What Type of 3 Wood?

Wed, 02/23/2011 - 15:08 -- Don Trahan

When I was over to see Lynn Griffin the other day he showed me a comment on the blog about choosing the right 3 wood. As usual, Lynn had some interesting thoughts.

In this video, Lynn shows us three types of 3 woods and explains how they would affect ball flight and characteristics of the clubhead.

Then he really gets to the meat of it all: clubhead speed. He says that if you have a clubhead speed lower than 90 mph you might ask yourself if you need a 3 wood at all.

His alternative may surprise you.

The Surge!

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Ffjuliano's picture

Submitted by Ffjuliano (not verified) on

Would find your comments more informative if you would indicate the wood differences by loft rather than by number since different manufacturers use different number designations for different lofts.

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on

He has covered that fact before.

That is a pretty old video. There are a lot of videos since that one.

You had better read faster, if you want to catch up to where we are now.