Mechanics vs. Feel

Sun, 08/28/2011 - 17:17 -- Don Trahan

Today's tip was inspired by a comment from RogerfromKY during a discussion about my belief that "Good wrist action is no wrist action". Here's part of what he wrote:

"All this wrist cock stuff I do not even think about. I just setup and swing the club like Don tells to us swing the club to the best of my ability. I think we as players sometimes get our brains too clogged with too many thoughts and it prevents us from performing to the best of our abilities when we're out on the course. The less I think about the swing when I am playing, the better I play."

In just a few words, Roger brings up a point of tremendous worth. When you are out on the course, forget about mechanics! Not that mechanics aren't important, but working on them is what you do when you are on the range. When you actually can make a number of swings with the same club and the same target. That's how you learn what that particular shot should feel like when you hit it properly. Practice enough and you will develop a good collection of feelings for just about any situation you are likely to encounter out on the course.

As you play, then, take a practice swing until you can feel the swing you grooved while practicing your mechanics on the range. Then step up to the ball and swing the feel! When you can do that, you'll be well on your way to lowering your scores.

Keep it vertical!

The Surge

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