Do toes come into play in the Surge Swing? Leigh had back surgery and part of the result was nerve damage to his toes. He says he can't get the correct balance in the Surge Swing. He needs help and I have the answer.
Leigh, if your weight is too far forward you're going to be out of balance in your setup. In the Surge Swing we don't depend on toes. My guess is that you may be leaning too far into the ball at setup. To get a balanced swing you need to be on your arches, not toes.
My next suggestion would be that you may be getting into the Sacred Burial Ground (SBG) in the backswing and are reaching for the ball, causing you to fall or come forward in your swing. That's not unusual after back surgery.
My suggestion? Get your weight off your toes and don't lunge at the ball. Check out those two areas and we'll get you hitting straight and long in no time.
Keep it vertical,
The Surge!
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Happy Memorial Day to all
Happy Memorial Day to all Surgites who have served or currently serving our country worldwide.
Without your commitment we would not be enjoying the SSGS today and tomorrow!
God Bless....
Hey Roy,I don't have any big
Hey Roy,
I don't have any big secrets about working the ball. It's just something that I happen to be good at. (I guess everybody has something and that's mine). Plus I've had a lot of practice hitting around trees. LOL
I just do as I think everybody else does and align my toe line in the direction I want the ball to start (with a little extra as I alluded to earlier). To align my toe line I pick a spot in front of the ball along that line I have picked and align my feet parallel to the line created by the ball and the spot I have picked. Then I point the face of the club toward the target and swing along the toe line.
For a draw or a hook the back swing is a touch flatter than normal and my hands roll over at impact, especially if it is going to have to be a big hook.
For a fade or slice the back swing is normal but I make sure I hold off from allowing the hands to roll any whatsoever at impact. It is a full follow through however and I finish further left with my hands than normal on both the fades and the draws. With the draw because of intentionally letting the hands roll at impact and with the fade because I am conscious of making sure that the club is staying on my intended line or left of it (to let it drift right usually means hitting the obstruction). For really, really really big slices (where a three iron is only going to go 130 yards or soÃÂ but with 30 yards or more of slice it almost feels like I am swinging across the target line instead of down it, swing as absolutely hard as I can, and barely scrape across the ball with the club but moving at very high velocity. (I used too have to use that shot a lot at Desoto on number 9 before they cut down some trees, but I don't even know if I've still got that shot. Most people had to chip out in that situation and I might have to do that myself now, it's been so long since I tried it.
The most important aspect of all is that I visualize the shots (and seem to be able to do so better than I do on normal shots without obstruction). I think about the kind of spin I want to put on the ball and, to me, the club face is nothing more than a tennis racket that I am using to impart this spin.
Maybe we need to have
Maybe we need to have previews of upcoming videos to entice more people to the website LOL!
surge! how wide should my
surge! how wide should my feet be for proper balence and maximum power?