Picking the Right Sunglasses for Golf

Sat, 06/14/2014 - 12:00 -- Don Trahan

A lot of golfers play golf with sunglasses, me being one of them. However, I don't think that most golfers give much thought to what kind of sunglasses they wear. Too many times I see golfers with sunglasses that are just way too small and barely cover their eyes. Because you look down at the ball, the rims of your sunglasses can obstruct a clear line of sight.

Protecting your eyes is a key element to longevity in golf. My eyes are very sensitive to sunlight, so I always carry a few different pairs of shades around. But, there's only one that I play golf with; I call them my "playing glasses." They have transition lenses and cover my eyes all the way down to my cheeks. There's absolutely no chance that they will block my vision.

Take a look at some PGA TOUR pros at the U.S. Open this week. There will no doubt be many who choose to wear sunglasses. But, I guarantee that each one who does wears a pair that has optimum coverage.

Get yourself a nice big pair of sunglasses and keep it vertical!

The Surge

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Hal's picture

Submitted by Hal on

Don, I had large lense sunglasses made for me that was tinted in the top and graduated down to clear at the bottom. they work real well for me. The clear at the bottom lets me be able to read the greens better.

resumez@cox.net's picture

Submitted by resumez@cox.net on

I'm with you on the one -- I too have light sensitive eyes -- I have always worn sunglasses for almost any outdoor activity.
When I had my cataract surgery a few years ago, one of the "specials" was a discount coupon for Bausch and Lomb polarized "shades", 2 pair for $19.95. They are plain plastic, one pair with green-black lens, the other with rose-amber lens, recommended for "bright but cloudy" days. The frames and lenses are large - intended to be worn over regular glasses. In fact in appearance these sun glasses look very similar to the ones worn by Ray Charles.
I usually play very early in the mornings to "beat the Phoenix heat" -- ha ha. So frequently I do not wear the shades for the first few holes. But the first time I come to a hole playing West-to-East the glasses come on - and remain on for the rest of the round. It may be my imagination, but I think the polarized glasses MAY help a little in reading greens.

Keep hitting them STRAIGHT and LONG
