NAB: Nose AT the Ball

Mon, 11/01/2010 - 09:00 -- Don Trahan

I know there's this idea out there (mostly because of Jack Nicklaus) that you should cock your head to the right when you set up to the ball. Well, in the Peak Performance Golf Swing, we don't cock our heads. We keep our nose at the ball.

All great golfers have their idiosyncrasies. But that's them, not you. You need to have your nose pointed at the ball at address. This keeps you in dynamic balance. It helps you feel and visualize your swing.

Point your nose AT the ball and you're going to end up with straight, accurate shots every time.

The Surge!

P.S. It's here! The first PPGS Tournament. December 9, 10, 11. Click here for details!

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