The Ultimate Alignment Video

The Ultimate Golf Alignment Video

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I have been teaching golf for over 35 years now and so I've learned a few universal truths about the golf swing. Without a doubt, the number one truth is this: 90-95% of ALL swing problems are caused by bad alignment.

That's a pretty sobering thought, isn't it? I have students ask me all the time how this can be so and my answer is always the same. It's because the golf swing is subject to the immutable laws of physics and the limitations of the human body's physiology. There are no dispensations given to anyone either. If you are looking for a repeatable swing, one that you can count on to consistently put the ball on target at precisely the right distance, then you must understand how to align your body properly during setup.

I feel so strongly about it that I have published dozens of daily video tips on the subject over the last three years. Yet, unbelievably, 99.9% of the people I see at our golf schools do not have good alignment, even after watching my daily tips on the subject. So earlier this year, I spent a couple of days thinking about where I was failing to properly convey the principles of sound alignment. What I discovered was that people were having the most difficulty understanding what I mean when I say the toe line must be "parallel left" of the target. So in this new video, I not only go through the basics of alignment in greater detail than ever before, I also demonstrate two new concepts that should help everyone out there who struggles with alignment. And let's face it--we ALL struggle with alignment, even me! This is information that no other teacher that I know of ever talks about either.

If you purchase this video, and carefully incorporate its teachings into your setup routine, you should see an immediate and dramatic improvement in your ball striking. Your shots should be mostly on-target and you'll likely see an improvement in your distance too. 

So what are you waiting for? You can be watching this video in just a few minutes by purchasing your copy today.


Don Trahan
PGA Master Professional

Runtime: 71 minutes


The Ultimate Alignment Video : Trailer Video