I would like to introduce you to a great tool, and the only swing plane product I endorse. It's called SwingTECH and I guarantee that it will help you develop the Surge Swing.
One of my favorite Surgisms is about the importance of the practice swing. If you've been with me for a while, you've heard me say: Before hitting a shot, practice your swing until you "Feel the Swing and then Swing the Feel." The SwingTECH will help you quickly develop that feel so that when you get to the practice tee (or the tee box!), that feeling will be second nature to you. You'll instantly know when you've made a good practice swing and this will allow you to confidently setup and make a great swing.
In the video, my head instructor, Greg MacDonell, and I show you how to setup and ultimately use SwingTECH, but we also go in depth about the benefits that it offers. This really is a remarkable product and I believe in it 100%.
If you like what you see, head on over to Surge's Shop or click here to order one today.
Keep it vertical (and believe me, you will with this product),
The Surge!
Sorry, it looked like plastic
Sorry, it looked like plastic on my computer screen. But for $225, it ought to be titanium. (That's a joke, Doc). I'm just saying it seemed way over-priced. I JUMPED to the Surge's shop to buy one as soon as the video ended. Then I almost choked when I saw the price. Bottom line, I can't afford it. And unless they are now flying out the door faster than they can make them, yeah, I think they'd sell 10x as many at 1/3 the price. I know I'd be getting one.
I have two comments;1) I want
I have two comments;
1) I want to address the references yesterday to the amount of protein we need. (sorry to TMedley and RobertMeade for not finding the comment and hitting the reply button). The correct recommendation is 1 ounce of protein per KILOGRAM, not per POUND. 1 KG=2.2 pounds, so a 180 pound person would generally require about 81 grams of protein. This need can increase SOME with heavy activity or severe trauma/wound healing needs, but one ounce per pound is a huge load on the kidneys and is NOT advisable.
2) Doc, I received the Swingrite trainer and LOVE that thing :)
Good story Phil.The ironical
Good story Phil.
The ironical thing is that a huge percentage of the progressives/liberals are younger people that have been totally brainwashed by our corrupt educational system yet they are the ones that are going to pay the biggest price for the direction we are headed.
I'm telling you, a Bridge On The River Kwai moment will come for them.
Almost everybody wants to cut spending but nobody wants their entitlement cut.
Although spending and the national debt are a disaster in the making it really pales in comparison to the entire package we stand to lose if we don't wake up. Freedom itself (which IS what America stands for) is in serious jeopardy. Sometimes I wish I didn't know the things I know. Then I could at least be one of the hogs and have a peaceful existence for a little while, until time to go to the slaughter house anyway.
Surge Nation
Surge Nation
We got smacked pretty good in my part of the world with the weather the last couple of days. The winds here today were blowing trucks over on the road. It tore up my patio today while I was gone. Glad I was not sitting out here when it happened. I don't mind the sight of blood, unless it is mine. That is where I draw the line on civil discourse.
Last night 2 people were killed south of us and at least 7 more east of us by twisters. I know some of our brothers and sisters had a rough time of it today.
Please Join me in keeping these families in our prayers.
On a happy note, KP got home to surprise his wife yesterday.
Keeping it vertical, and on my knees again, in Oklahoma,
The problem with politicians playing golf is they want their score card to reflect how their shots should have gone, or where they told us the shot went.
They don't do well with anything that is results oriented, and not intentions oriented. If they could just talk about a round and then write down the scores they talk about they would all be shooting 18 per round.
"I meant well", is not much for an epitaph for our nation.
Now my head is going to explode. Where is my duct tape.
Do you have one in your
Do you have one in your bedroom?
I like the original post better. Just figured it was classic tongue in cheek Master SA. ;0)
I have to agree with you, Ed.
I have to agree with you, Ed. I think the price is way out of line. I could build the same thing with $50 worth of parts from a hardware store.
Just kidding!
Just kidding!
If you can, I will buy it
If you can, I will buy it from you.
The trolls are reproducing faster than we can swat them. They are like rabbits in the spring.
Too bad they did away with DDT. We could just spray the lot of them. That would take care of the problems, since it killed weeds.
I've got no use for them
I've got no use for them either. The thing to me is that if they don't like it why do they feel the need to do anything other than to go on their merry way.
I've clicked on plenty of web sites and didn't like, or agree with, the content so just moved on.
Maybe they are just defensive that what they have been doing their whole lives may not be the best for them.
Newton had it right. The sticks he wrote about are probably those little round alignment sticks we see all the time on golf shows.
He caught me by surprise with that too. He was just going along all scientific and then bam, got right down to my redneck level. Great piece of writing with the way he used the shift without us seeing it coming. Guess that was like his "bump" in a swing.
He made his point very well.
Thanks Joe. I have it set up
Thanks Joe. I have it set up on tree in my backyard, I have to agree it really helps us get into and feel the correct positions. You really find out what the correct vertical move is with this aid.
BTW, are you the same Joe that works with Lynn and is a SwingSurgeon certified instructor?
Spot on CraigWhat baffles me
Spot on Craig
What baffles me is when intelligent people weld themselves to one political party, thinking one is totally right & the other totally wrong
They are in fact (for them) choosing the lesser of two evils but nonetheless an evil
It reminds me of the trick parents use on very small children
Give the child the choice of two stupid activities - Before the child is ten, it realises there is a third choice that hasn't been offered
However by the time they start to vote they have somehow forgotten about this trick
Phil NZ put it nicely with "Two wings of the same bird"
Political parties count on this insane "welding on" & use it to their advantage & the countries demise
Polarisation by those boring radio shock jocks show that it works, regardless of how inane their commentary is
My final words I'll leave to David Gray in his apt songs -
"Birds without wings
"Let the truth sting"
To all the forthright bloggers I've read on this issue, I recommend a good listen to the lyrics of these songs (even if they don't like David's style of music)
If we don't let the truth sting, we are just birds without wings & the cat is coming
I can't explain it but I've
I can't explain it but I've been all over the internet, and the sources all say 7 grams of protein = one ounce. Fish is slightly less, 6 grams of protein per ounce. I think it's not just based on weight....gonna have to talk to my dietician friend!
AMEN to that, Steve B
AMEN to that, Steve
Now thats funny, and here I
Now thats funny, and here I was thinking you were being a good boy and not being avaricious!
but I have to disagree with you on that one,
Historically the silver;gold ratio has been 17:1 or there abouts, where now its at about 40:1 about a year ago it was around 1:60 silvers catching up.
But gold is still good, both gold and silver will continue to rise as the governments continue their insanity.
Anyhow, I didn't buy it for returns, Its my insurance policy in case the worst happens financially and the paper money becomes worthless like in the Wiemar Republic post WWI, Zimbabwe and others.
But I'd rather play golf
You got your units of measure a bit mixed up there, as you went from ounces to grams without converting, and there are about 28.4 grams to an ounce. The recommended intake of protein is between 0.8 g/kg and 1.8 g/kg for a healthy person depending on their activity level (more activity needs higher protein). Back to English measures, that would be about .07 to .14 ounces of protein per pound. Your point was correct; Steve was talking about a protein load nearly 10 times what the body can handle normally.
And the Swingrite is fabulous, isn't it?
Thanks for the reply
Thanks for the reply
I could just go make a few "with-drawls" from some 7-11s.
I know the feeling. All of
I know the feeling. All of the guys who are 20 years younger than I am have had surgeries on different parts of their bodies to try to patch them up and most have had to quit.
Someone asked me a few months ago how old you could be and still do that work. I told him I would let him know because I was the only running experiment. I can do anything as long as I can take a few seconds break every now and then, but on the line there is no such luck.
No, but those easy-install
No, but those easy-install hanging rods placed vertically will do in a pinch.
Hi Don, just watched the
Hi Don, just watched the video on the swing tech I noticed that Greg was at 1:00 at the top of the surge swing and not at 12:00 . My question is it ok to go past 12:00. I notice when I swing past 12:00 I run into problems because I believe my wrists break and create another angle and one of your rules is fewer angles. I just don't want to swing wrong. I have your videos and your manual and that is what got from the videos and manual.
I believe it is called
I believe it is called capitalism. Look that word up. I have something you want. I tell you how much it will cost you to have it. You decide if it is worth that amount. Yes- you buy it. No- you do without it. Do you want the government to fix a price on everything? I am sure we can trust them to be "fair." Just so you know, a fair is a place you take a date and win her a $1.00 stuffed animal for only $25.00
You are right, we have lost our way in this country. You want the nanny state to tell the makers of the SwingTech how many to make and how much to charge. Sounds like 1932-1945 in Germany, or life in the USSR to me. No wait, it is today in the good ol USA. If you bought a house you can't afford and the market goes down, the nanny state tells the banks they have to drop the mortgage amount down to the current market price of the home. Didn't hear any of your type complaining when the home prices were sky rocketing. Should the banks have been able to increase your mortgage to the value of the home then? If you take a shot at a risky investment, and it goes wrong for you, don't worry, we will bail you out.
I would love to have a SwingTech, and, I will when I can afford to pay what they are selling for. Or, I guess I can just stand around and wait to see if they come down in price. You see, that is the way a free market works.
I don't want the government telling me how much I can charge for a home inspection, how many I can do in a week, of who I can do an inspection for.
We have not only lost our way in this country, we have lost our minds.
Glad I got that off my chest.
How did everyone play today. That is why we come here, right?
Keeping it vertical, and wondering what our founding fathers would think of us, in Oklahoma,
Well, I played in my
Well, I played in my tournament this morning on a course that should have been closed. On the 2nd and 7th holes, there wasn't a single square inch of fairway or rough that did not have casual water. Surprisingly, I played both holes pretty well. I even got to practice Surge's "skipping the stone" - 5 skips across the pond to within 8 yards of the green LOL!
The wind today was 20+ mph and chilly. Only one person in the tournament managed to score under 80 - he shot a 77. I was 14 back at 91, which for me, under these conditions, was pretty good. I usually count on a fair amount of roll, but there was none today. I managed to hit 8 of 14 fairways - 6 of them dead straight down the middle and 3 of those over 200 yards. That is almost amazing with my clubs. I only had 2 GIR - the 1st hole and the 18th hole; both of which I parred.
I seem to lose my mind in the middle of a round, but it finds me again before the end ;-P When I managed to remain focused, I made some almost picture perfect Surge Swings. I only had 3 holes worse than bogey - 2 doubles and a triple. The triple was on the 4th hole when my mind wandered off - I had 3 really bad mishit shots in a row. I sort of knew that hole was going bad, when my drive was a low slice - the mirror image of a duck hook. My slices are usually very high. For the first time this year, I had no 3-putts.
Most of the bunkers were pretty full of water and I was fortunate to only hit into one on the 2nd hole. Having to find a place to drop inside a bunker, but not in the casual water, can be quite difficult.There was one very small spot where I could drop and stand level outside the bunker. I caught my wedge a bit thin and ran it over the green, but managed to make bogey, having missed par by 6 inches.
All in all, a pretty fair round for me. I think I need to work mostly on the mental part of my game, and quit letting my mind wander. On the shots where I remembered, Dick, to talk to myself, I hit really good shots. When I didn't, the shots went from bad to worse (that is another story).
Hope anyone else who played had a great round of golf.
Keep it vertical and have fun!
Thanks Mate! usually I just
Thanks Mate! usually I just get called a "Conspiracy Theorist" or words to that effect, so a "clear thinker" is new to me.
I guess I can thank George Orwell for that.
Had a listen, and "Birds without wings" is a great song.
the "had a long day part".... well its a excellent song.
Surge Nation
Surge Nation
This is proof that you just never know who you will run into on the course.
Be on your best behavior.
On the hole behind you!
A man, while playing on the front nine of a complicated golf course became
confused as to where he was on the course.
Looking around, he saw a lady playing ahead of him.
He walked up to her, explained his confusion and asked her if she knew what
hole he was playing.
'I'm on the 7th hole,' she replied, 'and you are a hole behind me. So you
must be on the 6th hole.'
He thanked her and went back to his golf.
On the back nine, the same thing happened and he approached her again with
the same request.
'I'm on number 14, and you're still a hole behind, so you must be on the
13th hole.'
Once again he thanked her and returned to his play.
He finished his round and went to the clubhouse where he saw the same lady
sitting at the end of the bar.
He asked the bartender if he knew the lady.
The bartender said that she was a sales lady and played the course often.
He approached her and said, 'Let me buy you a drink in appreciation for
your help. I understand that you're in the sales profession. I'm in sales
also. What do you sell?'
'I'll tell you, but you're going to laugh,' she replied.
'No, I won't.'
'Well, if you must know,' she answered, 'I work for Tampax.'
With that, he laughed so hard he lost his balance and fell off the bar
'See,' she said. 'I knew you'd laugh!'
'That's not what I'm laughing at,' he replied, 'I'm a salesman for
Preparation H, so I'm still a hole behind you.'
Now, that is a hole in one, or two,
Thanks for your thoughts and concern.
Sorry to hear about your daughter. She and your family are on my list, and in my prayers.
I know exactly what you are talking about with the wind. I live in Oklahoma. If you don't like the wind, move out. It always seems to wait for my shot then quit or double. If you are putting into it, it quits as soon as you hit the ball and you go by the cup 10' It can make us all look like Dolf on Golf.
At least you got out there. I am going to go hit some balls and see if I can get out for a round. The winds are only 10-15 today. Tomorrow they are calling for 25-30. Maybe it will keep the course slow while I am working and they will cut me loose early. If they do, I will get in a round before I go home.
Will holler at all you guys when I get in, and give you an after action report.
Yeah, it's scary, and it's not the fault of one party or the other in our system. It's the fault of both of them working hard to buy votes today at the expense of tomorrow. I have a client in Australia, and she couldn't believe when I sent her money recently that the US$ was worth less--for the first time in her memory--than the Australian dollar.
Phil, I loved your "Two wings
Phil, I loved your "Two wings of the same bird" - very astute if they were flightless birds
Have you listened to the lyrics of David Gray's "Birds without wings"?
Another of his that compliments this discussion is "Let the truth sting"
Congrats on buying silver - I see it has risen again & the divide between it & gold is widening
Tonights ABC News financial report focussed on just that point & predictions for that trend to continue - good work mate
Your day is why I always say I am just playing against the course and not the other players. Sounds like the course was enough of an opponent today.
I like playing in unusual circumstances like that. Sounds like to me that you did a great job with what you had to work with. Just proves how tough you are. Or, maybe how hard headed you are. We can save that subject for another post.
If you find it helpful for you to talk to me during a shot, I am ok with that. Let me know if it works.
Let me know if you hear me answer you,
The human body is not static
The human body is not static during the swing. A human has the ability to alter their center of gravity, not only can we have two, we can actually have many more, depending on our position of balance and posture. Lean too far forward and your center point of balance will cause you to fall forward. Lean too far back, and your center will cause you to fall backwards, the same is true for each side motion, or actually a 360* . He doesn't need this method of physics, he just prefers it, as do we who have removed the sticks from our uptight asses. Just get over it already! Quit being a jerk about such trivial matters.
Hey Doc,I think the Freudian
Hey Doc,
I think the Freudian slip was really good advice. Maybe as good as what you intended. We don't know for sure what the gold markets will do but we DO know that golf is very fun, and we can't eat either one of them. ;-)
http://www.swingsurgeon.com/Ho... should answer your questions.
I think what you're seeing is
I think what you're seeing is a natural difference in body type. Greg and Surge are the same height approximately, but their arms are several inches different. Greg has to bend more to get his hands into position, and that increase in bend moves his arms further out. I think DJ flexes his knees a bit more than either Surge or Greg, which gets his hands lower without bending his upper body over more. It's just a matter of their bodies and where they find the best balance point.
Well done Mr. Lee. You couldn
Well done Mr. Lee. You couldn't be more right.
Let him wait for the Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac version.
An interesting point. The
An interesting point. The tour players do flatten the club head into the release plane, but having watched slo-mo for years I can tell you that nearly 100% of them go over the top with the hands in compensation. Spend a couple of years studying videos on how the over the top inside out rotary swings work.
Thanks for taking the time to clear that up for us. I like the system very much, and will need to have one when I have the money for it.
That is one thing I love about the Surge team. They read the blog and reply when it is appropriate. They don't just post stuff and never look back.
Bet you don't find that on most blogs. Well, I haven't found that on most blogs I have been involved with.
Robert F!!!! This is a
Robert F!!!! This is a different side of you!!! My goodness!!!
Um, where can I get one of those?
Government is usually not the answer to a problem. Usually government is the problem.
If it ain't broke, they will fix that.
If it is broke, blame someone else, charge 5 times what it should cost to fix it, then explain to the citizens why they have to keep paying the 500,000 people they hired to fix it.
If air traffic controller falls asleep on duty, their solution is to hire twice as many ATCs. How is this for an answer, fire them and replace them with some folks that want a job and can stay awake. I dealt with that crap during all my years as a public safety manager. You can't pay the good people more than the crap people, and you can't fire the crap people.
Tenure means hired for life, no matter what you do once you get the job.
I understand your scepticism
I understand your scepticism UKPHil. However this and the swingrite are the only two golf aids I've seen endorsed on Surges site in 3 years. I have the swingtech and plan on getting the swingrite soon. The swingtech is not jusy another gaget. It specifically helps one get more vertical. If you set up to it correctly you will be vertical. If you set up too close which cases the cord to be too slack one can swing a bit further back. It is easy to adjust, and it does help. Frankly I do only use it about 5-10 minutes a day and yes that has been enough to help ingrain vertical back and through. I use it for a few minutes then grab a regular club and hit off a mat in my back yard.
How much is delivery to
How much is delivery to Australia?
Do you give a 30 day money back guarantee?
Will it work upside down (I'm in the Southern Hemisphere)?
Will you be able to answer my questions on operating procedures
If I use it left handed, do I need to face West?
Will the nofer trunnions foul on the marzel vanes if it gets wet?
Can I call you for further help when it arrives?
If you look on the Swingtech
If you look on the Swingtech website the guy swinging this aid goes into the sacred burial ground
straight so I think it is a bit misleading for them to claim otherwise.I think the best aid Don endorsed was Swingrite.However I do think that the promise of a perfect swing using an aid for 5 to 10 minutes a day dupes people and that is why ebay is full of golf aids being sold by frustrated golfers.Be happy to watch Dons lessons and practice what he tells you and the swing will happen in time.
Dick and Steve:
Dick and Steve:
The real problem is that ALL politicians LOVE to spend money -- other people's money. Without some basis of limiting their spending appetites we are all doomed -- no matter who is in power. But part of the problem is the PEOPLE also -- we tend to elect the politician who promises us MORE and MORE and forget about the cost of the various projects - -what it will do to our taxes, etc. This specially true when the lure is that "someone else in a richer state will pay for it".
At one time, 1$ = some amount of gold ro silver - since there is only a fininte amount of those commodities, Spending was automatically limited to what's available in the Treasury or can be borrowed on the open market. Now the currency of nearly all nations is just a piece of paper and it's value is determined by our trust (or lack of trust) in the various governments,
Hence spending, and national debt becomes an exercise in bookkeeping and is "just a number" in the eyes of at least 90% of the politicians. That is, until the entire "house of cards" comes tumbling down.
Also, at one time we said "those that do not work, do not eat" -- now it seems to be that "those who do not work should be fed by those that do".
My .02 worth
They sell 'em at WalMart of
They sell 'em at WalMart of course. ;-)
Surge difinately recommends
Surge difinately recommends we use a mirror too in "seeing" our swing. What I have found using this tool is that it makes you "feel" the correct positions. It therefor helps us ingrain the feeling of gettting vertical through repetition.
I could address each of your
I could address each of your sentences but it would be a waste of cyberspace so I'll correct you on one only
"Sorry Don you have lost me"
Don didn't lose you - You've lost yourself -
Don meant you well - What a shame you didn't have it in you to do likewise
Cheers Jack
Great round pal. Sounds like you were fighting the course too. Great job on the par 3s.
I hope your feeling about the weather is right. It was in the 40s here yesterday with wind gusts of 55. It blew trucks over onto other vehicles here in town. Tore up my patio. Today, 84 with 5-10 winds.
I am ready for summer already. Check back with me when it is a week of 105, and I will be whining about that too.
A bitching Marine is a happy Marine,