I just got back from the Golf Show in Orlando last week and we met some old friends while we were there. They had two sons, young men, who were golfers, and I was asked to help them out.
The oldest was a good golfer but said he was having problems with power blocks and slices. I asked him what he was trying to achieve. He told me that to correct this problem his was going inside out with his swing.
If you're a Surge Swing student, you know that's bad news. While he had a good, athletic setup and very good power, he was missing the one major element we try to achieve with the Surge Swing: hitting it straight! And you don't hit it straight (with consistency) by going inside out.
This video will give you the problem ' and solution ' to achieving the goal of 'straight down the fairway.'
The Surge!
Surge, I'm doing pretty good
Surge, I'm doing pretty good with your swing, but I've been loosing some distance with the vertical swing, tendency to hit it too high and coming up short. Any suggestions?