In the Surge Swing, you keep that angle between forearm, wrist and shaft you had at the top of the backswing as long as possible during the transition. That will lead to more clubhead speed, power and distance as the lower body runs away from the upper body. Yes, there's a name for it.
'Lag' is a very popular term today. And that is what you're doing by keeping those angles until you extend your arms at impact. When you're shifting weight from your back leg to your front leg, the 'bump,' that's when 'lag' happens. And as many of our readers have noted, they've increased distance and accuracy when there is a noticeable 'lag.'
Check out our manual, starting on page 101. Take a look at the photos and make note of the position, the angle between forearm, shaft and wrist. That's where you'll discover 'lag.'
Keep it vertical,
The Surge!
Having trouble viewing this YouTube video? We are beta testing a new video delivery system. If you can't view the YouTube video above try CLICKING HERE. You must allow popups from this site for the link to work.
Ozdon,I use the VLC Windows
I use the VLC Windows Media video player. It has an adjustment for slow/normal or fast. it also allows the click by click view. I stumbled on it while trying to figure out how to get slow motion. Another way you can find it is by "you guessed it" google ' how can I view in slow motion?' Really that's how I learm most of my computer tech stuff and questions. The other way is from my techy step son and Terry Medley our local computer wiz on this blog :)
To tell you the truth it
To tell you the truth it doesn't work very well for the correct execution of this swing.
And it really "could hurt" the proper execution of your takeaway.
Been there, done that.;-)
Keep in mind that, as I've
Keep in mind that, as I've said many times, par on that course is about like 5 over on most courses and 10 over on some of the REALLY tough ones.;-)
Neil:ÃÂ If you don't
Neil:ÃÂ If you don't already have one, get yourself a Swing Rite trainer.ÃÂ It will take care of all your problems with release, lag and tempo.ÃÂ It only works if your swing is "correct", and a few minutes each day will ingrain the "feeling" you are looking for.ÃÂ I use one,ÃÂ and highly recommend it.ÃÂ ÃÂ R2
Comment removed to save blog
Comment removed to save blog space.
Whoa there Robert. Ha ha!You
Whoa there Robert. Ha ha!
You almost make it sound like it is a good thing to hook the ball. I promise you it's not. LOL
I don't know how many people hook the ball compared to how many people slice the ball but I do know that neither one is very desirable.
I would like to have been that really rare person that hits straight balls naturally. I haven't seen one of those yet (at least not one that could hit a ball very far).
Last time I was in Salt Lake-
Last time I was in Salt Lake--April a few years ago--it was beautiful weather until the morning I got up to drive home. I had to head back to Vegas in a blizzard. It's a good thing I learned to drive in Ohio and New Jersey. ;-)
Of course, if we want to cool off here, we can always drive up to Mt. Charleston. And I much prefer our winters (even if I did get snowed on at the driving range this April).
OK, guys, back to golf now?
OK, guys, back to golf now?
Having watched the face on
Having watched the face on and down the target video I would think that fast pace is his natural speed.
I also like having the manual open to the pages referred to. It is so much easier to see the words come to life and would like to see more of this when appropriate.
Here's a good site for the
Here's a good site for the mental side of the game.
Surge Nation
Surge Nation
Sorry I have not been on much in the evenings folks.ÃÂ I am in the process of moving.ÃÂ I should be all set by Monday or Tuesday.ÃÂ Have you ever wondered why life has so many moving parts?ÃÂ It is almost like a farming combine.ÃÂ If you are not careful, it will tear off an arm or leg.
I was able to get in a round with dad and his posse today.ÃÂ We played the north course at my home course.ÃÂ I hit some great shots and played pretty well.ÃÂ I had two holes that really got away from me on the front nine.ÃÂ Some days it is real hard to keep "life" from taking over my mind when I am trying to play golf.ÃÂ When we made the turn, they had me down by 2 shots.ÃÂ I was able to shake it off and "get busy" on the back nine.ÃÂ When the shoot out was over, I managed to get back those 2 shotsÃÂ and 7 more just for good measure.ÃÂ We were blessed to have Paul play with us today.ÃÂ He is the life long friend of dad, who is in his mid 80's and legally blind.ÃÂ He is incredible.ÃÂ He only has limited sideÃÂ vision.ÃÂ Once we get him lined up, he really does make good contact with the ball.ÃÂ He had several drives today over 200 yards.ÃÂ At first, I told him I hope I can still hit the ball like he does when I am his age.ÃÂ After reflection, I told him I have days now when I wish I could hit the ball like he does.ÃÂ Just goes to show us, when you think your are having a rough time, just look around at what others have to go through every day.ÃÂ Guess my life is a piece of cake compared to some.
When our round was over, they all left to take Paul home.ÃÂ I had put my bag in my truck and turned in my cart.ÃÂ One of the young guys who works at the course was coming in as I was leaving.ÃÂ He stopped me and said he was going out to play a round on the south course and wanted to know if I would join him.ÃÂ He said a couple of the other guys who work there had told him playing a round with me was like playing a round with Jeff Foxworthy.ÃÂ You know me, I am always up for a 2nd round of free golf.ÃÂ He is fairly new at golf, and we just treated it as a learning round.ÃÂ We had a great time.ÃÂ I now have another new friend at the course.ÃÂ He took my number and is going to call me when he can play again.
I have 4 inspections scheduled for tomorrow, so no golf.ÃÂ But, I am going to plan on playing a round on Saturday when I get off work at the course at 3 pm.
36 holes of golf today with NO pain.ÃÂ Thanks Surge.ÃÂ God, I love this swing.
Keeping it vertical, and Taking it one day at a time, in Oklahoma,
Best of luck with the new
Best of luck with the new place, Dick. Congratulations on 36 pain free holes. I know far too much about life having many moving parts, as those moving parts keep trying to grind off the limb that I golf on. ;-)
Always appreciate the back
Always appreciate the back porch wisdom. I would like to know if the swing with the irons is as "big" as the driver swing? Thanks.
That sounds a little more
That sounds a little more like normal, to those of us who also struggle.
Hey E.D. :-)ÃÂ What planet
Hey E.D. :-)ÃÂ What planet did you just arrive from?ÃÂ ÃÂ Since you are soooooo new to this one, here's a little heads-up.ÃÂ All "pros" around hereÃÂ use CB's.ÃÂ Check out the NBA finals - lots of those little "CB's" there!ÃÂ Baseball, football, soccer, golf;ÃÂ come to think of it, I don't know of anyÃÂ coachÃÂ in any majorÃÂ sport that doesn't use a CB.ÃÂ ÃÂ Hummm, there must be a reason; oh, yes, they use CB's becauseÃÂ theyÃÂ are teachingÃÂ tools!ÃÂ WOW!ÃÂ ÃÂ How did they teach you guys on your home planet?ÃÂ If you didn't use CB's, how do you know that our CB's are "stupid"?ÃÂ Oh, just one more small item (see your original question); why don't you put your damn money down, buy the manual and video programs, and learn to play golf like one of us rather than strutting around with that stupid E.D. :-) attitude; only real pros teach with a clipboard!ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ This is too fun.ÃÂ R2ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ
Funny that, you said the same
Funny that, you said the same thing last time but still replied againÃÂ didnt you???
Steve.... Still making excuses up I see... Tell me, for someone who is known by everyone on this site, dont you think pressing theÃÂ LIKE accidentallyÃÂ is pretty far fetched..?? It was meant end of story. I made a big deal out of Dicks reply cos 1) it wasnt required and 2) he blattently lied saying I had posted negative comments about I quote ' Several bloggers'. If he hadnt have said that, I wouldnt have been so agreived. For info, the Hitler comment was a joke, which hit some serious nerves, so all this about me bein the one thats lost the plot is quite hypocritical dont you think...!?!?
At 11:45, I was pulling into
At 11:45, I was pulling into Angel Park for the GolfFest while I waited for the dying hard drive on my computer to be replaced. As it turned out, I probably did have time for a round, because the 2 hour job became 4.5 hours. I did have a great practice at Muni, though. The wind was up too much to set up my camera, so I didn't get video, but I was clearing my mind and not trying to kill the ball so much, and focusing on my arms much more and the results really showed.
Maybe a friendly "Chippy"
Maybe a friendly "Chippy" could build Surge a small extension off his porch railing so that he can readily put the clipboard down without having to worry about balancing it on the railing and occasionally falling off over the back.ÃÂ
Great one point lesson you have to admit and I was paying more attention to the content of the lesson than Surge fiddling about with his clipboard.
Robert:ÃÂ I agree - you
Robert:ÃÂ I agree - you have much nicer winters - and thanks for sharing your "snow on the driving range" story.ÃÂ Me thinks we golfers are a strange bunch - who else whould stand out in the snow and whack a little white ball!ÃÂ LOL :-)ÃÂ Hope your day goes just super!ÃÂ R2
Let's just ignore the troll.ÃÂ It's obvious he's just trying to bait us.ÃÂ If my after action report about playing two rounds of golf yesterday and helping a legally blind golfer is boring to him, then there is nothing we can do for him.
Moving on,
It's not even close.ÃÂ He
It's not even close.ÃÂ He swings the longer ones much faster. You're equating time with speed.ÃÂ The swing with the short club is much quicker (time) but it's no where near as fast.ÃÂ
Steve Smith:
Steve Smith:
ÃÂ ÃÂ When I first took up golf, in 1965, I had the all time record "bananna slice". it took aobut 6 months to get it down to a "respectable fade"ÃÂ with about 230-240 with "real wood" drivers and "wound" golf balls,
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ One lesson from the local pro, and much range time later, I started hitting STRAIGHT drives with about the same distance - but the really good news -- nearly all shots were straight and consistent.
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ Then comes old age, a serious illness, 4 months in the hospital due to atrophied legs as a complication of the illenss. MUCH rehab was conducted in hte hospital and for 3 months or so after I went home.
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ Returning to golf, I found out in short order, I could hit striaght shots, but the distance was gone -- and the swing was killing my lower back. Then I found this site and the Surge Swing.ÃÂ Maybe it is improved heatlh, maybe it is improved Surge Seing techinques - or both -- but I still hit mostly Straight shots.ÃÂ The deliberate draw is a big mystery to me - but I can hit fades or slices at will.ÃÂ I really hate dogleg lefts!! LOL
ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ Keep hitting them STRAIGHT and LONG
Hey Lynn,My son's basketball
Hey Lynn,
My son's basketball coach used to break his clipboard over a locker EVERY game at halftime. They all thought he was mad about how they were playing but maybe he just didn't like "stupid clipboards". Ha ha.
As a gag gift to the coach at the end of the season they got me to make a clipboard out of 1/4" steel plate. They had it painted and all the players signed it. When they gave it to him they said "here is a clipboard you can't break".
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
You don't know too many "real
You don't know too many "real pros" then do you. All the good ones I've dealt with over the last 30 years have and use a clipboard, especially to keep track of the details of what they are working on with their students.
You could also stand to be a little more civil in your tone toward Don. If you don't like the way he shares his knowledge, you don't have to watch or listen.
Roy,What part of Alaska do
What part of Alaska do you live?? 75*, we won't see that again until the end of October at 3am.
I am interested in what video viewer you use to be able to slow these videos down to the 'nano second.' Without knowing how to do this I have relied on a Surge Swing critic to get the best view of the bump in particular -- it is on Youtube and if I turn the sound off it is quite instructive!
Ccccccccoooooooooooooocccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk SUCKA
I had the same problem, so
I had the same problem, so how do we get the manual?
I went and played a round
I went and played a round today and I hit the ball really well at first and got a little progressively worse as the round went along. I was still able to get by with pars after it started going bad but I'm a little worried that it may be the start of a slump, which I am long overdue for. Did miss birdie puts of about 10 to 12 feet on 10 and 11 and had a tap in on 14 for the only birdie on the back.
Nothing felt "normal" in the back swing and it felt like I was all over the place with my swings.
May be just a blip and everything will be OK tomorrow but it didn't feel very good (and I know that feeling all too well even though it's been a while). LOL
Hey Mike,I've hit a ball or
Hey Mike,
I've hit a ball or two left myself. LOL
Usually it's from starting to turn with my hips and shoulders before impact. I can get away with a little bit of hip rotation but if the shoulders aren't still square to the ball at impact I'm probably in trouble. Sometimes I can feel it happening and save the shot by keeping my right palm facing the target longer after impact.
I still say that consciously trying to create lag will more than likely cause control problems. If anything I try to keep it to a minimum. If my swing path is good I get more than enough lag even while trying to not let my wrists flex too much.
If I tried to let my wrists flex more, or be softer to allow more lag, it becomes very easy to create so much lag that I don't have a clue where the ball is going to go.
It's always nice when your teammates pick you up when things aren't going well and it only costs a dollar to play.;-)
Hey I'm off work tomorrow. Yahoo! I should feel really good for the Saturday game this week. Probably will get in a round tomorrow for warm up.
I was too busy laughing to
I was too busy laughing to think about stopping my practice that time. It had been 95 degrees the weekend before, and there I was being snowed on. That's spring in Las Vegas. :)
It is a lot easier to get
It is a lot easier to get flat as apposed to vertical, the arms and wrists just naturally get to this position in the takeaway for me and is a battle to keep the wrists perpendicular coupled with the lift which can feel like a two part swing. Trying to get this one peice fluid movement I am finding it difficult, this is about as difficult as the FUS for me.
It is a very interesting aspect of the swing, to get the wrists to not rotate once they are over the toeline and then the arms to lift. The lift has to come from the start of the takeaway I have found, if I slow down the takeaway to much and try and do it with shoulder turn then then I turn it in to a two peice swing which feels odd.
Don and DJ make it look effortless, DJ looks like he gets his wrists set perpendiculer in the mitt very quickly, you don't seem to see this with Don's swing. I know DJ isn't cocking his wrists but he gets them in position from the get go. When I tried this in the early days it made me flip the club in to the SBG, now I have ,more control I will revisit this and try it again!
Cheers KeithÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ
Scott, If it is Just the
Scott, If it is Just the Manual that you want. Click on Surge's Shop in the upper left tab. All the products for sale are listed their, and the manual can be purchased separately for $19.99. It will be a downloaded digital copy, available to you almost immediately after your transaction is complete.
Hey, Steve, sometimes it's
Hey, Steve, sometimes it's just that your body is out of sync on a particular day or time. Wednesday on the range, I felt like breaking a few clubs it was so awkward. Today I got my brain out of the way of my club and really started cranking them straight and longer and clean contact. Only one really funky shot and one chunked wedge the whole time.
Good job with Paul. BTW when you see Paul would you ask him if I can get a lesson?
OK,ÃÂ Good luck with the
OK,ÃÂ Good luck with the move, one of the things I hate to do the most. All of the packing and unpacking is a giant pain. I might play your friend at night, but I get to wear night vision goggles and use a glow ball.
Wow! You really don't like
Wow! You really don't like clipboards do you? I use them at work to hold the prints for the joists we are building. I thought they were very handy to have to keep the prints from blowing all over the place.
"No real pros teach w/ a clipboard". Who knew?
Terry,I have worn a glove on
I have worn a glove on each hand golfing for years now. same reasons you mentioned, tape,bandaids and calluses. I don't have to change them often for sweat because it is so dry here. I do have to take them off twice a round to reapply sun block.
Wrote a long blog this
Wrote a long blog this morning and it would not load. So guess "It" didn't want my comments on the video etc, First hard sponge ball struck this very day.Dead straight after I had checked and adjusted my alignment with the driver.The shoulders had been open a few degrees left. GBSAPS RoyReed. Eagerness to swing the club is no excuse for not going through the routine set up religiously.
Dick Lee, Glad you had 36 holes pain free! I am swinging absolutely pain free. So Keep it vertical and long where ever you are Surge Nation.
ÃÂ Trolls? Pond life.
Steve, I think we need to
Steve, I think we need to ignore little Ben,and just let him crawl back into the baseboards like the other cock roaches have. You can't reason with the lower life forms, they have no intelligence, just instincts to survive on.
To get the Foundations Manual
To get the Foundations Manual, Click on the Surge's Shop tap of this site page and scroll to find the product. Be aware it will be a digital download and not a mailed out hard copy. You will be able to print a hard copy if desired or transfer it to any other digital memory device of your choice. Less than $20.00 and available immediately.
R2, I finally ordered a
R2, I finally ordered a swingrite today. I'm looking forward to the help everyone says it adds to our timing and tempo and getting that over the top move out of my life!
The skipping a rock and side
The skipping a rock and side armed pitching delivery comparisons to a delayed hit golf swing are great.ÃÂ I've tried using them both lately with some success but have also lost some shots right.ÃÂ After thinking about it I realized there is a subtle difference that can make it or break it. ÃÂ
When you release a flat rock for instance the palm of your had is facing up like it would be if you were using a hand ax.ÃÂ However, coming into a golf swing impact the back of the right hand is vertical as well as having an angle to the forearm or in a lag position.ÃÂ So it's OK to image skipping a rock to get the lower body moving first and keep the right arm and shoulder back but you've got to modify the feel through impact to insure that the hands are vertical.ÃÂ I think imaginingÃÂ throwing a baseball like a shortstop is better because he is not trying to put any side spin on the ball and as such will have his throwing hand vertical.ÃÂ
Please postÃÂ all of your
Please postÃÂ all of your names and places of employments so I know who to avoid in my daily business.
Very interesting reminder of
Very interesting reminder of the importance of maintaining the angles, aka LAG. Would I be correct in thinking that thisÃÂ would also help inÃÂ getting the correctÃÂ equilateral triangle position of the arms and elbows?ÃÂ ÃÂ
Hey Amos,When my son and I
Hey Amos,
When my son and I first started playing I hit mostly hooks and he hit mostly slices. Stood to reason to me because when each of us played baseball I hit almost everything down the third base line and he hit almost everything to center field or right field.
I was talking to an old childhood friend soon after starting golf and he is supposed to be a really good golfer (although I have never played golf with him). I told him I had started playing golf and he asked me how I was hitting the ball. I told him that I could really hit the ball a long way but hit mostly hooks.
He looked rather disheartened and said "Well there's not much of a way to play golf if you hook the ball. You might could work with a slice but not a hook".
I walked away from that conversation thinking that I might as well quit the game. LOL
I have a theory (what else is new? LOL) if you hit a baseball to right field you will probably be better suited for golf initially than if you are a pull hitter.
BTW. My son turned out to be a much better golfer than I am.
Hmmm. Maybe starting out with a slice IS the best thing you can do.
(As long as you have sense enough to get it corrected and don't go the route of aiming a half a mile left to "fix" the slice). LOL
BTW again. My childhood friend that is supposed to be really good ALSO hit the ball to right field in baseball when we were in school.
I had one of those coaches in high school. He could be pretty intense in the locker room at half time. I'm kinda glad he didn't know you. The thought of him with a steel clipboad is