Does Bubba Watson Use A Vertical Swing?

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 22:17 -- Don Trahan

After his thrilling and impressive victory at The 2012 Masters, the long hitting Bubba Watson became even more popular and the term "Bubba Golf" was coined. Some of our viewers have asked me what I think of Bubba's game and if he's a vertical swinger.

Bubba has said many times that he is completely self taught and has never had a lesson. However, there are some similarities with his swing and the Peak Performance Golf Swing. Bubba does swing the club back vertically and finishes pretty square to his target. But he works the ball so much that his setup and swing are always changing. That, along with his power, is what people love about "Bubba Golf." His shot from the woods on the 2nd playoff hole to win The Masters was nothing short of amazing, but it's something that Bubba has practiced time and time again on the range and in practice rounds.

I also keep being asked how Bubba's able to work the ball so much. Well, working the ball is relatively easy but it's something that you have to practice. Trying a shot for the first time during an important round is never a good idea. That's why Mr. Watson was able to pull off that shot, because he knew he could do it and he knew how to do it. He wasn't just swinging and hoping, he had a plan and he knew how to execute it.

So, if you're interested in working the ball like Bubba you've got to practice. Get the proper PPGS techniques for working the ball in Surge's Shop, where I go into great detail on how to shape shots at will.

Keep it vertical,

The Surge!
Don Trahan
PGA Master Professional

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NeilofOz's picture

Submitted by NeilofOz (not verified) on

Steve, I couldn't agree more. I religiously practised and documented
my swing over a ten year period from professional advice that was rather dubious. None the less, I believed what I was told, but improved very little. Only "PERFECT PRACTISE makes PERFECT".

Like you, when on the range, I start with my most reliable club ( 9W )
and work down from that and then back up. Problem is I'm still not
in your league, LOL.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Thought about it but from where I had to hit from I wanted to make sure of perfect shots.

Don't think my wife would have been a happy camper if for some reason I would have mishit one and broke some of the lights or stereo speakers and things she has around the pool.

For "normal" shots I hit off of the grass out there but to hit those (impossible) shots off of the grass there would fall under the heading of stupid.

It's also why I didn't use a 3 iron for the slice. I would have had to swing directly at the house.

She's not very understanding with my normal excuses of "I didn't mean to break it and I THOUGHT I could hit that shot".

Off of a lie board or hard pan it's pretty much impossible for me to mess it up.

I guess I could go out there after while and hit some off of the grass and if I happen to mess one up I can tell her that MikefromKy told me to do it. Ha ha!
(Then it would be your fault).

All jokes aside it would be really dumb to try to hit a shot that we are incapable of hitting and then make it even harder by adding the rough. That would be the best way to break my number one rule of setting up a practice in a way that gives a good chance of success.
To try to hit that shot out of the rough would guarantee failure and probably ruin any chance of ever pulling it off down the road.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 That would have been long back then, by any standards.
Several of the guys in our game, including me, can hit drives over 300 yards occasionally but some of it is what little roll we get on that course.

Nothing compared to the carries well over 300 yards that the guy on our team today was doing. The rest of his game was a little inconsistent but he said he had only played a couple of times this year (so that would be expected). He never looked like he was putting any effort at all into those drives.

Doc Griffin's picture

Submitted by Doc Griffin (not verified) on

Just about all of them. To hit a BIG Hook though is a bit harder. Line up has to be very closed to target. Ball has to be way back in the stance. Hands have to pronate really hard and fast right at impact. It also helps to have a bit of a softer golf ball. Tiger pulled off a similar shot on 9 last year I think it was at the Masters. Left hand trees and hit the ball with as much or more hook than Bubba's shot. They were both tremendous shots!

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

"Normal" humans can't get in this position unless they just fell off of a cliff or something and twisted their body and knocked their shoulder out of socket on impact.

Edit side note:
The article itself is very humorous to me. Amazingly uninformed by someone making a living writing for a major magazine. Especially funny is his reference to the shaft bend at impact and to frame number 6 (which in fact is frame 6 of the face on sequence and frame 15 on the computer). He acts amazed that the middle of the shaft is bending away from the target at impact. For starters almost all of that in the picture is shutter roll and anyone can do an experiment where they can film a swing with the camera in normal position and then film another swing with the camera held sideways and see that it's an illusion.
Secondly all of the swings I have ever filmed show the shaft doing exactly what Bubba's is doing at impact.
Another funny part is the author's amazement that his lower body is going forward before the back swing is completed.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Well, Bubba didn't hit his shot out of the rough. He hit it off pine straw with a pretty clean lie so he could get lots of club-face contact. I don't think even Bubba could have gotten that much curve if grass got between the club and the ball.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 Are you flaring your feet to at least 30 degrees?

If my feet are square to the target line and I put outward pressure on my knees the weight does shift to the outside of my feet.

If I flare my feet to 30 degrees it doesn't, and stays equally distributed.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

If this is the diagram you were talking about I don't think even the spot is accurate and the supposed path marked in blue is most certainly not accurate.
It is physically impossible for a ball to hook in the first 50 yards and then go straight, as people commenting were quick to point out.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Always walk away from a practice feeling great about it.
Practice the hard stuff but know it's hard and have fun with it without expecting too much.
Finish with what you do best.

P.S. I'm not in a league. The only one I am qualified for has an age limit of 10 and they wouldn't let me play in it. LOL

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

If I go to the back and hit back toward the house there is plenty of pine straw back there in the trees.

Then I could actually hit the ball into the pool.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Partly what Steve said. Also, it's not hard outward pressure, it's slight outward pressure to keep the knees directly over the feet. That keeps the weight in the arches and keeps the legs from moving around too much. The Bump ends that as the weight moves intentionally to the outside of the forward foot and the rear knee kicks forward.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Yeah, the path is certainly incorrect, but I think the starting point is pretty close. Too bad that apparently there's no blimp footage of the actual ball flight so people could see what really happened. I remember from watching it live that the ball was moving back toward the right side of the green as it came in. 

Actually pulled up the 10th hole in Google Earth and compared to what Bubba's view was from where his ball ended up. You're right that the diagram has him further forward than he should have been, and the angle was a bit less severe (though still a good 60* turn. It looks like he was in the trees off to the right just a little before the Mackenzie Bunker, looking straight at the spit of grass that runs into the middle of the early part of that bunker.

If you have Google Earth, I think -82.02100748448808 longitude and 33.49907730673664 latitude would get you to about the right spot. (that's a negative longitude, so you don't accidentally end up on the wrong side of the world)

Jerry from Warren, MI's picture

Submitted by Jerry from Warr... (not verified) on

I do the same thing - weekends at the 54 hole course near my house I try to play the twilight rate at least 1 or 2 times a month - usually pretty empty between 6-9.  I will hit 2-3 balls every hole, and chip and putt if no one is behind me.  Thanks for the video talk again soon.
Jerry from Warren MI

wasatchpowder's picture

Submitted by wasatchpowder (not verified) on

I was watching Bubba hit 40 yard hooks on the range clear back in 2004 when he played on the Nationwide Tour. He's been practicing that shot for years to get the opportunity to hit one shot to win the Masters.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

That looks right. The big pine tree on the right of the fairway that appears in the diagram with the blue line would have been a big factor if he was hitting a hook from there but in the videos from the camera low enough to see the canopy shows no such tree for him to have to hook the ball around. Plus the yardage would be too close from there to match up.
(I think). Ha ha!

P.S. The tree short of the bunker appears on satellite to have a lower and higher limb with a gap between them and the video looks the same.
The shot with the blue line should show the pine with no limbs until high up and it's not in the video.

P.S. again:
Hit quite a few more balls in the yard a few minutes ago.
40 yards of curve in 150 yards is a LOT.
I'm leaning toward it wasn't really quite that much.
I'm going to keep trying though. I'm pretty stubborn when it comes to trying something that I can't do. ;-)
Got one that looked like 20 yards of hook. To get that one my foot line was about 25 degrees off of perpendicular to the target line.

Swing Surgeon Golf's picture

Submitted by Swing Surgeon Golf (not verified) on

You actually have the option to receive a DVD Steve, for an additional cost. Staff123, if you do not have access to a particular video in which you have already purchased, contact customer service and they will make sure those videos are available to you online as well. Thank you for your support!

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

6 in a row and the two eagles, Fun stuff Steve. Winning the $$ never ba bad deal either. Nice golfing:)

Dstansbery's picture

Submitted by Dstansbery (not verified) on

 Bubba was interviewed on Golf Channel, and I believe he said it was a 150 yard gap wedge with a 50 yard hook. 50 yards for me is about as long as I hit a gap wedge before going straight to a PW. I was hitting 30 yard gap wedges last Sunday on the practice green with 10 yard hooks. Of course the putts were breaking up hill as well. I think the sustained wind speed was 30+ MPH with gusts much higher..

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 I actually know that. I figured Staff123 was one of the other thousand or so that thought the purchase was for physical DVDs without having to special order them and pay more. We used to have to explain that to people about 20 times a day and I still have the habit of thinking people don't know it.

Arando's picture

Submitted by Arando (not verified) on

Thank You, I should have mentioned I have flat feet, Could that be an issue, and would I make an adjustment for very flat feet?   Thanks

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 Still very disappointing that I am not hitting the ball very well and not even close to as well as last year.

Short game is the best/luckiest (one or the other) it's ever been.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Darn it!!!!
Here I've been trying to hit 40 yard hooks because that's what I heard Bubba say it was and now it's up to 50 yards.

Instead of lacking 20 more yards of hook now I lack 30 more yards. :-(

Of course a friend of mine caught a 9 pound bass about 30 years ago and the last I heard the bass had grown to 12 pounds. ;-)

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Today's round(s) summary:

Short and sweet...Not very much game over all but enough short game to win $77 of the $104 at stake.

The new greens they planted last fall that have been bumpy are starting to get better and that's a huge advantage for me over the guys that just can't putt very well. When they were bumpy and it was hit and hope putting the bad putters had as much chance as good putters but on smoother (more fair) greens they really don't have a chance.

Birdie on number one again today (that's 6 straight times on that hole) and eagle on 4 today (that's 2 straight times on that hole).

BTW another long ball hitter showed up today. I had heard of him and a story about him hitting the ball over a green that is 345 yards uphill, and how he apologized and one of the guys on the green told him to never apologize for a drive that long.

He was on our team in the nine hole shamble and didn't hit anything like that today but probably would have on a couple of holes that were against the wind that still went 325 yards. Don't know who could hit the ball farther between he and Shane (that I had on video recently) but for distance it would be a close race. Shane would have the edge in accuracy but not by much.

Amazing to watch those guys unload on a golf ball and very hard to not get out of a comfort level and try to keep up.

Feedog1's picture

Submitted by Feedog1 (not verified) on

The surge said Bubba  hit a nine iron draw on the 12 th hole. It was actually a Gap wedge which makes the shot even more remarkable. How many pros can hit a gap wedge draw?

staff123's picture

Submitted by staff123 (not verified) on

Hi Surge. I'd like to suggest that if one purchases your DVDs they also receive access to the content online. Thanks.

MikefromKy Go Bama. Go Irish's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy Go B... (not verified) on

Shoot here I thought he had to slice it left 5 yards to clear a couple of branches on a bush then hook it 90 yards from 175 with a lob wedge.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Played with a guy like that once a long time ago. On one 340 yard par 4 his tee shot rolled through the green. The guys putting turned to yell, assuming we were in the fairway. They couldn't believe he'd hit through the green from the tee. I shudder to think how far he'd have been hitting it if he had modern balls and clubs. This was 1989 and he was hitting a wound ball with a steel-shafted persimmon driver. If he'd had any touch at all he could have been a hell of a golfer.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Watch the video through again. You'll see that Surge does say that some reports said it was a gap wedge (I'd heard that as well), and in fact that might make it easier to turn. It's past half way in the video, but he does discuss the hows and whys of that.

rosemi's picture

Submitted by rosemi on

"practice makes perfect" the idea i like better is that "practice makes progress". whoever achieves perfection? No one i know we can all progress. thanks for the daily tips

Jeff's picture

Submitted by Jeff on

Here is a good Bubba swing analysis by DeFrancesco.
It is truly vertical both in the backswing and the finish.  There are a few other Surge swing similarities, but it is a vertical swing taken to the max.  I can't imagine being able to torture my back like that.  Well, at least more than once.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 Well one thing is for sure about that shot. It gives all of us something to speculate about.

I wish somebody with access to Augusta would do a TV show re-creating that shot with some really good information.

I've heard that shot was a hook as much as 40 yards and heard the shot was 155 yards but have no idea how accurate those are. If those numbers are accurate the shot is completely out of my league (and I'm pretty good at hitting hooks).

I went out in the yard and tried to re-create the shot just based on that information and first tried it with a gap wedge and hit 6 balls. The distance number seemed right for the gap wedge trying to hit the biggest hook I could hit.
The amount of hook I could hit at that distance was not even close to 40 yards. About 15 yards of hook was all I could do. Four balls were well hit with about 10 to 15 yards of hook and between 150 and 160 yards. Two didn't hook much at all and only went about 130 yards.

Then I tried it with a 9 iron to see if maybe that was easier.
Hit all 6 balls fairly well, all nice hooks, (was warmed up a little better by then). Problem was that none of them hooked more than 15 yards also and went way too far. Don't know how far because my yard runs into the woods at 170 yards and they were in the woods.

Tried a couple more with the 9 iron backing off a little to get the distance right but that greatly reduced the amount of hook I could put on the ball.

My conclusion was that if it was in the 155 yard range it had to be a gap wedge and if it really had to hook 40 yards I would be surprised if anyone else could hit that shot. I'm pretty sure I could come much closer to hitting a 40 yard slice from 155 yards than a hook. With a slice I could take much more club, swing much faster across the ball creating maximum side spin and minimum back spin.
Not a reasonable option for a hook.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

On Bubba's shot:

Reading some of the blogs on the subject is very funny. MANY people say "Oh, I could hook the ball 40 yards from 150".
All I've got to say about that is I sincerely doubt it.

BTW a slice from that distance is a much easier shot to put more curve in the short distance. Used a five iron for the slice and got about 30 yards. Could have probably got a little more with a 3 or 4 iron but to keep those to 150 yards gets a little tricky because of cutting so sharp across the ball.

Arando's picture

Submitted by Arando (not verified) on

I am confused about the posture set up. If knees are wide the weight goes to outside the feet. You say the weight should be in the arches. I can't figure out how to do both..

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

I think with Bubba, all that body English helps. ;-) 

Surge actually included an aerial photo of the 10th hole with the approximate path of Bubba's "miracle shot" on it in one of the recent ad emails for the Working the Ball video series. I can't attach it here, but maybe Tom or someone in Tech Support can get it uploaded to the text above. Seeing the aerial image makes it even more amazing. That ball had to turn about 85* 

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

I heard George Brett say "Whoever said practice makes perfect is full of crap. Perfect practice makes perfect. Bad practice makes permanent".

Some interesting reading on what we may or may not get out of practice.

I have believed for a long time that we have to gear our practice toward giving ourselves a feeling that we are successful.

It's why I never practice putting at a hole, but putt at a coin. That way I can walk off of the practice putting green having never missed a putt. No lip outs. No misses. No negatives.

It's also why I start any practice by hitting some 3 or 4 irons. For one thing they are what I hit best and for another if I did hit a bad shot with one of them it doesn't have as many negative implications as a wedge would have.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

There isn't much else besides vertical that is similar alright.
About as much extra body action as he could get. Works pretty well for him though.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 When I was trying the shot it was pretty amazing how little my hooks actually were in relation to what I would normally think.

I was hitting the ball around an apple tree to get a rough measurement on how much it was curving and 15 yards turned out to be a really big hook at that distance.

Thought about using the house to hit around but didn't feel like fixing any more broken windows. LOL

Would have been perfect though because if I could have hooked it that much I could have hooked it around the house and seen it land on the same side I was on. NO WAY!!!