A Swing Warning!

Thu, 02/10/2011 - 16:31 -- Don Trahan

You see it every day on the Tour: rotational swingers. I know it'€™s very tempting to follow those model swings, but the problems you'€™ll encounter in trying to mirror those swings are far outweighed by the benefits you'€™ll get from the limited turn, ¾ vertical backswing.

Let'€™s be clear here. Just like with any sport, there are a million ways to hit a golf ball. Trick shot artists get on their knees or on ladders and slam the ball way out there. But how would your body feel after 18 holes on your knees?

The beauty of the Surge Swing is that, no matter what shot you'€™re faced with, you always (I mean ALWAYS) have a reliable, repeatable swing that will get you where you want to go, without pain. I know it'€™s tempting to think '€œWhat'€™s his secret?'€ when you see a pro shoot a 63. It'€™s painful for me to watch. While they have to hit the ball '€œon-on-and-on,'€ getting there I know will cause back, hip, knee and shoulder problems sooner or later. Just look at the Tour today. Look at the injuries.

So be forewarned. Make the Surge Swing your mantra. Keep it straight, upright and stay healthy.

The Surge!

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