Today I wanted to give you all an update on DJ's status after withdrawing from the Wells Fargo Championship. Many of you voiced support for DJ and for that we are both very appreciative. We got some good news upon seeing a specialist in Charlotte, NC.
Check out the video and I'll give you the full update on DJ's current status and when you can expect to see him next on the PGA TOUR.
Keep it vertical,
The Surge!
Don Trahan
PGA Master Professional
If you can't view the YouTube video above try CLICKING HERE. You must allow popups from this site for the link to work.
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Surge--Thanks for sharing.
Surge--Thanks for sharing. Best of luck to DJÃÂ Several comments in this thread are from medical people recommending consultation with orthopedic specialists. I agree with them while admitting that it is really none of my business to criticize your actions.
About three years ago, I had lower back pain that was really bothering me. I went to an orthopedic specialist who ran and MRI or CAT I cant remember which. When the result came back, he called and said, "Guess what--no back problem, but you have an abdominal anuerysm". Needless to say, chiropractic would have been the wrong way to go with my problem.
Echoing the call of several posters for further testing, I would put it in a homely way--
You have a Maserati, would you take it to Bubba's Shade Tree Mechanic and Appliance Service for repair?ÃÂ A lesson learned long ago--when you need help from a lawyer, get the guy in the big office who is well-connected, let the other guy get the new lawyer from the storefront office.
Hope DJ recovers soon
Hope DJ recovers soon
ÃÂ You are right Ben,
ÃÂ You are right Ben, experience tells us, You do not know what you are doing and are performing the swing improperly. Think about it. When all signs point to you, then maybe, just maybe, the fault lies within your own performance. That's why you got nowhere after hitting several buckets. You are probably one of those who think they know everything they need to know about this swing just from watching the dailies. Possible, but very improbable. You'll need to buy the Foundations Manual, the basic lesson videos, and study them. Learn to perform the swing properly and your results will probably begin to resemble those of the majority, instead of the minority.
How do I know this, because I also am one of those who was able to avoid lower back surgery by switching to this system, even after being told by my Orthopedic Surgeon, over four years ago, that I would have to stop golf and definitely have surgery for any permanent relief. I happen to suffer from severe Osteo Arthritis.
The difference is probably, I actually bought and studied the Full Course Materials. A small price to pay for the results I've received, and a whole lot cheaper than surgery.
ÃÂ They just had a bit on
ÃÂ They just had a bit on Fox News about people being able to connect to a doctor over the internet and get a diagnosis with a prescription, all without the doctor physically ever seeing the person.ÃÂ The medical consultant said that is a very bad idea.
I had a herniated disc between L4 and L5 confirmed by an MRI
four years ago.ÃÂ The operation was performed by a neurosurgeon on an
out-patient basis.ÃÂ I was swinging a golf club in two months later and
have been using the Peak Performance Swing ever since. I'm hitting the ball
better than I ever have.ÃÂ I'm 71 and have been playing golf since age 13.
You might want to encourage D.J to get an MRI and a second
opinion to confirm Dr. Lee's diagnosis.
Good luck to you both and keep it vertical.
Tod Burnham
Well that's a great relief!Ã
Well that's a great relief!ÃÂ Thanks for the update, Surge.ÃÂ We're all pulling for D.J. and looking forward to his pain-free and healthy return to the tour.
Just read Dr. Lynn's comments
Just read Dr. Lynn's comments.ÃÂ Some of the mailings have upset him.ÃÂ From what I read I can understand why.ÃÂ Not too smooth in their commentary.ÃÂ I don't believe I had a play in this for all I did was recommend a second opinion and nothing more.ÃÂ I never down played Dr. Lynn's diagnostic work up or treatment.ÃÂ My only suggestion was a second opinion from an Orthopedic Surgeon who specializes inÃÂ Sports Medicine.ÃÂ That and nothig more was offered.ÃÂ I am sure Dr.Lynn would be comfortable with this especially since he has appeared to have consider all options in his work up.
Best to DJ
John S. Watson, MD FACS
Surge:ÃÂ Thanks for the
Surge:ÃÂ Thanks for the update on DJ.ÃÂ My thoughts and prayers are most certainly with DJ, wishing him a speedy recovery.ÃÂ Sounds like there are a lot of good suggestions for other things to check and look at - that is what's so amazing about this blog!ÃÂ Lots of eyes and ears always looking out for each other and willing to help where possible.ÃÂ Take care and please let us know how things progress.ÃÂ R2
A gram to a kilo, just does
A gram to a kilo, just does'nt have the same ring to it. IÃÂ still use pounds when I go fishing. Much more impressive
Please accept my condolences for your loss. It is from people such as you and your son that we have the freedom we all enjoy.
Don, thanks for the update. Ã
Don, thanks for the update. ÃÂ I echo j_tull, and it does feel like family around here. I really look forward to hear more good news and, in time, better shape and some lower scores
Don thanks for the update
Don thanks for the update,having back problems myself it helps to keep a positive outlook going forward for a ouick and full recovery. God bless. Paul H.
ÃÂ I agree. I wonder if this
ÃÂ I agree.
I wonder if this back issue is theÃÂ reason DJ has not been playing well and missing cuts all season.
Surge,Correction, Dr. Lynn
Correction, Dr. Lynn not Lee.
Tod Burnham
Best wishes to DJ from one
Best wishes to DJ from one who has been down the same road.
No you did not upset me, I
No you did not upset me, I just wanted to clarify some of the facts that were lost in the video. I work on a referral basis with orthopedic surgeons daily. Thanks for your support!
I'm sure DJ will get the best
I'm sure DJ will get the best of help for his back, & its great that surgery is not needed. I have sufferd similar trouble with my back for the past 13 years, & was unable to walk for three days at my lowest point. I have learnt to manage my problem & wont be dishing out all manner of advice [unless asked] as there seems to be no shortage of back experts on here already. I will however suggest a few small lifestyle , or mindset changes, Sitting for too long without lumbar support is not good & bending at the waste too often, as in teeing up or picking balls up, needs to be limited. I always squat down to tee up & find it better for lining up.ÃÂ A chiro seems to be popular over there, I've always gone to an osteopath as they focus on the muscles & manipulation rather than just manipulation
True. But I was joking about
True. But I was joking about Oz as the nickname of your large neighboring continent. ;-)
DJ, you have the highly
DJ, you have the highly touted and very reputable Southeastern Spinal Institute right here in Mt. Pleasant. A visit with them would be wise.
Will be praying for DJ's
Will be praying for DJ's recovery. I believe that DJ would benefit greatly if he would check out the ARP Wave system. Pro athletes all over the world are benefitting from this therapy. First evaluation and treatment are free and most know immediately if it will help. Let me know if I can help. Roger Mann, Midwestarpclinic@gmail.comm
I've seen people jump to
I've seen people jump to conclusions about why someone is not playing well, without having a clue what physical issues a player may be going through, in all sports.
Nobody can ever know what someone else feels with an injury. Doesn't take much of covering for an injury to affect play, or even cause another separate injury because of the compensation.
Many times we hear "Oh, I had THAT injury and I did this, or that, or I know how it feels, or I played through it when I had it".
It's all baloney. My sprained ankle that I played with may feel nothing like your sprained ankle that kept you out of the game.
I would say the chances are pretty good that DJ's back may have hindered him even when he thought it felt good, just from an unwanted and unintentional compensation here and there.
I hope that DJ recovers fully
I hope that DJ recovers fully and that the L4-L5 disc isn't damaged too much. ÃÂ ÃÂ I had an MRI done on my lower back that showed a protrusion in my L5-S1 disc that was impinging on a nerve root.ÃÂ The scan definitely helped tremendously in determining the proper treatment and I have avoided surgery thus far (fingers crossed).
Don,IÃÂ strongly recommend
IÃÂ strongly recommend you seek a second opinion on DJ from an Orthopedic Surgeon who specializes in sports injuries.ÃÂ There are many out there who are associated with College and Professional teams and they shouldn't be hard to find.
A second opinion cannot hurt and may provide you with needed additional information.
John S. Watson MD FACS
A neurologic examination by a
A neurologic examination by a neurologist or neurosurgeon to determine if there is a "pinched" nerve root is the gold standard.
Surge, I know you have been
Surge, I know you have been given a lot of advice for DJ and you certainly don't need to hear yet another one. For what it's worth, I had a similar problem for years until a friend of mine insisted that I start using a special inflatable roller that is available at some specialized ÃÂ gyms. It looks like a 4 foot long hot dog made of rubber with a diameter of 12 inches. I purchased this unit at Power Systems 2 years ago and haven't had any spasms since. This unit serves to realign the spine as you roll over it vertically and then horizontally. I do this stretching exercise every morning doing 20 rolls in both directions (vertically and horizontally). This has been an outstanding exercise that really helps me realign my spine every morning. I haven't had a single problem since. DJ appears to have the the same mis-alighnment I've had for umpteen years and no more. Hope this helps.
My name is Dr J. Troy Lynn. I
My name is Dr J. Troy Lynn. I am the Chiropractor that is treating DJ. I just wanted to take a second and clearify some of the things that Don mentioned in his video. It was a very stressfull day for all of them and some of the facts were lost. I spent three hours doing a physical, neurological, and x-ray examination onÃÂ DJ, I determined from these findings it was safe to startÃÂ conservative care. Dj was carried into my office by three loving friends and family, and He walked out on his own. THATS HOW POWERFUL CHIROPRACTIC IS! Dj was given a thorough report of findings and it included alternative treatments options, medical care,ÃÂ including steriods and MRI exam,ÃÂ but he decided to start with conservative care and move forward. Dj wasÃÂ also given nutrional support for the injury and muscle spasm.ÃÂ ÃÂ He was againÃÂ rexaminedÃÂ on saturday in Charleston SC and showed significant indicators that he was responding to care. We discussed a MRI would give us additonal info, but even if positive the treatments could be modifiedÃÂ and would not be contraindicated. WeÃÂ are movingÃÂ forward with Chiropractic care, Physical therapy, decompresion, and functional / rehab exercises. DjÃÂ has a path to recovery ahead of him,ÃÂ he is ready for the journey back to health wellness and optimal function. As with all journeys there will be ups and downs, these are theÃÂ natural healing cycles our bodies go through. They are necessary part of the healing process and lead to peak performance, andÃÂ longevity.ÃÂ ÃÂ
I spoke with DJ this morning and he was able to follow up with aÃÂ Doctor in his home town that ordered a MRI. TheÃÂ MRI confirmed my exam findings and Dj said there was nothing positive on the MRI. He also said the doctor didnt advise any different treatments than I had recommended.
We are not sure at this time if he will play but he is going to go toÃÂ the tournament, practice and be rexamined and closely watched by the tour Physical therapist and Chiropractors.
The treatment approach that he is embarking on is not new to Golfers, but the combination with Surges swing is. I was amazed that Dj did not have more symptomology sooner, and i believe the swing was a factor. Had Dj done a more rotational type swing he would have likely felt the symptoms much sooner and based on some of this x-ray findings could have caused more severe injures.
Just a few more details about the comments in the video, I am licensed by the state of NC in Chiropractic and Physical therapy, not rolfing and massage. We do use simular physical therapy techniques, that a rolfer would use, but i am not a rolfer.
We also use Whole food nutritional supplements from STANDARD PROCESS.
Dj was not told that he did not need surgery, he was told that based on his Physical exam findings, ortho/neurological exam findings, and x-ray exam findings that conservative chiropractic care was not contra indicated. The necessity of surgery can only by determined by a surgeon.
Thanks Dj for your consent to share your private health care information on the post / blog. Its difficult enough to fight an injury, having to answer a million questions a day about your progress only makes focusing on the goal of recovery harder. Remember your body is a healing, thriving, adapting masterpiece created by God, to do amazing things.
Specific chiropractic care, functional exercise/rehab modalites, and good nutrition will fuel this process. I look forward to the journey.
Yours in Health,
Dr J. Troy Lynn
Doctor of Chiropractic
For heaven's sake get a
For heaven's sake get a second opinion from an orthopedic spine specialist.The chiropractor had no basis for his pronouncement that DJ will not need surgery.If he has signs and symptoms of nerve root compression,he needs an MRI and possibly one or more epidural steroid injections.Why don't you check in with Dr Armstrong and get a referral.
Industrial accident was the
Industrial accident was the cause of L4-L5 rupture.ÃÂ Nearly ten years under chiropractic care.ÃÂ Than I started going to the gym.ÃÂ Rarely do I suffer back pain.ÃÂ DJ - please see a personal trainer.ÃÂ You need to strengthenÃÂ your back to hold disc in lineÃÂ
ÃÂ Dick, Thanks for the
ÃÂ Dick, Thanks for the update on service arrangements for Dick,Jr., our continued thoughts and prayers for his wife, boys & the entire family. May all of you continue to find peace and comfort during this difficult time.
Semper Fidelis, My Friend
See an orthopod!
See an orthopod!
Ah yes ,the land of OZ, or
Ah yes ,the land of OZ, or more commonly known as OZZIE. Everyone should have a large neighbour
You've got that right Austin2
You've got that right Austin2 !
Check out a Massage therapist
Check out a Massage therapist by the name of Jason Mastrian in Miami Beach.
He worked with NBA player Carlos Boozer and had great success. ÃÂ Contact Carlos for his recommendation of Jason's talents in rehabing him. ÃÂ Works at Fisher Island and Miami area's top spas.
Thanks for clarifying the
Thanks for clarifying the information, Dr. Lynn. It's good to know you're one of the really smart chiropractors who know both its strengths and its limitations and see it as part of well-rounded therapy, not as a magical cure-all.
Get a physical therapist....
Get a physical therapist.... I've had back problems for years... get an MRI... see where the exact pressure comes from.... Chiropractors don't do that... he has too much to loose .... serious stretching, and muscleÃÂ strengthening, will most likely fix it.ÃÂ But, there is a structural problem and a pT will fix it if he works at it...without surgery...Good luck
Ben, from my personal
Ben, from my personal experience I would have to concur with the others that have replied to your posting. Having now been using this swing disciplineÃÂ for almost two years, I suffer no back pain from it. I happily am able to swing a club pain free for an entire round and able to get out of the bed the next morning. As the regular Surgites here know I had to previously give up the game due to my back injuries.
ÃÂ I would advise you to have another look at your swing via video and see where you may be missing the mark. As to your bucket after bucket comment, when I was fit by Doc in June of last year, he estimated that I hit about 200 balls during the fitting session. I felt good enough afterwards that I was able to chase my 6 year old around the Columbia zoo that very afternoon without any pain or discomfort.
ÃÂ Best of luck to you in your golfing future.
Thanks for giving us another
Thanks for giving us another update andÃÂ a complete picture Dr. Lynn. We are confident DJ is getting the best attention and treatments for his situation.
Much appreciated!
Tell DJ not to let a surgeon
Tell DJ not to let a surgeon anywhere near his back!ÃÂ One comment suggested prolotherapy which used to be the way to go - now he should get PROLOZONE done (an improved version of prolotherapy).ÃÂ It will act fast and should eliminate any need for surgery.ÃÂ Richard Senior
don i sure hope dj gets
don i sure hope dj gets better i like watching him play it is always something that come up ,but i belive the swing is very good an he well get better with the help of good people an the good lord ,Just hope it all comes togetherÃÂ for himÃÂ very soon or sooner, allÃÂ us are with you an him an theÃÂ whole family .danny from boiling springs very close by
Amen Terry, as in all fields
Amen Terry, as in all fields of works there are the truely skilled and caring and slugs at the other end! It is very true with myÃÂ field of massage therapists. There is excellent and then those who are a waste of time and money. I have been blessed to work with many of the best here in Las Vegas.
I agree with Charlie (above)
I agree with Charlie (above) that a visit to the SE Spine Institute in Mt. Pleasant is in order. ÃÂ I had back spasms and sciatic pain for years. ÃÂ I saw chiropractors, accupuncturists, phsyatrists, physical therapists, massage therapists, etc. for years, for chronic back pain caused by spinal stenosis for years without significant or lasting relief. ÃÂ My last chiropractor referred my to SE Spine (specifically Dr. Don Johnson, Orthopaedic Surgeon). ÃÂ I have had four very successful spinal surgeries and now have NO BACK PAIN. ÃÂ I play golf two/three times and practice once each week without discomfort.
I never had trouble with my
I never had trouble with my back until I started learning this swing, after hitting bucket after bucket of balls and getting nowhere, my back started hurting and kept hurting every time I went to the range. Don't thinks it's a coincidence that djs is now in trouble. You can say its not the swing buty experiences tell a different story.
Thanks for the update, Dick.
Thanks for the update, Dick. I will remember to light a candle on Tuesday in your son's honor.
I am experiencing similar
I am experiencing similar problems at L3/4 and L4/5 undergoing chiropractic treatments 3X a week for the past 4 weeks. ÃÂ I will be ready to play again in 1 week...but I am a little older than DJ. ÃÂ
Ask the Dr. about getting an MRI. ÃÂ I did after 1 wk of treatment and the MRI allowed the Chiropractor to better pinpoint treatment. ÃÂ I progressed much faster afterward. ÃÂ Also, for me, using inversion table therapy (i.e.ÃÂÃÂ ), has given amazing relief of pain symptoms in addition to Chiro treatments and other PT.Good thoughts for DJ. ÃÂ See you back on the Tour real soon.
Thanks for the update, Don.Ã
Thanks for the update, Don.ÃÂ There seems to be some good advice on the blog.ÃÂ I don't have much faith in chiropractors, but Dr. Lynn sounds like he's doing a good job.ÃÂ Hope DJ gets back on tour soon.ÃÂ He needs a win. ÃÂ
I agree.That makes sense to
I agree.
That makes sense to me I was wondering if maybe he had a issue this year hope he gets it straightened out.
I agree with injuries sometimes you can play through them other times not. I have a problem with my left ankle 99 percent of the time it does not bother me to play golf but there is that 1 percent that it just feels stiff not sore and that is the days that I half to search for a compensation to play that day because it limits getting to the left side.
Surge / DJ:DJ - get well soon
Surge / DJ:
DJ - get well soon, I will be praying for a healing touch.ÃÂ I have been dealing with back sprains the last three years.ÃÂ Had to turn down a sunday outing because I could not sit and it was sore to walk.ÃÂ But I got some medication and it has helped - I played 18 Saturday and 14 today at twilight.ÃÂ Your swing is the best - I have tried everything in 30 years, I have been using the PPGS since Sept 2009 - this is what I will using the rest of my life.ÃÂ I could not have played without using your swing.
Again best wishes for a speedy recovery DJ, and keep up the great work with the sight Surge!
Jerry - Warren, MI
You should have a second
You should have a second opinion from a medical surgeon, not chripractor care, they don't perform any type of surgery or can advise with any science whether DJ should have surgery or not.ÃÂ ÃÂ Surgery by a neurosurgeon solved my back issues successfully and a quick recovery too.ÃÂ Chripractor care does not solve the deep lyingÃÂ medical issues.
Boog, good to hear from you
Boog, good to hear from you pal. How's life? Are you getting out and playing some golf? Hope you and your son and family are doing well.
ÃÂ Robert M.