How To Test Your Arm Speed

Tue, 04/03/2012 - 19:00 -- Don Trahan

Most golfers will admit that they would like to increase their distance and become longer hitters. One important aspect to accomplish this is your swing speed. Larry McMillen submitted a question about swing speed and wanted to know of any tips he could try in order to get his speed up.

"I'm having trouble finding where specifically to ask a question on the site. I've been trying the the swing now for several months with some success. I have access to a launch monitor and my swing speed just is not high enough to get any distance. According to the launch monitor I am only generating about 70 mph of speed. Any suggestions? I think I do the bump fairly well but unless I can get my swing speed up in the 90's at the very least, I'm never going to hit the ball anywhere."

Rotational swing instructors will tell you that taking a bigger turn is the way to increase your swing speed. But why turn your body more and put more strain on your back? With the Peak Performance Golf Swing, we move the body less and swing the arms faster. One day I was giving a lesson on the range while DJ was practicing right next to us. My student asked what DJ does when he wants to hit the ball farther. So, we decided to ask him right there on the range. He gave a really great response that I use to this day to describe how I want my students to think. He said that when he wants to hit the ball with more distance, he holds his knees and legs firmer and swings his arms faster towards the target.

A good way to help improve your swing speed is to use what I call "The Swish Test." By using a rod or a club upside down, you can hear a "swish" sound when you swing the club. The sound should be loudest right at impact, not before or after. Take a few swings and try to increase your arm speed each time until you can hear and feel that you are swinging faster. This should help you add some distance to your game!

Keep it vertical,

The Surge!
Don Trahan
PGA Master Professional

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Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

That's my understanding. Sometimes when he's talking fast, Surge says different things at different points, but I believe the sound should start just before the impact point, increase until just after the impact point, and dwindle until near the T Finish. That's certainly the progression I work on with this drill.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Really looking forward to the Masters this year. It looks like it may be one of the most intriguing in years. I'll be watching with great interest.
On another note, Cindy and I celebrate our anniverary tomorrow 4/4. Easy date for me to remember! We are heading to Mesquite Nevada just an hour southwest of Las Vegas to stay at the Casa Blanca Hotel  for two nights. We'll play golf on Thursday at 10am. Shoud be a nice time.
Keep 'em down the middle friends.

Rhig1's picture

Submitted by Rhig1 (not verified) on

Robert - You and Cindy ave a great anniversary!!!! Have a safe trip  Will miss you at the Surge's golf tournament this next week in HH.

Dick Higgins

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

I was fishing one day and putting my fish on a rope stringer and had quite a few on there. When I caught another one and pulled up the stringer to put it on I wasn't really paying attention and was looking the other way holding the stringer almost against my leg. Something caught my attention and looked down and there was a big cottonmouth coiled around my stringer of fish and looking like he was just getting ready to strike my leg.
My natural reaction was to fling the stringer away and it went in the water with the snake and all of my fish.

Paulgpgt's picture

Submitted by Paulgpgt (not verified) on

I recently went through the same thing you are experiencing, to the point I took rotational lessons.  When I wasn't getting the results I had previously with ppgs, I decided to just start over.  Reviewed the lessons and found numerous faults.  Worst was going past the toe line, breaking my forward wrist which layed the club back, wasn't keeping my weight on the outside of the knees and was pulling my spine ahead of the ball at impact.  When shots start to go weird now, I can figure one of these areas is out of whack. Hope this helps.  Paul

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Be careful that during a round you do it with a club held backward, rather than with the broken-off driver shaft. It could get you disqualified in a tournament.

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

I still remember this old post by Charlie. It was one of those Aha moments for me, when he first posted it. Aug 2010.

" Speaking of Newton's Laws, his first law of a body in motion staying in motion unless there are forces acting on it, I like this because of what I learned in a sports mechanics class concerning why the golf club swing needs to be completed properly (hands past the left ear and not short of the ear).

For those who are interested in an explanation of what sports science has to say about this (it applies to other sports as well), if you stop your hands short of a full swing, that means that you had to slow down the club earlier than you should, which means that you started decelerating the club too soon, which means that you lost club speed. So, in order to keep the club moving fast, it needs to follow through long (for lack of a better word). So, completing the swing properly is important to keep the club head from slowing down too soon."

Amos 's picture

Submitted by Amos (not verified) on


   Congratulations !! And have an enjoyable and memorable anniversary


Jim Wile's picture

Submitted by Jim Wile (not verified) on

Something that will help slow swingers to speed up their downswing is to also speed up their backswing.  If you swing it back too slowly, you won't get the benefit of the upward flexing of the wrists that naturally takes place at the top of the backswing due to the momentum of the club.  The faster you swing it back, the more flexing will occur which creates more lag in the downswing and thus more clubhead speed.

Some people take such slow backswings that they might as well start with the club at the top of the backswing and just swing down from there. 

The ideal swing tempo that virtually all pro golfers use is a backswing to downswing ratio of 3 to 1.

I've been experimenting lately with a faster overall tempo.  By swinging the club back faster, I've found I must swing it down faster to maintain that 3 to 1 ratio.  This has added about 10 more yards of distance to each club with no loss of accuracy. 

How do you know if you're swinging at a 3 to 1 ratio?  There is an inexpensive device you can buy from that can help you with this.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 Speaking just for me, I want the maximum speed at exactly the moment of impact and every muscle in my body geared to that precise instant.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

That's supposed to be a fun course. Have a great time, and happy anniversary!

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


I had my own home repair business for most of the time I was "on the job."  I used to tell people I only carry 2 things in my truck.  Duct tape and white lithium grease.  If it moves, and it ain't supposed to, then wrap it up in duct tape.  If it doesn't move, and it is supposed to, then hit it with the grease.

I figure I had it covered, coming and going.

Have a great day, off to play 36,

Dgundling's picture

Submitted by Dgundling (not verified) on

Surge, In the "swoosh test" . shouldn't the loudest swoosh occur after the ball. The sound level should increase the faster the shaft (or whatever) is going. Since we want to accelerate through the impact the club would actually be moving faster right after impact than slightly before. More speed means a louder swoosh. Yes?

BTW, I suspect that if you practice swinging as fast as you possibly can during your practice time, you will find that over time your average swing speed will increase. Swinging as fast a possible usually costs control so it is not a good idea on the course. This technique is similar to weight lifting where you increase your strength by lifting heavier weights.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

I had the hardest shot I've ever had today (and I thought I had already had all of the hard shots).

Hit a bad tee shot on 18 and it left me with 170 yards over water on a down slope that is about 55 degrees. My left leg was almost completely straight and my right leg was bent enough that my heel was almost touching my butt. Tried to hit a 6 iron but it came out so low that it had no chance to carry the water. Dropped another ball and decided to try something totally off the wall and pulled a 5 wood and took the flattest swing I could possibly take where the club head was probably never more than a few inches off of the ground and following the slope, swinging as hard as I could. The ball came out very low but had enough speed to carry the water and hit into the bank about a foot below the green.

Hope I never have that shot again and probably won't because it's almost impossible for a ball to stop on that slope, even though it's in the rough. For some reason this one decided to stop on the slope.

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on


Not a bad idea, but rather than have to buy the piece of PVC and having that extra weight and cumbersome tube sliding back and forth, just save one of your old cardboard tubes from toilet paper or paper towels. It will work just as well with minimum weight addition. You could even add a layer or two of duct tape for better performance.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

If anybody wants to look at the discrepancy I always have from what a lie board shows and what a divot shows it is at this link.

My swings are almost never the same from day to day but this check is always consistent with each check no matter which swing shows up that day.

I hit this club very well most of the time so it doesn't seem to be a problem one way or the other.

P.S. Pay special attention to the third shot off of the ground. That has to be the worst shot I have hit with a pitching wedge in years. Hahaha!! If I usually hit the good, the bad, and the ugly that was definitely the ugly. LOL Lack of concentration defined!!
Luckily the rest of them were good so I'm taking the bad one as an abnormality, at least that's my story and I hope it's right. ;-)

Dgundling's picture

Submitted by Dgundling (not verified) on


Getting max sped at impact is rather hard to do isn't it? When you accelerate you go faster.. I f you reach max speed at impact you have stopped accelerating prior to impact. Doesn't that go counter to Surge's statements that you need to acceerate through impact? I f you do as you say you must be decelerating at impact.

Frank Mondello's picture

Submitted by Frank Mondello (not verified) on

Anyone in the New York/New Jersey area interested in Doc's mobile fitting?

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Was cruising through the state park today going about 30mph and my right front tire blew out. Had it waited another few minutes I would have been dropping off of the mountain at 55mph.

All in all a very lucky blow out, or at least a timely one. ;-)

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


I played a course once in New York that had some slopes like you are talking about.  They make for some very interesting shots and club selections.

It is always nice to be able to figure out what to do to have a good shot like your second one.

Both of our courses are really turning out beautiful right now.  But, just like on your course the ball can sure stop in some unusual places.

The snakes sure are coming out early this year.  All this warm weather we've been having, and the unusual amounts of rain are making the water moccasins go crazy.  I have seen several already, and have been able to kill a couple of them.

Keeping It vertical, and killing snakes, in Oklahoma,

Russty Kiwi's picture

Submitted by Russty Kiwi (not verified) on

We are very lucky down here , as we dont have snakes. But I do beleive that 90% of people who get bitten by snakes were trying to kill the snake at the time.  BE CAREFUL

Guido's picture

Submitted by Guido (not verified) on

What about a swing weight attached to your club?  Something like a doughnut used in a baseball bat,  Any comments?  Guido

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

My guess would be that the apparent discrepancy has to do with what happens AFTER the ball is struck with the two surfaces. As the lie board provides greater resistance, the club slides through in its same orientation, whereas the divot in the grass shows that the toe may be dipping further AFTER impact when you apply the forces that take the club up to the T finish, but it can have no affect on the impact as the ball is gone by that point.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Not to me. If I stop accelerating prior to impact my max speed would be prior to impact. I want my max speed exactly at impact, not before and not after, and that means never letting off of the gas with impact as my highest velocity target.

P.S. I do plenty wrong in golf but decelerating at impact is certainly NOT one of those things. Just because I hit top speed exactly at impact doesn't mean my foot isn't still on the accelerator. It only means I am at top speed.

BTW. I totally agree with your comment about practicing with fast swings. I had gotten away from using that as a practice tool until a few weeks ago and I did it and have done so well since then that I always set aside a time in practice to swing as fast as I can.

Russ Mikes's picture

Submitted by Russ Mikes (not verified) on

 Robert I just looked at your online lesson with Dave Seeman and it look great It really breaks down the swing. The correction he suggested are minor I would  like to ask you to keep me informed on your progress
Thanks Russ Mikes

SimplyGolf's picture

Submitted by SimplyGolf (not verified) on

Nice, Smith. This is a first for me.

So, was it a straight trajectory?
Did you use a 3/4 limited turn?

This must be a new drill to help increase speed....
the "Rattlesnake Head-Removal" drill.

Bet it would be HIGHLY effective for those
who think they have trouble generating clubhead speed.

Lynn42's picture

Submitted by Lynn42 (not verified) on

Treosoft has been my ball of choice, but I'll play the remaining e6s I have to see if the results hold true.  Cost difference is a definite consideration and I can still get Treosoft.

shortgamewizard's picture

Submitted by shortgamewizard (not verified) on

 I have bought a bunch of TreoSofts at Dick's Sporting Goods. They are one of the outlets that buy out the remaining stock from the manufacturers when they discontinue the product.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

I normally leave snakes alone except when it is a poisonous snake in a place where somebody is very likely to get bitten. The rattlesnake I killed last year was near some mulberry bushes and the very next day a couple of older ladies were walking around in those weeds picking mulberries. I stopped my run and told them about the snake and when I came back by they were gone and the next day somebody had closely mowed the area around the mulberry bushes. I imagine one of them told her husband to get down there and mow it.
Pretty much running around with the outdoor crowd my whole life I have known a lot of people that were bitten by snakes, usually from stepping on one.

Quite a few women around here have been bitten by a ground rattler while working in their flower beds.

Rleaverton's picture

Submitted by Rleaverton (not verified) on

I heard you mention once that if you have a slow swing speed you need to use a soft ball ie. 70 pounder or even less.  Where can you get these balls or what name do you look for since they no longer lable the  pondage.

                                                         Bob L.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

That's the only thing I have ever been able to come up with myself. Only other possible cause is that in general I make a better swing off of a lie board of some type (certainly did today) because there is no danger of hitting it fat.

I have checked it so many times with the same result, even when I was hitting the ball very well that I don't think that's the main cause though and would lean more toward what you described.

P.S. When I do a check with a line on the ball the mark is always vertical on the club face which also points to that being the case.
Another small intervening variable in my "test" today was that I was attempting to make a small divot with each swing and that probably was the cause of the bad shot. In normal play it would take me 20 balls to make a divot line like that. (But results would be the same based on what any divot I make always look like).

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

 RE; " If you reach max speed at impact you have stopped accelerating prior to impact."

The point just prior to, the point at which deceleration occurs, is/was the max speed. You cannot have max speed after deceleration takes place.

If Steve reaches max speed at impact, then deceleration occurs at a point after that. His speed may in fact remain at top equal/point well through and after impact, before deceleration begins. There does not necessarily have to be one specific point where speed is max, it may in fact remain at that same top speed just prior to, through, and just after impact, before deceleration begins.

At least this is what seems reasonable to me.

adel's picture

Submitted by adel on

Don, Robert and Steve, thanks. You're just awesome, you helped so much, you,re my inspiration. I'm doing so much better... 

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

I don't think Surge said anything differently. He said that the swoosh should start just before the impact point, get louder through the impact point, and carry on well up toward the T finish. 

JJ's picture

Submitted by JJ on

I'm wondering if your swinging a large head driver. You know the kind that look like a bowling ball on the end of the shaft. Maybe a smaller lighter weight head may be a good start. 

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on

Surge Nation

I am hitting the rack.  But, I wanted to leave you with this before I turn in.


Billy Graham was returning to Charlotte after a speaking engagement.  When his Plane arrived there was a limousine to transport him to his home.  As he prepared to get into the limo, he stopped and spoke to the driver. 'You know' he said, “I am 87 years old and I have never driven a limousine. Would you mind if I drove it for a while?”

The driver said, “No problem, have at it.”

Billy gets into the driver's seat and they head off down the highway. A short distance away a rookie State Trooper was operating his first speed trap.

The long black limo went by him doing 70 in a 55 mph zone.

The trooper pulled out and easily caught the limo.   He got out of his patrol car to begin the procedure.  The young trooper walked up to the driver's door and when the glass was rolled down, he was surprised to see who was driving.

He immediately excused himself and went back to his car and called his supervisor.

He told the supervisor, “I know we are supposed to enforce the law.... But I also know that important people are given certain courtesies.   I need to know what I should do because I have stopped a very important person.'

The supervisor asked, “Is it the governor?”

The young trooper said, “No, he's more important than that.”

The supervisor said, “Oh, so it's the president?”

The young trooper said, “No, he's even more important than that.”

The supervisor finally asked, “Well then, who is it?”

The young trooper said, “I think it's Jesus, because he's got Billy Graham for a chauffeur!”

Nite all

SimplyGolf's picture

Submitted by SimplyGolf (not verified) on


Reminded of so many home runs that we've seen,
getting out of the yard with an unspectacular
(but somehow adequate) swing. 

" How did that ball get out ? "

Jim Wile may have point on backswing speed, 
but we have seen both golfers and batters,
(with nominal backswing speed) put a licking on it. 
Good contact, forward and "what happens."

....And sometimes it's just freakin' luck....

SODAK65's picture

Submitted by SODAK65 on

Larry is probably playing with shafts that are too stiff for him.  With a 70mph swing speed, he definitely needs senior (A) shafts.  My swing speed was about 72 mph, too, and Doc built me a 42" 14 degree driver with a senior shaft.  I'm often hitting behind my buddies, but usually straight down the middle.  I told Doc that at my age (69) I wasn't worried so much about distance, but wanted to go straighter.  It works for me.

MikefromKy Go Bama. Go Irish's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy Go B... (not verified) on

Man if I had a swing that looked like that I could play some good golf.

Went to the range last night had a really good night every time I go now I figure a little something out. This was pretty good I have been unknowingly been strangling my grips which made everything tight and tense. Last night after hitting a few bad shots I loosened up my grip as an experiment to the point that it felt to loose but was not and hit with power and straight shots without swinging out of my shoes. I don't know why I have not figured this out before people have told me that I need to bee more relaxed when swing the club.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

I would say that most run of the mill players that I see are decelerating at impact. I think it is mostly from being a little unsure of themselves about the strike. (And mistakenly hitting down on the ball). It is very hard to decelerate early when swinging up.
Those people would certainly be well served to have a point past impact as their goal for max speed.

When I start going wrong it's just the opposite and my release is more likely to be late, robbing me of a little distance.

If I pick up a SwingRite and set it on 1 or 2 the click is most likely to come after where impact would have been until I make a swing or two and get it "right" and clicking right where impact would have been.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

I certainly wouldn't agree with that.
I figure I would shoot in the 60s every day with that swing.
