Maximum Release to Perfect T-Finish

Mon, 02/28/2011 - 14:44 -- Don Trahan

We have been talking about releasing the club and swinging up to the T-Finish. But to get the most power out of your swing, you must release your entire body.

My €œSurgism€ is, at impact, you must stand up AFAP (as fast as possible) like a Pop Tart out of a toaster. But your whole body is involved in this. You don'€™t hold back until your back shoulder touches your chin or until you see your divot. That just inhibits the body from standing up. You must be pushing off with your back foot and release everything (head, torso) to chase your hands and arms to the finish.

If I close my eyes at the top of the backswing and open them at impact I want to be facing forward, looking at the ball in the air. How fast is that?

The key to a perfect T-Finish is the maximum release of your entire body so you can stand up AFAP.

The Surge!

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Submitted by Zelich (not verified) on

Surge, I'm committed to your swing and it is helping me a lot. One weak spot for me however is that I'm searching too much for the first move on the down swing. I have heard you mention the "bump" which I'm sure you have explained but I missed it. Is it the trigger I'm looking for on the down swing? If so please explain it again. Much thanks.