Re-gripping or Milking a Golf Club Before Swing

Sat, 07/25/2015 - 14:00 -- Don Trahan

If you're a golfer that likes to milk the club before your takeaway, there's a chance your clubface could be opening or closing without you even knowing. This can create an interesting dilemma because you won't know why you're missing your target.

Once you grip the club with a square clubface, it's my recommendation that you keep that grip in place and avoid milking the club too much. I'm willing to bet that it will alleviate a lot of missed targets for most golfers.

Keep it vertical!

The Surge


tkolakovich's picture

Submitted by tkolakovich on


Carefully watch the fingers of your Right hand during this video. Aren't you in fact "milking" the club? I'm confused.

Tom K

MikefromKy's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy on

Tom I think you are confused. I only see Don milking the club when he is demonstrating milking the club.

Robert Fleck's picture

Submitted by Robert Fleck on

Surge (and maybe Doc can chime in here), do you think it's possible that Randy's problem might stem from needing new grips on his clubs? If his grips are beginning to get worn or slick, that could cause him to be subconsciously adjusting his grip to keep the club from sliding away during the swing.

Just another out-of-the-box possibility. Something a lot of us don't think about too often, but too many of us keep the same grips on for many years, when they're really worn down after a season or two (depending on how much we play).

wolftitan's picture

Submitted by wolftitan on

Surge, I am getting better with the bad habit of re-gripping during my back swing. Only occur once today! I am working on slightly firming it up and locking my grip down. My grips are good so this issue is a result of a bad habit. As stated I noticed that it occurs only with my irons. I did some additional analysis and it seems that it occurs more often when I am between clubs due to the yardage. Meaning that I am trying to gain more yards out of the iron. Simple solution for me now is to select a longer iron and choke it down 1 to 2 inches. Seems to work? Thanks again, Randy Wolf