overuse the elbow (splitting wood most recently). I think I will look into the deep tissue massage, I think it will help with any scar tissue in the tendons. Thanks ! Marv W
That's why his miracle shaft
That's why his miracle shaft and distance appear so long - it is the NEW Math at work!
I am not so sure of that. I have now linked up with my two sons who are down range. We did a three way web cam. So we covered from Oklahoma to Afghanistan to Spain. I pointed at both of them with my finger during the call. So my friend, I think I just pointed around the world, both ways at the same time.
Take your best shot.
I revisited the flying right
I revisited the flying right elbow video & at last have managed to sort my iron play. Problem I am having is that it doesn't seem to work the same with my 5 wood & driver. I keep hitting the ground before the ball. I am 5ft 3 inches tall. Is it because the flying right albow technique isn't as effective with longer shafts & shorter golfers?
In the past I purchased a
In the past I purchased a number of your PPGS instructional videos. I later received an email from you saying you had split from your previous parter and started the swing surgeon program. So, I called into your previoes PPGS people and requested to cancel my perscription but instead of refunding me my money, I requested that I still be able to view the PPGS videos on line for future reference. I was told I could do that. Well, it turns out that I am not able to do that any longer. They are no longer available on line. How can I get them back. Or, can you send me a CD? Please advise. Thank you
William ( Bill ) G. Smith
1613 Hickory Bend Court
DeWitt, Iowa 52742
Interesting! Ok so TWC
Interesting! Ok so TWC released the emails. I also sent you one directly at the same time. So it is actually good to hear you got it twice.
JanetM--have you had yours
JanetM--have you had yours evaluated? I had a pain in my left Achilles tendon for six months. Then a doctor friend said that he remembered from medical school that the Achilles tendon in particular becomes weakened if it is chronically inflamed. So, I hurried to an orthopedic specialist, got an MRI, and found it was 20% torn--hence the chronic pain. I don't know if you have an inflamed tendon and if chronic inflamation can weaken it like the Achilles tendon, but please don't take chances.
Does your chicken chocker charge by the hour, or by the job?
Oh I see. He wrote that
Oh I see. He wrote that article back in August of last year, which means all the emails he was getting was from the old site, which yes they are NOTORIOUS for flooding inboxes with 4 and 5 emails a day. Loved how they spelled his name wrong in the middle...not. Guess you don't have to proofread what you write after all.
Swinging to avoid hitting the
Swinging to avoid hitting the carpet? A large sheet of Cardboard would do the trick. The side of a large box for example. A box from a refrigerator/Flat Screen TV etc, would do the job nicely. It has to be large enough to ensure that you can't hit the edge in the downswing and also allow your feet to be anchoring it during your swings.
I used a fair sized piece of 5ply covered by a piece of old carpet to start with, before buying a decent range mat [well worth the expense]. We are only constrained by the thing between our ears. heh heh heh ; - )
Priceless Lynn
Priceless Lynn