Stick To One Thought

Wed, 06/29/2011 - 17:15 -- Don Trahan

Look, at most, the golf swing lasts about 3 seconds from beginning to end. We'€™ve broken that three seconds apart into the pieces of the Surge Swing, and I've tried to describe each swing component in a number of different ways to help all of you find a visualization that works best for you. Today's excellent suggestion comes from Janet M. and, like me, she must be a baseball fan.

She wrote in and said she thought of the bump as something similar to a baseball player taking a cut at the ball. The batter must quickly shift his or her weight from back to front, our lateral left shift, because the ball is coming so fast. There'€™s no real time to think about it.

But, she observed, in golf the ball is stationary. It'€™s not going to go anywhere until you hit it. And that gives you time to think about what you'€™re going to do. That'€™s dangerous! We tend to think too much; we let too many swing thoughts creep into our head. By keeping her front foot down, Janet said she just lets the bump happen '€œnaturally.'€

When you are about to address the ball out on the course, make that practice swing '€¦ and make sure you'€™re making the swing from where the ball is, on a tee or wherever it is in the fairway (or in the rough). Get the feel of the swing with your practice swing(s), then, as you know, swing the feel. Keep it simple.

Keep it vertical,

The Surge!

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T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

Ben, What's the problem fellow. Did something crawl up your ass, or what? I see you felt the need to identify yourself as a BRITISH BLOGGER, that's probably because you are proud of being British. You should display that same pride with YOUR OPEN and say British Open.

Other than that. You seem to be making a big deal out of a bit of nothing. If it makes you feel better to call me a goon for simply having a difference of opinion, then feel better and have a nice evening. I won't hold it against you.

I, other than being like you, will grant you the right to a differing opinion, than my own. It is a shame you are too narrow minded to do like wise. Never the less, I wish you the best. Also, good luck in the coming British Open.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

That's that bit of the game where we all go mental. To the best of your ability you have to just forget the ball is there and, as the other Robert says below, swing through to the target. Learning to trust the swing is a difficult thing, but it's the only way to hit consistent shots. You control what you can control and the rest is in the hands of the golf gods--those fickle, tricksterish whatever-they-ares. :)

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

Disqus generic email template For some reason, the same process on the last reply, did not deliver the same results, However, the first line (Disqus generic email template) is still present, so evidently DISQUS has done or is doing something about it. Let's see what this reply provides, using the same process.

----- Original Message -----
From: Disqus
To: *******
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 1:51 PM
Subject: [swingsurgeon] Re: Stick To One Thought - The Surge's Daily Blog

Robert F wrote, in response to T Medley:

That previous one, like this one, I use Mail in Mac OS X and just press Reply. Is your email plain text or does it included the embedded images? Mine shows the full "Disqus" stationery.

Link to comment

Kevin McGarrahan's picture

Submitted by Kevin McGarrahan (not verified) on

You know, David, that you can replay these videos as many times as you need to in order to catch everything said and done. I rewind lots of them and listen to parts several times, especially when I have been distracted, like by my grandson who asks me what Don is saying while I am trying to listen to what he is saying :-)

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Maybe you should do some re-reading though because you are saying that we should be using "The Open" because it is tradition.
T. Medley is saying we should use "The British Open" because it is tradition.
So I have absolutely no idea how you could "agree with him wholeheartedly" when you are making opposite statements.

I try to point out that although the name of it is "The Open Championship" or "The Open" most of us in America call it The British Open both in casual conversations and in print (Google The British Open and you will see plenty of examples).
I couldn't care less what anyone calls it and I am not the one that brought up the subject in the first place.

The whole thread is humorous to me because I have two guys saying opposite things both replying to me, acting like it was me that brought up the subject and acting like I am ignoring "tradition", and (here's the funny part)"agreeing wholeheartedly" with the other.

It seems I have yet again entered "The Twilight Zone".

Edit: (Shake my head). I certainly give up. We are speaking different languages.
I was trying to explain to you why Roger would have said what he said and trying to explain to anyone else why you said what you said. T. acted like it was "my" subject and went into syllables and tradition and that "British" was somehow being construed as a bad word while it is someone "British" that brought up the subject. I can see that this is getting absolutely nowhere. As I said I REALLY don't care anyway. It won't happen again.
I gave up last week on trying to give my opinions on anything to do with a golf swing so I guess this week I will give up on intercontinental mediations and language symantics.
Soon I'll be down to just a joke or two.
(In language that can't be misconstrued).;-)

Hilbridan's picture

Submitted by Hilbridan (not verified) on

Sorry, this has nowt to do with the daily video (another gem from Don, as always) but I liked Robert's reference to the 'Surge Nation'. In fact, the Surge Nation is international, and I just want to give a shout out to DJ as he tees off at the AT&T. It's great to be able to follow his progress on my new smartphone, even though tee-off time is 11:20 p.m. here downunder in New Zealand.

Love all the helpful comments from all the faithful as well as the daily tips.
Long live The Surge

j_tull's picture

Submitted by j_tull (not verified) on

I would sure like to see DJ with a lead going in to the weekend so the TV doinks CAN'T ignore him.  Would love to hear a Kostis super slo mo analysis of his swing.

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

Robert, Thanks for the heads up. I am taking a lazy veg out day today after a very busy week. I'll keep my eye on shot tracker. I also have a request. I'm working with Disqus to see/test the problem of a posters email address being posted on the blog when replying through their email notification process. So, will you please just sent me a reply of any sort to this, so that I can answer you through the email notification process and see if it still posts my address. on the blog.   Thanks.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Lp. I would like to respectfully yet completely disagree with you. Yes you can simply watch golf videos on other sites or you-tube if you like. However thousands of us are here every day because we know (as Lynn says below) that Surge reads, considers and then responds to good questions, observations or answers given by some of the thousands of readers that take the time to also thoughtfully blog on this site. That is the very attraction of Don Trahan. I've met him and let me tell you he is a passionate golfer and teacher who intently cares about helping us learn how to improve our abilities to knock that little white ball in the hole. A new style of teaching? He has been using this same style of teaching here for over three years. And yes we love it when one of our brothers or sisters are ackowledged for contributing to this site with thier thoughtful questions and answers. None claim to replace Surge. But lots of us are serious students who have a never ending thirst for info and ideas to improve. Surge refers to us as family, as Surgites, and DJ coined the phrase "Surge Nation". Yes we're unusual. We really do care about each other and all are pulling for each member to improve. Surge involves us as much as possible and that's why we love him. He cares. So if that doesn't suit you as my momma used to say, " If you can,please most of the people, most of the time and you're doing alot of things right.". I think he does that better than any other swing coach.

BrianF's picture

Submitted by BrianF (not verified) on

Terry, I have just read the response to you below from Benholt7. His post does not give me the opportunity to reply direct so I am replying to you in the hope he will read it too.

I have to say that I do not need his 'help' in making any of my points of view. Further, I do agree with his manner in addressing this site in such a way. In fact I quite deplore it

I sincerely hope that you, and all the other bloggers, do not believe that he represents my approach to this beautiful game of ours. I rather like to think we can (and should) conduct ourselves on this site as we would on the golf course - with courtesy at all times.

There is nothing wrong with having a differing point of view. The way we express ourselves in making our point, just as in the way we play our game, is a measure of our integrety. And, as in life, we are judged/measured by our standards both on and off the course.

For the record, my only reason in raising the point in the first place is that, in my business life I had to always ensure that everything leaving my office was correct in all details, so I suppose this has stayed with me in retirement. Old habits.......



Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

That sounds like a great routine with the swingrite Cerveza. I start out at about 7 and actually don't try to click it as I swing rythmically back and forth, BUS, FUS slowly at first until I feel a balanced rythym then I accelerate and "click" with my speed at the bottom. Reset it and start static(now that I have the right ryhthym and balanced timing and swing and click each time turning it down a bit, not looking at what I'm re-setting it at. Swing, click, turn dial down and again several times. If I stop to look at it afterwords I see it's down at that 4/5 area. Then I switch to a 7 iron and while "feeling" the same rythmic vibe I swing the feel with the 7 iron for 5-10 more. What is important for me is replacing my hands on the 7 iron in exactly the same way as they were on the swingrite training grip so that everything is the same position and the same feel.

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

Disqus generic email template
The funny thing is, it just started doing it after the last DISQUS update, when we lost the Replies To You tab at the Dashboard page. After that modification or change, is when it started. I never had any problem until then, with using the same process for months. Let's see how this one posts.
----- Original Message -----
From: Disqus
To: *******
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 2:03 PM
Subject: [swingsurgeon] Re: Stick To One Thought - The Surge's Daily Blog

Robert F wrote, in response to T Medley:

Funny that yours always includes "Disqus generic email template" at the beginning. :) Clearly the folks at Disqus like Apple Mail better. ;-)

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Kevin McGarrahan's picture

Submitted by Kevin McGarrahan (not verified) on

I played 18 today with my golfing partner at his home course. I'm still writing up all the stats and thoughts from the day, so I'll make this part short. I shot 46-42 while he shot 41-43. I had several shots that were perfect Surge Swings and a bunch that were not. I even managed to hit several good shots in a row. I had 2 birdies, 5 pars, 5 bogeys, and 5 doubles. The doubles all happened when I lost focus. The best hole was the 460-yard, par-5 6th where I hit a 253-yard drive, followed by a 204-yard 3-metal, both dead straight. My eagle putt was 4 inches short of the hole. My normal drive is 193 and my normal 3-metal is 179. When everything clicks together, this system is awesome!

BrianF's picture

Submitted by BrianF (not verified) on

Hi Steve.
Again, I'm having to reply here because your last post doesn't give me that facility.

Sorry, but I've re-read T. Medley's responses and don't see a reference to tradition, so I don't understand your point.

In his latest post, he referred to the reduced use of proper titles, and then made the statement that I quoted. I had understood that, by 'proper', he meant the right or correct titles.

But hey, these are just your and my interpretations of what he said. Maybe we should let him give us his two cents worth.

It's certainly not a matter over which I am going to fall out with you but I do reserve the right to offer an opinion on any subject that is close to my heart - as is this great, traditional game of ours.

Cheers, Brian 

Brmeam's picture

Submitted by Brmeam (not verified) on

I too love following DJ in the background of my computer at work with ShotTracker.  I would like to ask a favor of Don, could you post the yardages that DJ normally hits his clubs, the old "whats in the bag" for DJ currently?  For instance, how far does he hit his lob wedge?
that woudl be great info as we watch him play either by computer or live when we get the chance.  thanks in advance.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

I've done that from time to time with the same result. I'm aware of it when it happens and get mad at myself. Then step back and start humming my tempo tune and get back to work. What went wrong? Who cares. Do the next one right. ;-)

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Like this?

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Janet and Steve. Nice to here Surge let us know you are on the right track. Thanks for the thoughts on the bump and keeping things simple.

Benholt7's picture

Submitted by Benholt7 (not verified) on

Stop being a pure pussy Brian, sticking up for these morons... Cant you see how they are all having a pop at you JUST because you happened to mention the Open is not the British Open..

Heres the deal, they thought you were taking the pi$$, rubbing their noses in the fact we invented the sport ( when clearly you werent ) so they do what they always do and get on there High Horse and try and wear you down with the shyte English and there 'stuck up there own arse ' attitiude.. Dont have it Brian, their just jelous because all the games they invent are a crock of old shyte and you either have to 1) Be black or 2) take steroids to play them..... All the good old game like Tennis, Cricket, Boxing, Football, you know the proper sports in the world, all got created by the Kings of the World.... ENGLAND. Fair enough they helped us in WW2, apart from that, what have youz done except caused grief.

Now, do yourselves a favour and eat a bit of humble pie for once in your grim little lives.. Just because you are corrected about something, doesnt give you the right to jump on someone and make them feel small bacause your opinion is wrong.

And Terry, no its not about your difference in opinions, its the fact you think your some kind of blogging police for surge.....Its because you speak to people like there a child, or worse, a dog, and all because they happen to disagree with you, and above all, its because your a fat, inbread, thick as fuk American ok.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Hilbridan, Good day mate, watching DJ on shot tracker here too on the west coast of the USA. (8:30am Thursday here) He just birdied # 16 to get back to even par. The lead is 3 under so it must be a tough course. Have a great Friday morning down under :)

BrianF's picture

Submitted by BrianF (not verified) on

Please don't think me too hissy, Roger, but there is no such thing as the British Open. The correct title is The Open. I believe the US Open is so named to differenciate it from the 'original' one.

Cheers.  Briam

Boogm's picture

Submitted by Boogm (not verified) on

Kevin, good to know someone was having a good round while I was finally mowing the grass!
Congrats on the round & killer drive on the par 5.Which course was it, if I may ask?

Kevin McGarrahan's picture

Submitted by Kevin McGarrahan (not verified) on

I made an unusual discovery about my swing today and would like to know if anyone else has experienced it in learning the Surge Swing. Every once in a while during my backswing, I take my eyes off the ball and glance back to see if I have gotten my left arm parallel to the toe line and the club vertical. I do this subconsciously. When it happens, I cannot get focused back on the ball before the FUS and I either hit a slice or pull the ball 30-40 yards right.

I came to this conclusion from analyzing my round of golf from yesterday. I went outside to hit balls and confirmed it because I was aware of it. Being aware of it made it even harder to stop doing.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Steve, I hope you keep on giving swing thoughts and observations. I appreciate and learn or confirm something every time you speak up. Don't stop sharing.

Doc Griffin's picture

Submitted by Doc Griffin (not verified) on

Was it a mis-read?  LOL   I'm assuming you made the birdie.  I'm still looking for my first.  Congrats on the good shot anyway.

Closest I've come was a years and years and years ago.  Hit a skank shot the skipped off the water, scooted up the incline in front of the green and rolled dead straight to the hole and stopped 3" short of the hole!

dave's picture

Submitted by dave on

Watching the video brought to my mind something that has been bothering me for some time. When Surge talks about the bump and illustrates it, he appears to move his body lower by folding the "accordian" of hips and knees more than it was at set up. I would think that if a golfer does this the club will hit the ground before hitting the ball. The set up before the back swing sets the distance from shoulders to ball. If the rear shoulder is lowered during the bump the distance from shoulder to ball will decrease or shorten. If the golfer tries to swing through, the ground will be hit before the ball to a degree which depends on how far the rear shoulder lowers. Don't you have to keep the shoulder height essentially fixed from take away through contact?

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

Disqus generic email template Yes, that will do nicely. Thank you.
----- Original Message -----
From: Disqus
To: ******
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 1:22 PM
Subject: [swingsurgeon] Re: Stick To One Thought - The Surge's Daily Blog

Robert F wrote, in response to T Medley:

Like this?

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T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

LPLOTNICK, Please do not presume to speak for all of us. What you claim WE do not tune in for, IS IN FACT, exactly what I tune in for. If I didn't like what I get from the site, I would just move on to someplace that suited me better. You are YOU and not WE.

Benholt7's picture

Submitted by Benholt7 (not verified) on

T MEDLEY has his Tongue so far up STEVE SMITH'S ring piece, that you can see his Chin rubbing on his left Testicle....... YOU PAIR OF MUGS

Manny Schnepp's picture

Submitted by Manny Schnepp (not verified) on

I think that today's tip, especially Janet's comments were right on and what I needed to be reminded of at this time, because I have struggled hitting my driver and fairway woods/hybrids during my last several rounds due to being perhaps overly focused on several swing thoughts, especially the bump ("skip the rock"), as well as extending my arms fully in the back swing ("ring the bell") and maintaining a steady spine angle with outward knee pressure and nose at the ball, etc. With all of these various swing thoughts at address, the result often has been a very tense, overcontrolled swing.  Kind of like the pitcher who is having trouble finding the plate and is tyring to consciously guide the ball to the target rather than just throw it.  By contrast, I usually don't bombard myself with all these swing thoughts when I am hitting my short irons and can just "swing the feel" of my practice swing, because I am confident that I will hit the ball well and execute the different aspects of the swing fairly effortlessly.  The problem is, even though I know intellectually that all of these swing thoughts make the problem worse rather than solve it, I have difficulty letting them go, when I don't have confidence that I will hit the ball consistently well with certain clubs. If memory serves me, I believe that addressing this dilemma was the central theme of the wonderful book, "The Inner Game of Golf," in which the author advocated for adopting an "awareness" frame of mind rather than a "controlling" one.  For whatever it's worth, that's my contribution to the discussion.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Of course you are correct but unless the whole world was educated about the "proper" titles using "British Open" will continue to be used (out of necessity) by both reporters and the general public in those instances where to which "Open" is referred might be confused.
Even seasoned golf reporters are forced to use the term when in situations where the "less educated" may be among those reading, on this side of the Atlantic.
If I walked into the clubhouse during the US Open and said "Who's going to win the Open?" I would predict that well over half would think I was referring to the US Open. If that statement was made in January most would get it correct but if I really wanted to make sure EVERYONE knew to which event I was referring (whether I like it or not) I had better specify.

P.S. A "sneaky" way to specify without being incorrect, IF you know where it is being played, is to include the site it will be played. Like "Who will win the Open at St. Andrews?"

Kevin McGarrahan's picture

Submitted by Kevin McGarrahan (not verified) on

Thanks, Boog. The course was Colonial in Meridianville, north of Huntsville. It is fairly flat with small greens - average 3500 sq. ft., I think. Par 72 - 37/35 - 3 par-5s on the front and one on the back.

The round should have been better, but shouldn't they all ;-) I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting to my new glasses and keeping my eyes on the ball, but that is getting better.

Boogm's picture

Submitted by Boogm (not verified) on

Kevin, I don't have that problem, once the club head leaves my peripheral vision I just trust that my perpendicular hands keep it where it needs to be. Now when I'm practicing using my swingrite I will freeze my motion to check things out but never with a club in my hand. I'm trying hard to see that 4:00 o'clock on the ball and focusing there to hit & to come out at 10:00 like "that fitter" suggests I do. :)

MikefromKy Go Bama. Go Irish's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy Go B... (not verified) on


Thanks. I am glad that it worked out hopefully my new driver will come in next week.

I have a Major tournament next weekend the Gem City Open in Dayton Oh. Its our tours version of the British Open. They actually have very nice Claret Jug trophies for each flight winner this year. Plus a win here is worth double points which would give me a sizable lead in my flight in the points standing.  

This Is the only reason I am playing 3 days in a row this weekend to get some on course practice in plus just to go and have fun.   

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Hey Robert,
One thing I have realized is that it's very hard to bite your tongue every time you see someone jumping off of a cliff.
My tongue is already sore after only a week. Ha ha!

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

Good morning Surge Nation. I want to give a shout out and a big HELLO to three of our folks, whom have been absent from the post for a while. I hope everything is well with you and your families. Jack and Ronnie have not posted in a month or so and Dick Lee for a couple weeks now. You are all in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish/hope/pray that all is well.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Interesting. I replied directly to the email for that above notice and none of the forwarding information was included in my response. Clearly there's an issue with however you're reading and replying to the emails and the way Disqus is stripping the info out.

Boogm's picture

Submitted by Boogm (not verified) on

Kudos to Janet & Steve on the being the core bloggers for today's topic from Surge. Don thanks for today's tip about "just doing it" after we've made our practice swing and have gotten into the proper set-up. As we practice and ingrain this swing into the recesses of our minds, one would think it should become pretty natural and automatic,however, like Steve mentioned and Doc reiterated to me last week to many of us overdo, over think the swing and get so hung up on connecting the dots. That what we end up with is a totally out of sync, segmented swing that lacks flow or direction. I remember the first time I took the concepts of this swing to the range last fall, I was able to have that nice flowing swing without to much thought. I hope to have it again real soon as I am now have time to practice and will definitely make sure not to over think my swing.

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

Brian, Thanks for the response. It does seem that he made a bit too much out of the whole thing. It is a shame that some people never learn how to accept different opinions from their own, without resorting to school yard name calling and making themselves appear as the very thing they are calling the other. It is also possible that he was just having a bad day and got a bit carried away with the whole thing. At any rate, It is too small of a mater for me to become upset over. I will continue to wish him the best, and likewise to you. Hopefully, we can move on from this trivial, but obviously sensitive to some, subject. Cheers

Dr T's picture

Submitted by Dr T (not verified) on

Yep . . . I agree . . . I remember only three things: feet, head, and swing speed . . . everything else happens naturally . . . Works for me!

Dr. T

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Most often, certainly in the US, it is now referred to as the Open Championship, which differentiates it from the US Open and all the lesser opens out there while avoiding the former usage of the British Open. Most of us Americans over 20, though, still remember it as such and have a bit of difficulty not specifying that it's the Open in the British Isles. ;-)

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Hey Boog,
Mike and I played up at Trenton Ga. today at what used to be called Air Castle but now it's Trenton Golf Club.
The course was in great shape, especially the greens.
I've played there before when the course wasn't quite as good as they are keeping it now.
It really is a nice course layout with some pretty holes and a lot of slope.
As long as they are going to keep the greens that nice I am going to play there more often.
Not a real hard course but requires a lot of accuracy off of the tee to really score.
P.S. Didn't have much "game" today for some reason but just missed a hole in one by one inch....Thought I had it. Darn it.;-)

Edit: After I wrote this I looked at the video and the "for some reason" that I mentioned about why I didn't "have much game" was pretty easy to see for both Mike and myself. We both have unconventional swings to start with but we were both off of our "normal".
Today's a new day though.;-)

Kevin McGarrahan's picture

Submitted by Kevin McGarrahan (not verified) on

Boog, I didn't think I had it either. I was shocked to find out what I was doing. It is a very bad habit, to be sure. I don't have a Swingrite (yet). I didn't have time to work it out yet. I had trouble finding the balls I hit. The grass had gotten too long with all the rain, so I had to mow before I can practice more. Oh well, there is always tomorrow, Good Lord willing.

Lynn42's picture

Submitted by Lynn42 (not verified) on


I do it with practice swings in the backyard.  I tend to get lazy with my driver and get laid off so just to check I take it back slowly at first and stop at the top.  After I've done it a few times I no longer look back, but just release my grip to see if the club slides straight down in my hands.

Once i have the feel ingrained I start taking full swings just contrating on getting to a full T finish close to my ear.  Not perfect, but it's getting there.  BTW...No ball involved, I just pick out a blade of grass or the head of a dandelion. ;0)


T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

Steve, Sorry if my comments caused the friction. I actually got a chuckle out of your last reply to Brian. I can't believe the topic is still being discussed since it is so trivial in my opinion in the first place. I was just adding my two cents before, that for the purpose of non-confusion and perfect clarifications, the prefix of U.S. and British is simpler and easier than and after explanation to someone in doubt of which open the speaker is referring to. As far as the other part, yes, I like anything of an international following or competition, that is taking place in the U.S. receiving the proper distinctive title/prefix of U.S.
These are just my thoughts, others may have and are certainly entitled to other thought of their own, even though they would be wrong. LOL
I still maintain, for simplicity and clarity though, we are best to use the identifying prefix's of British and U.S. It avoids all the, Which Open questions.
As Forest once said, That's all I got to say about that!

Benholt7's picture

Submitted by Benholt7 (not verified) on

Watch out Lplotnick, you not allowed to say anythign against anyone on this blog b4 the OLD SURGE MAFIA get their tommy guns out and blast you away haha....... And watch out for this OLD FART T MEDLEY as he takes particular offence to anything you say... And Dont diss Don, heaven forbid, you might end up with a severe bout of OLD CRONIES syndrome, where you just have a go at anyone who dares to say anything bad about anything on this blog.
