Width Of Stance Defined

Tue, 10/11/2011 - 17:35 -- Don Trahan

Today I want to answer a question from Mort Goodkin, who writes:

"Been a back sufferer for years. Not bad the last 5years (I'm 84). I find that I must stand with a wider stance now to get some distance and move the ball more to the middle of my stance--make sense?"

Well, Mort, it's not possible for me to know exactly how wide of a stance you are talking about from your question so let me answer with what the correct stance should be for my limited turn, 3/4 vertical swing. In the Peak Performance Golf Swing we want our stance to be shoulder wide when swinging our longer clubs, and perhaps a little narrower as we get to our high lofted irons. (But be careful not to get too narrow as that will lead to balance problems too).

You can gauge your width of stance by placing a club under your rear arm and extending a line down the shaft to your rear heel (right heel for a righty). Now do the same for your forward side. If you are playing a high-lofted club, the line will extend down toward your forward heel. If you are hitting a driver, then your forward heel will be 1-2 inches wider. Anything wider than that and you will not be able to maintain your dynamic balance all the way through your swing. And since you noted that you are a long-time back pain sufferer, having too wide of a stance will actually hurt your back, according to Dr. Ned Armstrong, the orthopedic surgeon who has been one of my trusted medical advisers for years.

Before I close, Mort, I want to congratulate you for continuing to improve your game at 84 years young. The Surge Swing is a body-friendly swing that should serve you well for many more years to come.

Keep it vertical!

The Surge

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