The Proper Amount of Turn

Sat, 07/30/2011 - 21:07 -- Don Trahan

If you've been following me for any period of time, you know that one of the fundamental precepts of the Peak Performance Golf Swing is a limited turn of about 70 degrees. This amount of turn allows us to get the upper part of our forward arm and the club head over the toe line just before we make the vertical lift needed to complete the backswing. When you begin to master the swing, the turn should become virtually automatic.

Notice that I said "virtually" automatic. We should never forget about it completely because bad habits can creep in over time and you may find that you are either overturning or underturning. And this can happen to anyone, including me! Check out today's video for a refresher on the importance of making a proper turn.

Keep it vertical!

The Surge

Comments's picture

Submitted by on

When I started golf I had a limited turn so I thought your system would suit me. My difficulty is that over the years I couldn’t stop pulling the ball to the left and I’ve spent hours looking for balls on my golf course’s first hole whose fairway slopes sharply downhill to that side. I see that you have now finally explained why. That catchers mitt thing stopped me from making the turn properly. I wonder what will happen when next I practice and play that damn hole from the members tees. Sincerely Malcolm's picture

Submitted by on

I have been a faithful follower of the PPG for many years.
Without a doubt it has helped my game. It is a rare occasion when I miss a fairway.
One area that I do need help and cannot recall you touching on is fairway metals.
I am inconsistent in regard to ball flight. I do not consistently get the loft of my 5, 4 and 3 fairway metals as I should.
Is it ball position or possibly something else.
Would appreciate you doing one of your weekly video's on the subject.
Many thanks.
Bill Regrut
Bluffton, SC

Tedster's picture

Submitted by Tedster on

Perhaps I have a stiffer neck than most golfers, but I have been limiting my turn because I reach the left edge of what I can see through my glasses. If the ball leaves my vision, all sorts of bad things happen -- mostly related to hitting the ground behind the ball.

Frustrating, but I compensate with limitation of turn. Maybe I need to try yoga or something to loosen the relationship between my turning shoulders and the neck which just gets pulled along.

Always good to watch these videos, and they have been so helpful for years.