No Pain, LOTS Of Gain

Mon, 05/04/2009 - 21:00 -- Don Trahan

No Pain, LOTS Of Gain

Comments about the PPGS keep pouring in.

You can read more about my body-friendly swing at:

In the meantime, let's hear what PPGS student Al says…


Practiced what I read on the first 4 videos yesterday, for about 2 hours, played this morning & shot a 43 , 43 for an 86 with an 8 on a par four that I blew up on.

Was very happy with the results having very little time to get any real muscle memory.

Can'€™t wait to get in a couple more practices.



DON TRAHAN: Excellent Al, just goes to show you don't have to wait to get better at golf.

Re: muscle memory: Your muscles LIKE the PPGS — because it works in complete harmony with them. When you are dynamically balanced, your body rewards you with a straighter, more powerful, and more consistent swing.


I played my best when I used to use your method but was changed by a '€œPGA Pro'€ and never got better.

Looking forward to your tips and will be ordering your program next week.

Can'€™t wait, thanks again.

-Mike Powers
Peoria, Az.

DON TRAHAN: Mike, you're not the first student to get temporarily sidetracked by another swing “witch doctor” only to come right back to the Swing “Surgeon”!


Following your advice, I shot par on the back nine last three times I played hitting all fairways and 7 out of nine greens, but putted only so-so on winter type greens.

You sure do tear down some old myths perpetrated by so many teaching pros.

All the best to you and D.J.

-Rob McIntyre

DON TRAHAN: Thank you Rob, and congrats on your improvement, it's very impressive!


I have been playing golf since I was 6 years old and I am now 50 with a 0 handicap, but I have been working on the lessons you have provided, and I am striking the ball more solid that I ever have.

You make perfect sense. I really appreciate your help!

-Dale Sledge

DON TRAHAN: Glad to be of help Dale! The PPGS makes so much sense and works so well because it's based on science, physics and gravity — that works all the time, whether someone “believes” in it or not.

Good job and keep us updated on your progress.


Thank you so Very MUCH for validating what I always believed to be the proper way to begin the the golf swing.

I am not one to take publication articles at heart, as I have found that for the most part they are Hazardous to instilling proper sound fundamentals.

YOUR LESSONS HAVE BEEN an inspiration for resurrecting what golf can be. FUN, RELAXING, and an inspiration to all that play this Great Sport.

Cudos to you,Mr. Trahan

-S. Stacy

DON TRAHAN: Thank you S.!

Let's face it, it's hard to have fun and be relaxed if you're frustrated all the time and twisted up in back pain. As you've seen, the PPGS deals with both those problems right out the gate.

Okay that's a wrap for now.

If you're tired of paying for an endless string of instruction that leaves you no better off (or worse) than before, the PPGS is waiting for you patiently at:

Remember, if it doesn't immediately improve your swing, I'll buy it back from you.

The worst that happens is you get to use it free.

What can be more fair than that?

The Surge!

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