Right Hand Too Strong

Sat, 12/04/2010 - 22:00 -- Don Trahan

The audio is a little rough. I was out on DJ'€™s back dock in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, and there was a bit of wind '€¦

At our last school, I noticed a few of the students had a very strong right hand. Instead of the inside of the right elbow pointing up, about 12 O'€™clock, it was pointing at about 10 O'€™clock. That caused them to be laid off in the backswing.

Every once in a while we have to get back to basics. Remember, the Peak Performance Golf Swing grip is '€œpalms perpendicular to the ground.'€ With a strong right grip, the right palm is almost facing the ground. Correcting the grip, returning it to palms perpendicular, solved that problem.

Sometimes, the solution is just that simple.

The Surge!

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tuyn4@aol.com's picture

Submitted by tuyn4@aol.com on

Surge, your teachings are just what I needed to correct a beyond-parallel overswing, where my wrist cock was causing me to lose my left hand grip on the club, with very inconsistent results. I have adopted almost all of your instructions, but find I need a strong right hand grip to maintain a firm hold on the club. My right thumb is at one o'clock, which braces against the club at the top to push against the urge to bring the shaft beyond vertical. The results have been good. I know you advocate "hands perpendicular", but isn't it possible to adopt your principles while still maintaining a strong right hand grip? Thanks, Rick Tuyn (pronounced "tine")