Doc Griffin's Mobile Fitting

Mon, 04/02/2012 - 18:30 -- Don Trahan

Many people in the Surge Nation have asked for an alternative to driving great distances in order to be fitted by a Swing Surgeon/PPGS Certified Club Fitter. I've always stated the importance of playing clubs that were designed specifically for each individual. However, I understand that not everyone lives close to our certified fitters. Doc Griffin has come up with a solution that I think will really excite a lot of you!

PPGS Director of Club Fitting Operations, Doc Griffin, has decided to take his skills on the road. Beginning in May, Doc will launch Mobile Fitting. The concept is simple. If there is a group of individuals in a particular area that would like to utilize Doc's services, then he will make the trip as long as at least four people have committed.

Along with Doc's Long Distance Club Fitting program, Mobile Fitting will become another great way for you to tap into resources that will improve your golf game. More details can be found on Doc's website,

Keep it vertical,

The Surge!
Don Trahan
PGA Master Professional

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Bob W.'s picture

Submitted by Bob W. (not verified) on

Hi Doc,

Congrats on your new program...Hope I can take advantage of it.

I have an "Off-Topic" question for you...Have you ever been told you're a dead ringer for Tennessee Ernie Ford? I'm sure there are others on this site that remember him.

Keep up the very informative videos. They're great!

Bob Woods

Doc Griffin's picture

Submitted by Doc Griffin (not verified) on

Sorry about that.   Try Enterprise.  I wouldn't mess with the shafts at this point at all.

MikefromKy Go Bama. Go Irish's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy Go B... (not verified) on

I am not sure what to tell you at this point maybe Doc will weigh in on this.

MikefromKy Go Bama. Go Irish's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy Go B... (not verified) on

On a side note the course that we played this past weekend the majority of the greens had bunkers 2 and 3 deep on the front left and front right of most of the greens and fairway bunkers were all over never seen so many on a course. Its called Old Silo in Mt Sterling and was designed by Graham Marsh which explains all the bunkers. I may go back down and play it again this summer. The scores were up for everybody both days not surprised. I got caught with out my lob wedge and thats not going to happen again its in the bag already more than likely leavening 3w out.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Darn Phil. I feel sorry for you. If I lived closer to there I would drive you around. Public transportation isn't very good for getting around. Have you tried a different rental car company? A U-Haul truck would be better than the bus.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

It has been noted on occasion. You may see some comments to Doc addressed or referencing TEF. :)

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 Doesn't make any difference. Just a point of curiosity that doesn't make any sense.

It's not like I am likely to try to fix anything anyway unless I started hitting bad shots.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 Yeah I would guess they will have to re-load for next year.

Can't blame the players for leaving though. Might as well take a few million instead of risking blowing out an ACL or something. Having players that are one and done is the price for getting the best players in basketball.

Hurts the college game though. Probably will never see the level of play that teams used to have when there might be 4 or 5 seniors on the team that were all elite players.

Golfhouse1's picture

Submitted by Golfhouse1 (not verified) on

I drove 17 hours to get an iron fitting after I got a driver, a 5 wood and 3 hybrids made through Doc's long distance program.  What Doc says about good golf is just a fit away is true.  I hit the ball longer with a tighter ball dispursion. Worth the time and money. I wish two things - I wish I could have had lunch with Doc to tap his brain about golf for an hour and I wish I would have met him 15 years ago.  I would have save over $10,000 trying to buy a game from all the marketing efforts of the big golf vendors.  Can't wait for the unknowledgable golf buddy to ask me what an Alpha or KZG club is.  What ever it takes, have Doc fit you.  GregO, Cleveland OH.

shortgamewizard's picture

Submitted by shortgamewizard (not verified) on

 I'll take a shot at it.

Lie board testing whether done on a range or indoors has the tendency to be a swing that is more controlled in the club head speed. Out on the course where the need to get the results is a stronger motivator.

The increased speed will make the arm/club shaft angle closer to a straight line and thus will droop the toe a bit more. It will also cause the pop tart action to start a bit earlier also.

As to the misses left there are two types. The draw off the aim line caused by the fore arms rotating too quick and the pull to the left of the aim line caused by the shoulders opening too quick. The latter will "slot" the club outside of where the on-on-on slot is.

I too have this miss pattern and it is always standing up too quick and opening the shoulders too quick also. My cure is to imagine releasing the arms through the ball by controlling the back shoulder so it does not go past the toe line until the ball is compressed.

Hope this might show how the combination of a quick pop tart and shoulder rotation can cause the toe down left hits.

Doc Griffin's picture

Submitted by Doc Griffin (not verified) on

Let me take a moment to further clarify the program.  It is the responsibility of the individual golfer to establish a group of at least 4 golfers.  Unfortunately, there is no good way to have sign up sheet here and I don't have space on my web site to do it either.  I suggest to each that if you are interested in the mobile fitting to put a post here on this blog with contact info (email address) and your area or areas that you would consider traveling to.  This way you can communicate with each other and perhaps get a group together.

Azmt2028's picture

Submitted by Azmt2028 (not verified) on

 Worthyone2, I may be interested in the fitting in Arizona also as I spend winters in Tucson and have wanted to get fitted for a while now. Could you please let me know when the fitting is scheduled for and if I am here I would love to be fitted by Doc. My email address is Thanks, Steve

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 I looked at the pictures of that course. Lots of bunkers for sure. Would be a nightmare to try to maintain that many bunkers.
Looks like one of those courses that would take several times playing it to really figure out the best way to stay out of trouble.

NeilofOz's picture

Submitted by NeilofOz (not verified) on

Hey Doc, Think I can get 3 other people to do a club fit, see you down under next
summer, that should be you winter and looking for something to do, LOL.

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on


Just wondering. Are you just swinging with the lie board, or actually hitting balls off the lie board. I know that my swing differs, between  just brush the grass swings and actually hit the ball swings.

If you haven't, try hitting balls off the lie board. This will also help to know the good swings from the not so good swings, with the ball reactions.

Phil NZ's picture

Submitted by Phil NZ (not verified) on

Aghh its alright, been having a great time so far, love how friendly the folk are here,no car just limits how far I can go to play casual rounds, I dont mind paying $10 $15 for a taxi. though there are quite a few golfers staying at the hotel, will have a chat and see if I can tag along with some of them

EDIT: oh and if you or anyone is interested I'll be posting photos on my facebook page here
send a friend request if ya cant see

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


You should hear him croon.

MikefromKy Go Bama. Go Irish's picture

Submitted by MikefromKy Go B... (not verified) on

I read a article a couple of weeks ago were the NCAA approached the NBA and Players union about working out a deal to keep the BB players in college for 2 years but its up to the NBA and Players union to do something about it. 

Phil NZ's picture

Submitted by Phil NZ (not verified) on

 Hey Steve, yeah, its to do with my Visa card, seems pretty much all company's dont except visa debit cards, they want a regular visa/mastercard, weird huh? something to do with insurance, which doesn't make sense to me, Insurance is there to cover you so you don't need the full amount of money to replace a car, where as I probably have enough in the Debit card to nearly replace a car around 5-10 years old yet I'm not an acceptable customer???????? oh well.

shortgamewizard's picture

Submitted by shortgamewizard (not verified) on

 I have some success by taking the lie board out on the course and hitting shots into the green off it.

Phil NZ's picture

Submitted by Phil NZ (not verified) on

No worries, will have a look at Enterprise on Wednesday.
glad you said that about the shafts.
I've been working with the swingrite tonight, with the ball on the floor.
Question: say I want to work on the 5 iron release, should I use the five iron to get the set up with the ball position, then change to the swingrite and go from there? or just there abouts?

Doc Griffin's picture

Submitted by Doc Griffin (not verified) on

For those that want to start a list or get on a list, I would suggest going to our web site:  and go to the CONTACT US page.  On that page is a GUEST BOOK tab.  Click on that tab and make your post as to area and a contact email.  This way others can see interested parties in the locale' and groups can be formed.

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on

Surge Nation

I spent an hour with the lie angle board, marking tape, and a bucket of balls at the range today.  That is the good news. 

The bad news is I found out the arrow is fine, it is the indian who is messed up.

All my sticks from 5i to 58* wedge marked right in the middle of the tape.

Darn it, I was hoping to have that as an excuse. 

Back to the drawing board,

Rvphelpsjr's picture

Submitted by Rvphelpsjr (not verified) on


I think this is a great idea and for those who have never used your services this would be the perfect time to see what they have been missing. You are GRRREAT!

Lee Allibhai's picture

Submitted by Lee Allibhai (not verified) on

Looking to put together a group of at least 4 to get Doc up here to the Pacific Northwest for a mobile fitting. I live in Vancouver Canada but would be willing to drive down to Seattle to do it if we can get a group of 4 together. Please email me at if you are interested.

Amos 's picture

Submitted by Amos (not verified) on


   What part of AZ? If anywhere near to  Phoenix, count me in also.


Rick's picture

Submitted by Rick (not verified) on

Assuming this isn't an April Fools Joke, i'd love to do this if we had 4 people from the Carmel/Pebble Beach area to join in... holler if you are interested and we will get Doc out here for a visit. 

Heck, i'll even take Doc out for a round of golf in Carmel Valley. 

jlgjlg's picture

Submitted by jlgjlg (not verified) on

Do the divots face left as well even though they are toe deep?  Also, the lie board does not cause the head to come through flat yet the ground gives way and show toe deep divots.  If you are going toe deep, it would even show up on the tape using a lie board by a deeper or more of tear towards the toe even though the tape may be marked into the center and beyond as well.  One explanation could be a difference if force of swing when using lie board.  Also, just because your divots are toe deep does not mean the face has to open and ball goes right.  It's one of those anomalies where  you as the golfer have compensated by "muscling" the club head and not letting it open.  This would also contribute and explain what the misses are left. You are having to use more rotational force to keep the face from being open.

Worthyone2's picture

Submitted by Worthyone2 (not verified) on

Where are you now, I may be able to get there this summer.  thanks Worthy in AZ

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 I don't know what to make of it Dick but when I check my clubs on a lie board they all show up perfectly in the center.

Surprising because on the ground anytime I have a divot the toe is always deeper with the short clubs, which would suggest the lie angle is too flat.

I have checked them on a lie board way too many times for it to be a coincidence of maybe having a different swing that day.

The only possible explanation I can think of is that the club is in good position at impact and on the hard surface of the lie board it stays that way and slides across the board. On the ground the toe is free to go deeper after impact, and it does, giving the look of too flat a lie angle.

Another thing that backs up that explanation is that I hit those clubs well and any misses are almost always left (the opposite of what one would expect with a toe down divot).

If anybody else has a better explanation I'm all ears. Ha ha.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Very true that we need to always make sure we are actually hitting balls when checking on a lie board. It does make a difference.

Doc Griffin's picture

Submitted by Doc Griffin (not verified) on

It's no joke and you may want to add your email address so people can contact you.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

As to the direction of the divots: No they are at the target. They used to always be left even though the shots were straight but that hasn't been the case for a couple of years.

Secondly you are making a lot of assumptions about what can and can't happen in my golf swing and off of my lie board in my shots.

Since I hit hundreds of balls off of a lie board and hundreds of balls off of the turf, and the evidence is always the same, no offense, but I'm pretty sure I know more about what happens off of my lie board than you do and I really can put a piece of tape on a club and look at where the mark is.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

If you click on the link, you'll find information about Doc's location, services, and scheduling if you want to travel to him, as well as the information about what you'd need to get him to come to you. :)

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Thanks SGW, I appreciate your observations both concerning the lie board on the course (or at the range) and concerning the back shoulder to avoid rotating too quickly. As I continue to fine tune my lies I am going to take them to the course and check them on the board in a live situation where i wil swing more naturally. I am guilty of releasing that back shoulder too soon some times also. One of the factors Surge pointed out to me in a lesson at the Swing Surgeon tourny at Old South (two years ago) was how we can have our feet and knees parallel left and aligned well but the shoulders can be open left even before we start our swing. I also am reminded to keep that shoulder back longer as I keep my head steady and behind the ball until impact. Your words reinforce that for me.

Rick's picture

Submitted by Rick (not verified) on

Per Doc's suggestion: please contact me rick at if you are interested in getting a group together for Doc to visit us on the left coast. 

Doc Griffin's picture

Submitted by Doc Griffin (not verified) on

Well, your delivery is a bit offensive and I was not trying to assume anything rather explain the anomaly of toe deep divots and balls going left.  You certainly know what happens off the life board and I certainly understand the properties of the golf club and what happens when it's is swung.  If your divots are always toe deep in the ground and you swing with the same force when hitting off the lie board, the effect would have to be the same.  The lie board does not stop the toe down effect. The only way it show any difference would be less force and less toe down.
Also, the only way a ball can go left with straight divots, toe deep divots, is for the golfer to have a very forceful rotation of the club head to keep it from opening at impact.  This is an assumption, it's an understanding of the physical properties of the swing.

However, it's glaringly obvious that when I try to offer explanations that my input is not welcome.  Therefore, I will refrain from trying to give information in the future.

Phil NZ's picture

Submitted by Phil NZ (not verified) on

Cheers for the pointers today Doc!
I must say you're just as pleasant in person as you are in the videos, hehe,  its good to know it was the Indian not the arrow which was the major problem. jet lagged and a bit stressed out over this car rental shenanigans, thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it. cant explain the ball position part so I'll just blame that on Don hehe, (sorry Don)
One thing I forgot to ask while I was there is would it be worth having the shafts FLO'ed (I can get it done when I get back home) as the iron shafts are just stuck in any which way. and the others I'd say they would be the same, being stock shafts an all.

By the way the car rental Co. denied me, so looks like I'm Greyhounding it around. Hows the bus stop in Gervais st? I'm not gonna get stabbed or something am I? there are some pretty bad reviews of it online........Gulp!

Thanks again


Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 Even though those kinds of agreements make the college game better I am against any of that.

There is no good reason that an athlete should have to stay in school if they don't want too or don't need too. No other college student is prevented from taking a job in their chosen field any time they want too.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

 Maybe you and SGW misunderstood my comment.
I don't start missing left because I am getting toe deep. The toe is deep whether I hit the ball perfectly straight or miss left.

I miss left because I pull my shoulder out too early. Most of the time I can walk the fine line between pulling out early but still hitting good shots and pulling out TOO early and hitting bad shots.

I don't have the option of keeping my shoulders square at impact. Would love to be able to do that again but it's out of the question with my right shoulder injured like it is.

My question was why the lie board would show one thing and a divot show another. The ideas from T and SGW that I may be taking different swings is a good idea but not accurate. I always hit a bunch of balls at a target off of the ground and then rotate between hitting off of a lie board and off of the ground just to make sure it's the same swing with the same results, and it is.

The swing is the same. The results of the swing are the same. The target is the same. Everything is the same except what the lie board shows and what the divot shows.
