I was reading questions and comments following one of my daily articles and this one jumped out at me as it is quite long and chock full of good information. I decided to use this as an article of the day because I felt that since it was written by a reader, his insights may, and likely will, resonate well with all of you because he is one of you.
Since these are not my words, I felt it would not be correct or proper for me to do a recording.
So, to Warren and all of you who write in questions and comments I say thanks for your interest and thanks for taking the time to write. Like your teachers in school always said, no question is stupid and honest and genuine comments help us all, as learning is the sharing of good ideas. The student can teach other students and the student can teach the teacher. So as in all educational environments, keep an open mind and keep helping each other to continue learning and improving our golf swings to play better golf. Now, here is what Warren wrote, for all of us.
The Surge!
WARREN says:
Look folks, between NinerMike, Randy Beckett, and the Surge ( last but certainly not least ), you have all the info you need to play good golf. Forget all this 1 Plane, 2 Plane, Rotational Swing, Down Swing, Around Swing, Into the Ground Swing, Stack & Tilt Swing'¦.blah, blah, blah. Or, 'Buy this club and you can turn pro. Buy this DVD and all your prayers are answered.,..blah, blah, blah.'
We've all chased the illusive 'secret method.' And you are still chasing it, aren't you? Well, QUIT doing it! You have all the info you need in front of you, but you need to study it and practice it. The one thing, and only thing, I agree with Ben Hogan on is that you must 'dig it out of the dirt'. What he meant was that you get out of golf what you put in to it. There ain't no free lunch! Surge has said that himself. You must understand what you are trying to do and PRACTICE. Not 'part' of the system, the entire concept. Surge isn't offering you a buffet, where you pick what you like and leave the rest. It doesn't work that way.
Study Surge's DVDs. Then do yourself a favor and take NinerMike's advice too. Go to Amazon.com and buy a copy of Ernest Jones's book 'Swing the Clubhead'. He teaches you how to execute a PURE swinging action of the club. It's all you need to do. Forget about shifting the weight to the right on the backswing, pulling down with the left hand to start the downswing, transferring you weight back to the right side, turning your shoulders, etc., etc., etc. With all the images, words, thoughts, and positions you have been told you need to know, how in the world do you think anybody has enough concentration, ability, talent, and/or coordination to do all that? Well, the answer is'¦THERE ISN'T!
There are a few things that are present in every good player. They have excellent balance, for one. That balance produces a graceful look to the swing'¦whoops, there's that word again'¦'SWING'. Funny how that keeps popping up. The balance comes from an absence of out of position force. If you try to 'force' a golf swing, just do yourself a favor and quit now. You're never going to be any good. I'm telling you what Surge can't. He's too diplomatic, and he truly has a desire to see you get better. Unfortunately, for some of you though, his desire is greater than yours. You want it, but not enough to EARN it. Sorry, but that ain't the way it works.
Get the book by Ernest Jones and it will explain what Surge has been trying to teach you'¦.a pure swinging motion. It's what ALL top golfers use, bar none! Who is this Ernest Jones and why am I preaching about him. Well, he founded this' Swing the Clubhead' method of teaching. He only had ONE LEG, and could shoot par golf. So, for you out there that have both of yours, what's your excuse now for continuing to play so poorly? Ernest couldn't 'transfer' his weight. He'd fall over on his face. So forget all that weight transfer stuff you're trying to MAKE happen. I'm telling you the truth by saying that the Swinging Motion will take care of ALL you need to know to produce a simple, repeatable golf swing that will yield more pleasurable rounds of golf than you ever thought possible. It will produce a swing that has balance, grace, and ease of effort. Oh, and did I mention you won't tire and hurt either?