Physical limitations can plague anyone, but it is is not the end of your golf game. In the Peak Performance Golf Swing, we learn to work around the limitations you may have. Today we have a great story from a recent school where we had a student with a restriction with one of his arms that prohibited him from having full extension of one arm. The PPGS had already helped him get back to playing golf without back pain, but there was a final critical piece missing. Watch the video and find out what we were able to fix during a school!
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Physical limitations
Surge, I have recurring left shoulder dislocations from an injury in the Army, because of that I taught myself to fold the left arm right after impact keepin the elbow pointing toward the ground. Later in life i had three back operations in the L section low right, which pinches when i tilt right in the swing. Most of my back pain was helped when I went to PPGS. But, I am finding it hard to tilt right and swing to straight arms for impact. I don't rightly know if it is mental, afraid of potential pain or physical, right side pain. I am trying your lag drill to see if that helps. Any suggestions.